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DethSkematik Blog

Dead Rising 2 Finally Becomes Fun...

Now, don't get me wrong, because it was already a fun game :D. BUT, I really got frustrated at how suprisingly feeble I am during my first round, especially against bosses (I like a challenge and all, but they're just cheap :|. There's only about two that I can think of that were actually possible on my first playthrough). I really didn't start having a blast until I got at least 10 bars of health, and my attack up by three (you know, because it's completely pathetic how my attacks barely dent anyone's health bar...and when I get hit, I lose like two...and all I have is like five :x). Anyway, I restarted the story, and I'm pretty suprised that I've accomplished everything that's been thrown my way. I mean, any message about surivors, and they're safe :D (I'm on day 2, and haven't failed anything yet 8)). Well, at least I can take risks now without feeling so hopeless (I can carry a ton of OJ and wine, and stock up on a surplus of weapons). Which begs the question...are Capcom wrestling fans or something? I mean, every move I unlocked so far is a wresting move: the DDT, elbow drop, the dropkick (which is my favorite move so far...I can't count how many times I've jumped off something and pulled the move off :lol: ) aside from the useful dodge and jump kick...and looking foward to more to unlock! Still, I'm a little peeved, considering I made it to the third day, and it started getting ridiculous. Either way, I was forced to restart because the game wasn't getting any easier. I'm almost to the point where I originally left off though, so it's not too bad. Right now, I'm about level 28...and while I can sort of tank most boss battles, there's still times I need to be careful, but at least it feels like it's actually possible now :|. Anyway, how's everyone else digging the game?

Never Thought I'd Give A Halo Game A 10

Halo's been an awesome game for years, but not quite "holy crap, AWESOME!" material in my eyes...but it's a well-deserved score, at least to me. What can I say, Reach has to be one of the most emotionally involved Halo game ever...every Spartan in Noble team has their own personality, and the story does an excellent job in making you feel the planet's desperation. Without spoiling anything, the best I can describe the game is like watching the ending of Saving Private Ryan by the time you finish the campaign. Long, exhausting firefights against challenging enemies (especially on Heroic...I can't count how many times I've spent hours on the same checkpoint! :o). The worst thing I can say about Reach is that it's the same gameplay as Halo on the Xbox, with a few upgrades (you know, like instead of tweaking the core gameplay, they add on more features) like the long waited sprint button (which I really hate to pass up in favor of the armor abilities or playstyle never really strayed too far from using sprint the most). But I figured that if you're going to pick up Reach, you're already a Halo fan as it is, so having more of the same shouldn't be held against it, especially when everything else is done perfectly.

Anyway, since I'm not a Gold subscriber for Live, I'm relying only on the campaign to give me hours of entertainment...and I must say, even if you're not the MP type, Reach still has plenty to offer for the antisocial gamer. At times, it doesn't feel like a Halo game...with such massive battles and gut-wrenching moments, it's suprising to see how well Bungie does something different with an old franchise. I mean, the ending just screamed heroic, and like every movie and game nowdays, give you a reason to stick around after the credits...just to show you an ending that's even more epic! :shock: Well, if this really is Bungie's last Halo game, it's both depressing to hear, as well as mindblowing that they end the franchise off with such a massive bang.

Anyway, just picked up Dead Rising 2 (or whatever you'd call downloading a game off Steam :P) and I'm pretty suprised that this game runs perfectly on my computer, and not some half-assed port. Given the amount of things going onscreen at once, it's impressive that there's no slowdown with everything cranked to Max :o. Not to mention the keyboard setup is as smooth as holding a controller (except for the usual PC things, like driving with a keyboard still sucks :P). Anyway, I feel that this is another game "for fans only" because if you never grew too fond of the first one, there's little to draw you in this one. But as far as zombie holocaust simulators go, Capcom does what they do well: take a game that was already awesome years ago, and still manage to find a way to make it even better! I really have to commend Steam for allowing the pre-load, so I could just hop into the game the moment I woke up this morning :D.

CR0WN 0F TH0RNS Is Officially Back!

Finally caved in and got a 360 Slim along with Halo Reach and Alan Wake (any other Xbox exclusives I'm missing out on?). Funny story though, after I opened the box, I realized I forgot to get the wireless adapter...until I realized it was built in :lol:. Sorry, but I'm used to the older models that hardly came with anything :P. Anyway, a measly 4 gig harddrive and the infamous story about Reach's coop being unplayable is a bummer, but I've been without a 360 so long, I doubt anyone on my old friends list recognizes me anymore :lol:. Also, I'm keeping in mind that I most likely won't be a Gold subscriber and won't be loading games onto this thing, so I could survive off this much space (although I may be downloading the Dead Rising XBLA game). Still, I'm pretty stoked to see what I've been missing out the past couple of years. Right now I'm waiting for my gamertag to download onto the thing (which I already got the warning that my offline achievements will be long, my hard-earned Gears of War 2 points :|) and kind of baffled why it's taking so long :x. Still, when I'm done setting up, first thing I'm doing is firing up Reach! :D Any of you would like to add me, it's in the blog title (with "zeros" replacing the "O"'s). Although like I've said before, most likely won't be getting a Gold subscription (maybe every now and then to play online, but it will be brief..still debating if I should just get a subscription card for a year...really don't like leaving my credit card number on it). This is probably one of the few times that I'm actually pretty happy I've blown $300 in the span of ten minutes :P.

RE: Afterlife...In 3-D! :O

Just saw the movie, and...well, it's a lot better than Extinction, I'll give it that. You could say that I've been a fan of the videogame since '96 and have nothing short of high expectations, so forgive me if I don't fully appreciate the "directions" Hollywood seems to make in my sacred cow franchise :P. Anyway, like the blog title states, it's in 3D, and no way around it. I'll admit commercials are way more immersive now (probably the first time I was ever actually impressed by a car commercial). The movie itself, however...depends on how much you've enjoyed the previous RE movies. I guess as a fan I should say I appreciate a few nods to RE5, but in the directions the movie has gone, it feels way out of place. Some iconic characters make an appearance, some duels are very reminiscent of playing it in the videogame. As far as the storyline relating from the videogame to the movie, it's all over the place. I'm not talking about Alice either (which I also have to admit, I wouldn't mind having a character based on her in the videogame side of things) but just like in Afterlife when you see someone actually related to the universe, I never really jumped for joy, rather "oh, cool...they've finally decided to pay attention to the videogame for once...let's see how they butcher my respect for this character :|."

All in all, I'd say the movie was at least entertaining. I can't fault the producer for at least *trying* to convince us that he's played the games (or perhaps watched his son play the games...this would actually make more sense :P) but randomly adding total strangers that only resemble the legendary characters by name only, it's like said icons are reduced to sidekicks instead of actual heroes :?. But like I said, the storyline is hard to follow...the movie is still sitting on the T-Virus concept, and when you have moments pulled from the latest RE game (that used the upgraded Progenitor virus) I've got no choice but to simply have that "just a mindless popcorn flick that I really should throw all fandom logic away" attitude. Still a great action flick with zombies...if it weren't called Resident Evil ;).

Which comes to the 3D part: this would be the first time I'd watch a movie wearing the glasses, and to put it bluntly, it's not for me. By the time I got out of the theatre, I had a splitting headache. For me, the movie was really hard to focus on because in daylight areas I actually had to squint my eyes :?. And there's a scene where they're using flashlights, and that just ended up pissing me off. I mean, it felt like I was actually staring into a real flashlight :|. I guess I'm one of those few people who can't handle 3D movies. Anyway, I give this movie a 7/10 considering it didn't completely suck like I thought it would, and I have to give props for the movie doing a decent job on making Wesker on-par with his gaming alter ego. Oh, and if you do decide to watch the movie...stay a while after the credits for a special "nod" for longtime fans keeping up with the series ;). Nothing utterly special, but solves that burning question on "what the hell happened to that other awesome character that just...vanished after the second movie?" ;).

Top 10 Epic First Impressions

There are some games that make you sit through the build-up before finally getting to the good stuff...and some games just blow you away the second you press Start...and you can't help but keep playing for as long as you can, just to see what else is in store. Anyway, here's some personal experiences I've played recently that nearly caused my speakers to shatter my windows:

1. Star Wars the Force Unleashed: it starts off with the famous Star Wars title with a brief summary of the plot that slowly ascends (and may I add...all these years and sequels, and that opening act never gets old!). After that, you're in control of...none other than Darth Vader! As far as prologues go, in the first five minutes I was shattering trees, cartwheeling Wookies miles over my head using nothing but my mind...not to mention a fully charged Force push that sent entire armies flying back in such exhilarating force while taking out chunks of rubble out of buildings. This was not Darth Vader...more like a nuclear bomb with unlimited ammo :o.

2. Mass Effect 2: As if playing as the heroic Shepherd wasn't enough bad-assery, the first cutscene introduces you your main enemy in the first ten seconds. And like the hero you play as, you brush off a total crisis like it's nothing but a leaking faucet and go save the's when you open the door and see the universe from your ship that's turned into a convertible that really gives that awe inspiring feeling. And if that weren't enough...even Shepard's death was bad-ass :o. Kind of hard to pull off a feat like that, in my eyes.

3.God of War 3: After the second game ended, we've waited YEARS to finally see Kratos get on top of that damn mountain! :x Hell, the moment you start the game and take control, it's a boss battle :o. I mean, the entire chapter was essentially a gauntlet of kicking a god's ass over and over again! And the final confrontation was just too epic and brutal to describe in words...and just think...the first boss battle is always the lesser, insignificant guy. After a moment like that, you simply cannot wait to pick a fight with someone else...I mean, with such a great introduction, you'll be smacking everything in sight until you see the big circle appear over their heads as you stare in disbelief at how brutally awesome it is to kill something. With the thought that you've just killed a god in the first ten minutes of the game, you can't help but want to get as far into the game as you can in one sitting just to hand ass over ass in such legendary fashion!

4.Darksiders: If the apocalypse isn't one hell of an opening scene, I don't know what is :|. Not to mention you play as one of the Four Horsemen who has the COOLEST name with a ridiculously huge sword cutting everything to shreds. Not only that, but you're also effortlessly tossing cars at monsters, giving smart-ass remarks to high ranking demons, and about to put heaven and hell's most feared masters on a blacklist like a calm hitman. This game nails a perfect blend of being a superhero as well as an intimidating force known as the Horsemen.

5.Dead Rising: So, you're on a helicopter going to the mall (you know, like you're the president or something) snapping pictures of chaos on the brief trip ahead. You know, the thing about zombie see a zombie tearing some poor dude to shreds, and no videogames or movies, wants to admit it's a zombie until they kill one themselves :?. I mean, it's like they're in complete denial until they finally get a chance to shoot one in the head, and they finally realize the horrible truth. Anyway, you enter the mall, watch a bunch of intense happenings on the CCTV, and run into a handful of survivors barricading themselves at the entrance...a couple cutscenes later, you're surrounded in a mosh pit of the undead! :o And the worse part is...even though you're in one hell of a predicament here and really should get your ass to just can't help but taunt Death and snap a few pictures :lol:.

6.Bioshock: C'mon, admit it...after you crashed and stumbled on Rapture for the very first time...the long ride to the entrance was breathtaking! I mean, this was the only time I was blown away by seeing a whale in a videogame than seeing one in real life :o. The whole ride just has this peaceful, awe inspiring moment with a few intimidating sights of watching a Big Daddy fix something...and when the ride stops, the first thing you see is some dude get offed by something hiding in the dark. And that peaceful ride just turns into an "aw, %$#@!" feeling when the door opens.

7.Dead Space: you already know this game has a dreadful vibe the moment the EA logo gives off that uneasy feeling. Even more so when the game stops showing you the tutorial on how to open a door, it holds nothing back. You watch two of your buddies get slaughtered, and you're running through a hallway with something chasing make it to the elevator and can't help but exhale a breath of relief until that thing pries the elevator wide open, even if to have the doors shut before it says hello. A little cliche', but scared the living hell out of me for the first time. Not to mention, you're "split up," and "must regroup," and of course, the keyword, "you're alone." I mean, even when I found my first gun, I wasn't sure if I was relieved that I've got some kind of defense, or that it was my only source of light!

8.Red Faction Guerilla: you already know your game rocks when your very first objective is to break something. I mean, with a tool that I can only describe as Thor's Hammer, this seemingly menial weapon tears through walls like the Hulk's fist! :o only gets better. You're given a few charges and ordered to level a building! I mean, I honestly don't know what was more exciting...the fact that I ditched the charges and ran headfirst swinging the sledge hammer, or watching the thing crumble before my eyes using the greatest physics engine in a videogame. Not too many games give you the power of choice that is neglecting firearms and smacking enemies with nothing but a freaking hammer...I mean, someone shoots at me, then cowers in a building...well, I've had many flashbacks of the Shining as I tore the damn wall down and gave some measly soldier the ass kicking of a lifetime :D.

9.X-Men Origins: Wolverine: Believe it or not, I absolutely loved this game! In the very first mission, it's a flashback where you're Logan on a helicopter. Normally, you'd rappel down a line in slow-motion, dodge a few bullets and katate kick your enemies in the face. Nope, not Logan...this guy casually hops off the helicopter soaring a few miles in the air, claws extended, and descends like a meteor right on some poor guy staring at you in disbelief screaming in his head, "Why!?" After crawling out of the crater (or open grave...your pick) a bunch of other dudes are shooting at him. Well, this is Wolverine, fellas. He doesn't dodge bullets, he eats them :|. I mean, I'm watching chunks of flesh fall off the guy, and I'm casually walking to each and every one of them and giving a beating in alphabetical order :shock:. This is one of those games that I punch explosive barrels on purpose just to kill someone standing next to me! Hell, I impale myself on sharp objects just to watch how bad ass the animation is of Wolverine pulling himself off and shrugging his shoulders like it was a paper cut. Needless to know the game is pure manly when you do find a way to get yourself killed...and the screen doesn't say "you died." Oh, no...simply, "you've been captured." Because we all know the Grim Reaper himself is too afraid to accept this guy...he just sends the guy back on earth and goes back to his fetal position in the corner.

10.Just Cause 2: The first thing you'll notice when you boot up the game is that it doesn't completely suck. Rico actually looks like a man, sounds vaguely similar to Tony Montana, blow a lot of stuff up. Now, it's not simply because of that, but the way you do it: you've got the grappling hook, which is the most awesome tool in any videogame to have sadistic fun with, as well as the crazy stunts you pull off like hanging by one arm underneath a helicopter and going trigger happy (and the only thing that would've set the mood right would be Rico having a cigar in his mouth), not to mention with the simple arsenal you hold, it's too tempting to run out and start trouble. I mean, I must've spent more time clotheslining cars chasing me than I did playing the misions :lol:. Much like how Mercenaries gave you no limits on how to terrorize a country, I was pissing off fictional people by pinning them to trees or guiding their cars into a lake. And, if I ever do get bored...I'm playing hopscotch on passing cars on the freeway.

Anyway, these are my treasured moments so far this gen :D. If you'd like, feel free to share any unforgettable moments you've had with your favorite games ;).

So, I've Answered The Call Of Cthulhu.

I guess I owe minmme a thanks...I actually got up and popped in the game :D. Just as great as it was when I played it on the Xbox, although it's got its share of annoyances to make you feel artificially feeble (see that shotgun next to the dead body? Too bad! Or better yet, no sprint button...and worse, when you get hit by someone, you have a set amount of time to heal yourself before you die...yeah, a scratch on the arm is so critical that I'm forced to heal myself or I start to slow down, lose my vision, and eventually have to start over...even if I'm being chased by something :|). Other than that, great lore to the Cthulhu storyline. Oh, and I must confess, this will take me some time to no means am I dragging my feet, because I forgot a good chunk of the game and I'm more than happy to experience it, I just said "hello" to one of the game's infamous game-breaking glitches :|. I'm on chapter 2, about to near the end of the level...turns out, everytime I so much as touch the door I need to open to crashes to desktop :x. And of course, I'm relying on a single I'll have to start over from the beginning, and hope the bug isn't there this time :|. I'd hate to say, but if you want to experience this game yourself, get the Xbox version. I seriously don't remember any of this happening when I played it all those years back...or if you want to tough it out on PC, make sure you've got a couple other saves to fall back on (or you could use the un-official patch, but unless you know the insides and outs of your computer, you'll be in the dark...I mean, I've used my share of DIY patches before, but this one's confusing as hell :?). Anyway, I just un-installed the game and about to re-install it, hoping that fixes some of the bugs (which I've read on the forums, hopefully that works...I really don't like playing this kind of game from the beginning, especially since the suprises won't quite shock me like before :P).


Well, last night was a little buzzed and went crazy on the keyboard here :lol: I mean, I woke up, saw what I wrote and it was a big WTF moment nonetheless (although I have to admit, I've still got perfect spelling under the influence :P). Anyway, that little problem is sorted out, so I'll be a little more active here...kind of glad all that blew over in less time than I imagined :D. Very sorry for missing out on the action here, it was something that really had to be done. Everything's all good, and I think the next blog I'll write will be something about Amnesia: Dark Descent...I mean, wow! I haven't felt this uneasy playing a first person game since Call of Cthulhu (which is the closest game I can describe that gave me a similar vibe...I always thought the Cthulhu mythologies were interesting because the moment you run into normal people there's already a feeling of dread, like everyone's got this dark secret they're hiding and turns out to be much more sinister than ayone can imagine...and you just can't help but stick around and find out what the hell is up with that world, even if it's out of morbid curiosity...truly amazing stuff).

Anyway, not quite as lucid as that game, but I do have to commend the whole Penumbra series on immersion. Just the way the game makes creative use of the mouse as if it were the Wii's motion controller is an impressive experience (press the left mouse button to grab hold of a drawer, and pull back the mouse to open it) that already adds to an environment that's similar to walking into the house from the Grudge movie. Anyway, great game that's got me hooked for the time being.

If You Have A Fail Moment, At Least Go All Out...

Well, I just had one of those epic fail moments at work. About a week ago, I was testing out the pie press machine to see if it works...and what do you know, collossally stupid me forgot to unplug the machine, and worse, left the heating element on full the entire day :|. I mean, from the time I punched out to the next day I punched it the damn thing was on :o. Hell, it didn't even dawn on me until one of the managers pointed out the machine was smoking :lol:. Let's just say I've been called "idiot," "stupid," "moron," and other pretty vulgar names which I've humbly accepted. Although when the repair man came, it's pretty relieving to know that it wasn't "that bad." Meaning, I didn't completely destroy the machine, I merely burned out the element, and the smoking was due to the plastic coating melting off and some of it got inside the hole. So I didn't feel like a complete jerk.

Although this means until the heating element comes in, we're kicking it old school style and using the rolling pin for the dough :cry:. Which it should've came in today, but the guy in charge of selling us the parts...gave us the wrong one :|. Point is, if I'm going to have one of my infamous stupid ass moments again, I don't think it will top nearly burning down the resturant :lol:. Which the only reason I haven't got fired yet is because I'm pretty much "family" with the crew. Oh, I wouldn't exactly learn something without a punishment...which would be the rolling pin part, making the dough as well as kneading it and forming it in the pie tins...all done by yours truly 8).

The Hell Took Me So Long!?

You know those widely praised games that everyone seems to think you're a fool for missing out on? More specifically, the Witcher...just bought the game a few days ago (and spent a few days downloading the thing :|) simply because after hearing about the Witcher 2, reading a little about it, seeing some screens, I figured I'd get the game when it releases, but first try out the original (I mean, if I'm going to play a sequel, it just doesn't feel right ignoring the original). So it's done downloading, kind of suprised I didn't have to mess around with my settings to get the thing to work (you'd be suprised at how much games require me to dig inside, tinker with some programs, download some patches just to get the game to work...I mean, getting Vampire the Masquerade goes down in history as the biggest pain in the ass to play :?). What can I say, call me nuts, but I've found Vista a lot easier to use than 7 :?.

Anyway, just finished Season 2 of Sons of my eyes, the first one had more drama, and this one has more action :D. Well, I'll be tortured yet another year waiting for Season 3 to come on DVD :x. I've been missing out on the series on cable since I get off work pretty late when the show airs, but you can guarantee that next year will be another celebration (and hopefully another poster :P). What can I say, those DVDs are among the sacred of my collection, sitting next to the Godfather, Scarface, Goodfellas, 300, Watchmen, American Beauty, and my Living Dead DVDs. Besides, I like watching the entire thing in one annoying commercials, and no waiting forever to see what happens...and going to bed at 8 a.m. is so freaking worth it :D.

Metroid: Other M And Other Adventures.

I picked up Metroid Other M today, came home and realized I forgot where the hell I stuffed my Wii :lol:. Oh, and the other thing? I sold my TV, and have nowhere to plug the AV cables in my monitor :lol:. You'd think that would ruin my day, but it also happens to be the day Sons of Anarchy Season Two comes out...and guess what I'll be doing all day? :D Oh, and also picked up the Leprechaun trilogy (on the box it says "3 Great Movies!" go figure...:?) which if I remember correctly, saw these movies when I was a kid, and don't remember being scared, much less excited :| (you may wonder why I bothered picking it up...and you know, that's a very good question...). Anyway, the high point of the day: Sons of Anarchy...seriously, you guys have no idea how obsessed over the series I am. Think of those obese people who sit on the couch all day eating chocolate ice cream and watching soap operas, and that's the exact same feeling I get when I hear any announcement about SOA :P. Honestly, the greatest "man drama" since the WWF days. And since the Shield started to suck after Season 3, Sons of Anarchy is officially my number one TV series. And the best part? Got a free poster along with the DVD, and you KNOW I'll be proudly pinning that to my wall 8).