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Dekonizer Blog

Gingers DO Have Souls!!!

Lol I just found this video on Youtube. Mainly, fans of South Park will appreciate this. If you've never seen the ginger episode, you might not get this as well.

In gist, South Park made an episode about people with red hair and freckles (AKA "Gingers") not having souls and being night-crawling monsters.

Well this kid is a ginger and is getting picked on a lot at school for being ginger. He makes a huge rant about how gingers have souls and all.

I'm not trying to offend anyone at all. I don't have a problem with gingers. I just think it's weird how this kid freaks out.

Honestly, I don't think this kid gets picked on for being ginger. He's a bit of a psycho. Just watch how he goes from normal talking to screaming in an instant.

So, have some lulz.

Also, this is my 99th blog. Hopefully, the 100th will be something freaking epic!

Thanks for reading.


GW & N.O.V.A. Reviews

So I've written two reviews in the past two days. One review being Guild Wars. I feel like the game had a lot to experience, which is what made me wait this long to write a review for it. I wanted to write informed facts instead of just random statements. Like most of my reviews, it's a nice lengthy review with a lot of info about the game.

I also wrote a review for an iPhone FPS called N.O.V.A. (stands for Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance). Yup. You heard me! An FPS on the iPhone!!! And guess what? It's actually good!! H0LY $H!+

I'd appreciate it if you all up-rated them. I think they're good anyway. :P

Thanks for reading/up-rating. The links should open in a new tab.

Guild Wars Review

N.O.V.A. Review

Weird GS Glitch

So I was going to go and read a few of your guys' blogs, and something weird happened...

The background turned white, and I clicked it to turn black, and nothing happened... I noticed that it said I was logged out. I tried to log back in and nothing happened. I could still read your guys' blogs, but I couldn't comment or anything... I also noticed that the URL was a CNet URL, which was extremely odd. I came right back to my profile and it shows me logged in and everything....

I dunno. Just a heads up, so you know if I can't comment on your guys' blogs for a bit.


The thing is fixed. I dunno what exactly happened. Everything's normal. :P

Rented Borderlands

I just rented Borderlands for my Xbox today. I haven't gotten far at all, but I gotta say that it's seeming better than I figured. It feels like if CoD met Fallout. :P

Once I get to play it some more, I'll probably right a review for it and such.

Also, I'm trying to get ideas straight for a Halo 3 Machinima. I have a few ideas rolling, and I might be getting somewhere!

As I say a lot, I'll keep you guys posted!

Most Awaited of 2010

Looks like 2010 is going to be a nice year in gaming for me, particularly for sequels.

Let's take a look, shall we?

Halo: Reach - My most loved game universe- Halo is getting a prequel to its first game.... How could I not want this!!?? Also, I haven't gotten much time at all to read anymore of tFoR. I'm only around page 130. I'm hoping to catch up a bit this weekend.

Fable III - Fable II had its flaws, but was just fun. I'm hoping Fable III builds upon it and makes it even better.

Crackdown 2 - Crackdown 1 was underrated, IMO. I can't wait to see the second, especially since they're changing it around and making you fight mutants instead... Wanna see how that goes over.

Call of Duty 7 (Working Title) - Haven't heard of this one? It's for reals. Search it on Gamespot. It's supposed to be out sometime this year, and is rumored to be in the Cold War.

No More Heroes 2 - The original NMH proved that the Wii isn't for kiddies. Travis Touchdown is a great main character. I can't wait to see what happens in the sequel.

Saints Row 3 - You also might not have heard of this one, either. It's not even guaranteed to be out in 2010, though I'm hoping it will be. It was announced sometime near August or so in 2009. All we're hearing is the franchise will be taken in "a new direction". WHAT COULD IT BE???

Last, but definitely not least, Fallout: New Vegas. Wow. My favorite game of all time is going to Vegas?? Sweeeet!

What are your guys' most anticipated of 2010

Let's Get Started!

Well, I've been talking to the Partnership Recruiter for a while, and now my contract is all official. I've signed the paperwork and gotten a confirmation e-mail! I can't wait to submit my first video! Machinima has nearly 1,000,000 subscribers, so I want to make a good first impression.

A good friend of mine is the head of a music group called Loatel Studios. They use FL Studios to make music. They've got a huge website and some great music. He's offered to make me a track for a Machinima for free. All I'd have to do is play his (like ten second long) intro at the beginning of my video, since he's looking for some publicity. I'm hoping to get a hold of him soon on something.

I'm thinking of making a music video Machinima again. I seem to be better at that than normal Machinima... Plus, I'm in a rush! I want to be able to make this by myself and not have to wait for voice actors to send their lines!

Music videos are usually made solo, which would be how I would make most of this one.

I'll probably make a Guild Wars Machinima one again, just because it's different. I'm familiar with the interface and everything. I don't know exactly what it will be.

I'll keep you all posted!

My Top Ten Games #1

Well after all this unexpected stuff and delays, I can now conclude my blog thingy series thing about my top ten favorite games of ALL TIME.

This game and I have a bit of history. One of my friends had just told me that this game was fun. I'd heard a bit of hype for it. I had some spare cash I wasn't using on anything, so I decided to buy it. This was about a year ago, by the way. So I go home and play it... My first thought was This game is unique, I have to at least give it that. Different from most other games I've played. Though I'm not sure if I like it or not...I honestly wasn't completely satisfied with spending $60 on it... I didn't think it was terrible, but I had definitely played better games before. I think that the reason I didn't really like it was because it was so different. It took a little bit to adjust to. So I basically stopped playing it for about a week, dissatisfied. About a week later, I thought Y'know what? I'm not going to let my $60 go to waste! This game must have some good in it, I'm just not finding it!So I sat down and put in the game again. I got a little deeper into it and finally adjusted. Now I couldn't get off of it. I was all over the game. It lasted so long. Right about at the time that I had beaten the main storyline and most of the other things in the game, I had just gotten Xbox LIVE. So I decided to download some DLC for it. That was worth it as well. Loved the DLC. It had then been about a year that the game had been out (and also a year that I'd had it) and I thought to myself Wasn't I playing this game last year? This game is still fun too! I haven't even beaten all the side quests! And there's another DLC to come (that was back about that time)!That's when I had decided it was my favorite game of all time. It was amazing fun that never ended. I still play it today.

And this game is Fallout 3.

It is my favorite game of all time. Amazing fun. Lasts longer than any other game I've ever played. Very unique and unlike most games I've ever played. The Fallout franchise from the 90's had changed so much. Yes, the original Fallout 1 was great, in fact it made it into my top ten countdown as well. But so far, no other Fallout game compares to Fallout 2. IMO, Fallout 3 was just a rise up from the other Fallout games. What I mean is that Fallout 1 was great. Fallout 2 wasn't as good as Fallout 1. And Fallout Tactics was the worst of the three. I bet most people were done with Fallout, saying that Interplay was like a one-hit-wonder of video games. So Fallout 3 comes and shows them that the franchise isn't dead. Interplay was good, but Fallout needed the Bethesda twist to be the game it is.

So yes! I am one person on the planet who doesn't say MWII is teh besztz gaem evar!!!11And such. Seems like that's all I'm hearing lately. No offense if it is your favorite game, I'm just saying that it's very common right now.

Well, this concludes my little "blog series".

Thank you all for reading.


Unexpected MUST READ Blog!

Wow... Something amazing happened last night... I mean absolutely life-changing amazing...

This was a really unexpected blog, since I was planning to wrap up my Top Ten Games thing today... But I can't right now! I've got so much (no offense) more important things!!!

I'm so freaking excited right now! I'm nearly speechless!

Well, now you're probably wondering what exactly happened..... Well...

I was offered a Partnership with


For those of you who don't know what that means, that means I will get PAYED to have my Machinima put on their Youtube Channel!! And their Youtube Channel has a HUGE audience! And I mean HUGE! Nearly 100,000 subscribers, and most people watch their videos that aren't subscribed.

This will expand my audience greatly, and get my work out there. Plus, I will be earning money to do what I love!

I'm not sure exactly how they found me, but last night, I got on my Youtube account and saw that I had a PM... So, of course I read it.

And, also, for those of you who know, the Machinima Youtube Channel is run by many people. Not just one person.

So I open up my inbox and see the username it's from....


I had nearly crapped myself... I didn't know what to think since it's not just one person. Turns out that it was from Luke Stepleton, a very trusted and well-known (I've heard his name many times) recruiter for, who comes and finds new people to sign up for the Directors Program. He had said that they were willing to offer me a Partnership! Of course, I'm really excited!

I go down and tell my parents, and they were happy for me! I e-mailed Luke back (he gave me his private e-mail) and we're working on getting it official! I know it's not a scammer. I PMed the Site Admin and asked if that's the real e-mail. He confirmed it.

Also, don't ask how much I'll be getting payed. Sorry, but the compensation is confidential.

Though I can put it this way... It's nice money for a teenager, but not enough for me to live luxurious or anything...

But I get more money for the more views I get. So, the more popular my videos come, the more money I get, which could be used to get better software and make my videos even better!

I've heard it will take a week or two or maybe a lot of weeks to get everything all official, but I can't wait!!!

Well... Now that that's out of the way, I want to thank any of you who subscribed to my Channel, and all of you who watched my video. It means a lot.

And I have finished my Guild Wars Music video yesterday. I think it turned out pretty good for a first try at Guild Wars Machinima, and also a first try at a Music Video Machinima.

For those of you interested, here's a link.

Thank you all!

Thanks for reading!

Stan and Dan (Short Halo 3 Machinima)

So I made a very short Machinima recently... I didn't figure anyone would really like it. I made it in about an hour. I had to do all of the voices by myself, since it's actually an excerpt from a school project I'm making. I used a computer program to change my voices to make the characters sound differently. Honestly, I was just testing a few effects in Sony Vegas and I just threw it on Youtube. A few people seem to have liked it, and I know a few of you said you'd like to see a Machinima I make, soooo.... Here it is.

It's really short. Like I said, I considered it as a test, but some people like it.

I'd really appreciate it if any of you that have Youtube accounts subscribe. That'd be awesome. :D


And by the way, I'm working on a Music Video in Guild Wars. I'm off of school AGAIN today for snow, so I've got the whole day to work on it. It's too darn cold outside to do anything else... Plus I worked on it through the weekend. I'm hoping to get it uploaded in a day or two, and I'm sure I'll put it in my blog.

Also, I watched the big Simpsons 20th Anniversary Special last night. It was epic win. Really great, for a Simpsons fan like myself.

Well thanks for reading. See ya'all later.

My Top Ten Games #2

This game has been, considered by many, as the best game of 2009. After I played it, I decided it was my 2009 GoTY. I think it deserves it well. The game's multiplayer isn't the greatest, but guess what? The Campaign is so amazing that it doesn't even matter! I have spent about thirty minutes on the multiplayer, versus countless hours in the Campaign. The gripping story is full of plot twists and it leaves it open for a sequel.

This game is Uncharted 2.

I absolutely love this game.

Oh and while I'm talking about Uncharted 2 (spoilers), one thing I noticed at the end is that Lazarovitch might not have died. I know it's very very unlikely he survived, but they didn't flat-out say "HE GOT PWNZ0RZD" or anything like that... Meh. Just my thought. Same with Flynn. Although I doubt even more he survived, since he was near death and dropped a grenade on himself... Again. Just something I thought about. Guess I'll see when (hopefully) Uncharted 3 comes out.

(Spoilers over)

My next entry (unless I decide to blog something else) will be, of course my favorite game of all time... I was really torn between Uncharted 2 and my #1, trying to decide which was my favorite, but Uncharted got beat by the best.

So be sure to check out my entry for #1!