Wonder how long they'll stay alive? As long as Fortnite is doing well, so should they. But..
Remember what happened to another digital store: Stardock's Impulse. It was like Steam and worked relatively well until Stardock sold it to GameStop. GameStop kept it running for 2 or 3 years, then they shut it down. I got to keep a few games I bought there, but support, patching, and everything else was dead. It also means I have no way to re-download those games.
Whatever. They haven't released a proper RPG since Dragon Age 1. Every game since then has been a dumbed-down controller-friendly action game with light RPG elements and bad writing. They know Anthem is going to underperform, so they of course they say they want to go back to Mass Effect universe -- which is what they should stuck to from the beginning.
Steam has a stranglehold on PC market because they've been the first and the best. Competition has been popping up, but, so far, it can't measure up to Steam. Remember Stardock's Impulse? Eventually sold to GameStop... and then completely out of business. Origin has been selling their own stuff for the past 7 or 8 years... and it still blows. GOG went from a website to a client, but it still lacks a lot of features Steam has. And, then you've got all those different website stores.
It's great that Epic is making waves. But, at this time, there's nothing there that would make me want to use them. Maybe, in a few years... Or, maybe in a few years, once Fortnite revenues start drying up and once their parent company gets tired of pumping money into them, Epic will follow Impulse's footsteps.
Or, how about you not answer EVERY CALL you get, unless it's from someone you know. Unless you're in my address book, don't bother calling or face timing me.
I wish they'd break it down further by platform. Nintendo always plays it safe and everything is for their systems. Paradox does mostly, if not all, PC releases. Ubisoft's game are normally on all 3 major platforms. EA sells a ton of sports titles that aren't on PC.
Deckard2323's comments