I'll never knowingly own a device that has to always be connected to the internet that also has a HD camera/microphone that is also always required... No Thanks. I'm paranoid enough about Web Cams.
Desktop Touch Screens are really overpriced and the picture quality isn't on par with non touch screens that are 60% cheaper.
Microsoft screwed up with windows 8... they usually screw up every other OS... so it's not a surprise. And I understand that they wanted a portable OS that could compete with other portable OS's, Maybe they should have developed a portable OS for Portable devices... Not a Portable OS for Desktops...
@SavoyPrime Garbage is a compliment, by the time it was done in was toxic sludge, The moment they took away peter patrelli's powers and thus destroyed the inevitable Super Human/Dragon Ball Z like epic fight that Sylar and he were surely going to build up to, ruined everything that I had invested into enjoying that series... It is where it is for a reason... And just for nails in the coffin... they took Hiro and made him awesome and then gave him a "brain tumor", I rather see them bring cheers or night court back!
DemannameD's comments