So I'm not sure what to think today. Honestly, this could be my last blog for a while. A lot happened in this little day..
Let me start off with the good stuff. For those of you who read my previous blog, you know that I was modded for spamming.. Well you also know I was none-too-happy about it and I had many arguments to follow up.
Well, I decided to do something about it!! Instead of sitting around doing nothing, I went to the Ask the Mods forum, made a big thing stating why I think I was wrongfully modded, and.. Well, it worked! The modding was reversed, my thread re-opened!
If you wanna see exactly how I did it, along with my huge argument about why I thought it was wrong to mod me, you can go here.
Now... For the bad news.. The very bad news.
Well, after school today, I decided to get on my Yahoo, to see if Luke and/or Micah (people from staff) had sent me anything regarding The Big Story (that I submitted over the weekend).
Well, I opened an e-mail from Luke titled "Machinima Consultant". The opening statement was Luke telling me that he was in the process of terminating my Contract..
I would type my large response, but I'm tired, and it's late.. To see it all, go to Page 8 of this thread. In gist, I was terminated because Luke didn't follow protocol when signing me up. He never reviewed my content with the manager, and apparently, the manager didn't like the work I made enough, and told Luke to terminate me. So, Luke liked my work; not the manager. Honesty, I didn't think I deserved a contract, since I barely made any videos, none of which were outstanding. But, it was what happened, and I wasn't going to argue.
The link should automatically take you there, but if not, that's where you should go.
Essentially, that whole thread was CK from Euphorian Filmers (another Partnered group) addressing Mr. Debavoise, CEO of He, and all the directors were outraged and fed up with the amount of excessive movie trailers, Inside Gaming Episodes, and Machinima Respawn videos going on the Machinima Youtube Channel (Machinima Respawn is another of their Channels devoted to gameplay videos). Well, a rule of thumbs for Machinimators is that we hate gameplay commentators.
No offense if any of you do them. We just don't like it when they get payed to make them.
They work for an hour at tops on their videos, and their videos get put on Machinima Respawn. There on the Respawn Channel, there are no movie trailers, and no Machinima videos put on there. Plus, they get payed as much, sometimes more than we do. And we work for, at times, months on our videos, which take time to make, while our work is unappreciated by the company, usually only reaching around 10k views ever, whereas Respawn videos usually get around 30k a day, due to know spam on their Channel.
CK finally decided to do something about it. It was actually a bit of an eye-opener for me, which made my termination easier. I think it was a sign.
Now that I'm out, my videos will get no spam, all the rights go directly to me, bringing more views to my Channel, and also I have more freedom in my videos. I think it was a blessing in disguise. Very well disguised, but I think it's for the best.
The other day, I was considering dropping out anyway, honestly. Since that thread was such an eye-opener and got me thinking so much, I thought of all the benefits I'd get in my own Channel. Really, the only upside to contracting with them is the money, which wasn't much to begin with, then saying how they never get many views due to spam, I'd be lucky to make a dime. Of course, now, I'm not making any money, but I really wouldn't have bee now. Overall, the downsided outweighed the upsides.
And another thing that wasn't mentioned a great deal in the thread, but also was convincing me..
They NEVER respond to e-mails. NEVER. You're lucky to get a reply from them within three months, even if you're asking a question protaining to one of your videos.
Also, they have so many restrictions on your videos. One, in paticular that makes me mad is the fact that we cannot display our URLs to our site, Youtube Channel, etc. for longer than three seconds.
We work for MONTHS on the video! We work 100% of it on it! We send it to them! We wait three months to hear from them! We spend five hours on their crappy uploader on the site! We make the video fit all of the specs they want it to! We accept the fact that it probably won't pass 10k views..
And we can't display a little URL for more than three seconds?
We should be able to put a whole dang watermark on our video if we please! We make the video! They pay us chump change while they're profiting much off of our work!
So, in gist, I got out of this whole thing.
The system turned corrupt, some people got money-hungry, and well.. The whole company is going down the tube!
If I ever get offered my job back, I'm doubting I'll accept.. At least if the system is still in the same state it is now.
But, thank you for listening to my rage rant.
Also, for anyone wondering, here is a link to watch The Big Story Part One.
I know it's not perfect, but.... Well, I'm not going to say. I'm glad it's not going on the Machinima Youtube.. I think it'd get torn apart on there. Well, here it is.
As I said at the beginning, this may be my last blog here for a while.
It really has nothing to do with me getting terminated, I just have a lot to do right now.
And for anyone wondering, I'm going to probably be slower on my Machinimating. I'm not quitting, but I'm taking a slight slow down break. I'm just not very enthused or inspired right now... Any of you other film makers out there should understand that when you're in a certain mood you just can't do anything film-wise.
I'm not really upset about this. I got over it pretty quickly and immediately spotted the upsides.
It's just a bit to absorb in an afternoon after school.
Well, thanks for reading.
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