@Iamkalell: I wasn't happy about it either, but it doesn't take long to get new upgrades, since nanites are easy to gain. That said, I don't know why they had to flip everything on its head... new resources, new upgrades, new this, new that.
@Cikatriz_ESP: To correct Johnson's mistakes, they would have to re-write and re-shoot all of episode VIII.
I was honestly excited by plot lines JJ has set up in Force Awakens. Johnson completely ignored most of them, so I hope JJ will find a way to explain at least some in episode IX.
You do realize everything is procedurally generated, correct? Game uses world generation formula. Every planet, every plant, every rock, every creature are all generated through that formula. So, yes, it's all random.
Obsidian are great at telling stories, but they sure can't code. Virtually all of their games from years past were a buggy mess at release time.
KOTOR2 - 1/4 of the game missing... fantastic story
Neverwinter Nights 2 - how many patches did they release for that game? .... one of the best D&D adaptations
Alpha Protocol - brutal controls... amazing story
F:NV - so broken after release
At least with Pillars1&2 and Tyranny (my personal favorite), they've managed to produce relatively clean games. Maybe they should stick to isometric view RPGs.
My expectations for NMS were low. I never cared about multiplayer and I knew what "procedurally generated" means. I found the game relaxing and each successive update gave me more to do. Maybe that's why I've really enjoyed it and logged over 200 hours flying from planet to planet.
Two years and they still continue to perfect this game and release all updates for free. That's amazing.
Deckard2323's comments