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DethSkematik Blog

RE 5: Now I'm Conviced It's Gonna Rock

Just played the demo version of Resident Evil 5, and I have to say, "Awesome" is an understatement. It's intense, gorgeous, and just as great as RE4 was, just a little better. Although I'm still not a fan of being planted to the ground while aiming, it's a minor complaint compared to what the rest offered. For those of you who are unable (or too lazy) to download the demo, I'll give a summary: you choose two scenarios, either watch a mob witness a live execution then go guns blazing against said mob while fighting a seemingly invincible medival esque executioner half the size of the Hulk. The other scenario is running through a winding path in a small city, and later fighting the infamous chainsaw weilding dude. (and I never thought possible, but Capcom's made this enemy even more creepy) And you're partnered always by Sheva, who does an outstanding job of watching her own back, so babysitting is at a minimun, only a few occasions did I have to intervene. Still, I insist that you play the demo to see for yourself, because my words do no justice towards this game. It is freakin' spectacular, man! March just got a little too long to wait now, people.

Top Ten Horror Movie Moments (Spoilers For Some)

EDIT: I don't know why it happens, but the first three paragraphs of my blogs are stuck together for some reason. I cannot, for the love of God, find a way around this...I am truly sorry for straining your eyes, people. I'm not doing this on purpose. Note that this is all my opinion, I'm just listing the top ten moments that suprised me in a horror movie. Also, they are in no particular order, I'm just listing them as they pop into my head. 1. The ending to Shutter: throughout the movie, the main character is plagued by neck pain, a sudden increase in weight, children look at him funny, only to realize by taking dozens of pictures of his house, why he can't see the ghost...she's sitting right on top of his shoulders. 2. The Ring: as slow paced as the movie was, nothing quite surpised me as seeing the television turn on, displaying nothing but the well...only to have Sadako (or Samara if you're American) slowly crawl out of the well and out the TV. Honorable mention: when the lady opens the closet, and sees her dead daughter curled up on the wall...that image gave me nightmares for three days. 3. Night of the Living Dead: the zombie's bite. Perhaps one of the most iconic moments in horror movie history, we all know what happens next. IMO, a brilliant innovation to spread an epidemic of dead cannibals. 4. Hellraiser: opening the box. The first time watching the poor soul that gently caresses the box and watch in awe as it takes life of its own, hooked chains abruptly interrupt this trance to indiscriminately slaughter the fool. Oh, and if you're lucky, you get to listen to one of Pinhead's grim speeches before you do. 5. The Grudge: dead woman's moan. Once the main character steps into the house, you feel the dread throughout the entire movie until the climax...just hearing the woman's gurgling noises sent shivers down my spine for one reason: you know the poor sap is already dead, you just don't know when. Honorable mention: the "meowing" boy. Only by default, since it was indeed creepy, it just wasn't the star of the show. 6. Friday the 13th: Jason's mask: Although Haloween has the same concept (psycho with a mask, kills stupid teens), Jason wins hands down for being original: a simple hockey mask is homage to a lot of references that deal with killing people, in both video games and other movies, because seeing that mask makes you think of one person: Jason freakin' Voorhees. 7. Aliens: the chest burster: in a way, it's not a true Aliens flick if someone doesn't have a screaming demon popping out of their chest at least once, and scurrying away in a a dark corner, only to have one brave soul try and find it, only to be face to face with a big motherf*cker that hisses and drools before jackhammering his eye socket with it's retractable mini-jaw. 8. It: Pennywise the clown. Perhaps the most disturbing image in my childhood existence back then has to be the part where that smiling clown is stalking a child my age in the woods, and by some mystical force that no word in the human dictionary can describe perfectly as "evil," the clown's arms stretches for miles, open hands ready to grasp this terrified child. Since it was a trilogy on public television, I could not sleep until I saw the very end and watch this evil clown die before my eyes. It was the greatest form of relief I've ever felt when I was a kid. 9. Fear Dot Com: the website itself. Some may argue that it's not the "greatest" movie ever made, but it does deserve a mention when I say, after watching the movie, it really made me second guess myself to type in "" on the URL and see what happens. (BTW, it's safe. I've long ago braved the phobia, and it's pretty harmless. Trust me, I did it like three years ago...I'm not dead yet.) 10. Jaws: the shark, of course: when you make a movie that can scare the crap out of so many people that they're afraid to go to the beach, congratulations. Your movie is legendary. Better yet, when your "monster" is one of nature's deadliest predator, it also adds realism to the fact that while you're swimming in the ocean, and your friend pulls your ankles underwater, NO ONE can judge you for screaming like a little girl. Ah, well, that's my list. Feel free to post moments of your own if you want, in case I missed something, or something I didn't add that you think is special. Take care friends.

Ideas For Games (Yeah, Bored Yet Again At Work)

With the slow days, cutting of hours, no holidays anytime soon, all I can do nowdays is finish my shift as slowly as possible and stare at women. So, with my bored mind, concocted a few ideas that will never happen...well, because I'm not a developer. lol. 1. Zombie/Stealth Game: Imagine the first scene from Land of the Dead, but packed with Dead Rising's zombies, and a big ass lake in the middle. My character snuck past the zombies, gently pushing them so these mindless corpses would follow in that general direction. About a couple feet or so, knocked over a can, a couple dozen zombies turned around and devoured him. Second playthrough, got him on his stomach and crawled MGS style, allowing zombies to walk over him towards his path towards the lake, slowly swimming to the nearest building. Upon entering the pitch black solitude, switched on night vision, and saw himself shoulder to shoulder against zombies, and the exit (or objective) directly across the mob. Second scene: He reaches his destination, enters a small cabin a few minutes or so, and runs into one of his fellow squad members sitting against the wall. Apparently, he has been bitten and does not want to become the living dead, so he puts his pistol in his mouth and pulls the trigger. The gunshot attracts the zombies who begin pounding on the door and windows, and now must find a way out. Basically, the storyline I created was a scientist who developed a supersoldier esque strand of DNA, a mix of electrolytes, steroids, and adrenaline (and some other scientific crap that sounds cool ), that allows for increased strength, rapid healing and the like, but a side effect of the DNA strand caused people to turn psychotic, the project was shut down. So the scientist fled to a more isolated area to continue his experiment, but with no funding had to make do with the only available subjects: corpses. And thus, created an epidemic of the walking dead. The main character is then sent to the location to assassinate the scientist who has gone insane under the circumstances, doesn't want the government to seize his experiment, so he bred an army of zombies, but the infection has grown too unstable for him to control, so the entire city where the scientist is located has become overrun. 2. Crime Game (GTA Ripoff): The story I was brainstorming was about a man who has come home from a long time away, and realizing that his past life doesn't exist anymore, and the only way to survive the new world he lives in is to adapt to a life of crime. The main character is a soldier just coming home, spending years at war. Times are tough, he cannot find a job, his wife left him ( a letter in the in-game inventory), and the city is overrun by crime, drugs, etc. His only ride home is his longtime friend (who is on something), and during the ride sequence, showcases just how far the city has let itself go. The first mission I thought of was to have the character go around the entire city, looking for a legitimate job. But because the city is filled with so much crime, business is bad, and no one is hiring due to robberies and a rough economy. Second scene: The main character runs into a local street gang, prior to protecting himself, kicks all their asses. He is then approached by a shady character who loves "how he handles conflicts," and offers him a job at his office for "easy money." Cutscene: The main character is in his apartment, staring down a handful of bills that he has no money for. He gets a phone call from the shady person who states: "I can take care of that for you." He leaves the apartment, and the mission to meet this person starts. Mission: I wasn't sure how to start it, so I thought small, like a drug pickup or someone who needed "convincing." Something easy for a second mission. When completed, he meets the informant, who gives him a large wad of cash, and a "little something extra for protection. You'll need it." (or a little less corny dialogue. It's only a rough draft.) The basic premise I had for this "game" was the main character is desperate for money and other needs, but won't go against his own morals to get them. For example, one mission I had in mind was another person you meet later in the game, who wants you to kill a witness to a crime, a young woman, single mother with a son. This mission, you follow this woman as she walks her son to school, then assassinate her when she goes home. The thing is, the main character refuses to kill someone who doesn't deserve to die which in turn pissess off his employer. He then sends his own thugs to do the work, and the mission is now to protect this woman. Thus, creating a rivalry between you and the crime lord. I wasn't really sure how I wanted to make it: a full on crime game just like GTA, or a game where you bring the city back to its former glory in the end. The one thing I was certain about was there would be no reckless massacre. The main character is a soldier, so he knows firsthand the thin line between civilian and enemy. In fact, you won't even be able to pull the trigger if your crosshairs are on an innocent bystander or police officer. I mean, I did want to keep a little bit of humanity in the character. 3. Super Hero Game: What I wanted to do was create an ordiary person who has just discovered he has the powers of a god. I was aiming for a dark tone, a story about a loved hero who turns into a villain at the end. The power that has been dancing around in my head was Telekenesis, with its flexibility and interactivity and such. It just easily showcases how much destructive power and intimidation one can possess. First scene: your character is surrounded by hundreds of people aiming their guns at him, because his destructive powers cause the local law enforcement to think of him as a terrorist. The national guard is called, and ready to open fire on him. Hundreds of people open fire on him, but at the right moment, a radius opens from him, causing the bullets to suspend in mid-air (like objects in zero gravity). He walks casually in a single path, bullets beading off his body. A nearby tank fires a shell directly at him, which also suspends in midair inches from his chest, and gently rolls off his body. The character then says, " I have shown you the power of a Hero. Now let me show you the destruction of a Villain." (something like that. Corny, I know) He then, with a force-push like manuever, slams the tank with a psychic blast, creating a huge dent at the front. He grabs the second tank, raises it over his head, tears it in half, causing the driver to fall right in fron of him. Grabs the two halves of the tank, and slams them together, with the soldier in the middle. He then walks towards a single straight path towards the city, looking at two skyscrapers, crumbles them behind him to seal off the people firing at him. This was my thoughts on the last quarter of the game. From the beginning, it was all about origins, how he was born with the power, how he lives with it, what he does with it, and later on runs into a group of like-minded people like himself governed by one man who trains them to do good. (Kind of like the X-Men.) I wanted to showcase the sacrifices he makes as the hero, how he loses much and gains very little in return. So I've thought of including villains also, who destroy the city, kill civilians and the like, and he is confined to justice. Basically, the character wants to serve justice his own vigilante way, but his crew looks down on it. First scene: The only idea I had was a boss battle, pitting the character against a rival, someone with similar mastery of the same power. I made it more of a defense fight than a standard brawl, where they both have to syncronize their movies in unison. In other words, when the bad guy does a force push, the character does one also, creating a clash and causing the ground beneath them to split apart. Eventually, it led to a fight in the middle of a tall building, where the character does a radial push, damaging the beams of the building, causing the top half to collapse. The enemy is on his back, holding it up with his mind. Your character tosses a bomb ( I was thinking grenade...something small and powerful) behind him, walks away, and detonates it. The top half falls down, and tips over. Battle won. Second scene: Another boss battle, but one with someone who's mastered Pyrokenesis. I never really got any ideas for this one except how you finish him off: the boss is exhausted, and in one last desperate move, fires a supernova of fire towards you, and with the correct button presses, the character manipulates the fire to suround the boss, burning him alive in a sphere of fire. (Like Invisible Woman's mind-orb thing.) Never really put too much thought into this one, I just focused on large-scale battles and interactive destruction. For example, when the character is taking fire, he is able to grab the road underneath him and pull it up as a wall. I just wanted anything to be possible. You can level any building as well as enter them, pull airplanes out of the sky and send them crashing onto the enemies. I'd put more thought into it if I didn't feel like I was blatantly ripping off Star Wars: Force Unleashed. I just wanted to make a better one. Heh. Well, these are my ideas, if I ever do become a videogame developer. Hell, in that case, these ideas will just stay words. Or, I could just write a book. lol. Thanks for reading this long ass post, and take care.

24 Years Old, And I Continue To Act Half My Age

Yep, finally nearing the "Old Man Status," in life. But perhaps even more perplexing is the fact that I have no idea what the hell I want. I mean, my mom's been asking me for the past week what I wanted for my birthday, and not a single thought popped into my head. I don't want any videogames for the rest of this month. I have all the money I need in my bank account. I don't feel like getting wasted this year. I mean, help me out, fellows. This is the one day I have free reign to abuse my greed, and there is absoluetly nothing that I seek. Hell, I was offered the day off tomorrow, and I declined, saying, "You know, I have nothing to look foward to on that day." Not that I was depressed, just that...for some unexplainable reason, I feel utterly selfless for the time being. On another note, I have to ask the wise men who have more knowledge about life than I do: when a hostess stares blankly at you for a minute straight after she answers your question of "Ey, how you doing?", what is that a sign of? Or better yet, when I'm doing ovens, and she "punches in five minutes early, stays five minutes later just to chat," is it the green light to go in for the attack? Just a thought. Oh, and a life lesson: Don't take painkillers on an empty stomach. I had a bad freakin' headache the other day, so when I downed those two wonderful pills, I was high off my ass the whole shift. (I gotta ask management where they get those awesome meds) Take care guys.

Fallout MMO: You Know You Want It

Well, obviously I've been sitting on my ass and tweaking out on Fallout 3 for the past three days to get this stupid idea, but what do you guys think? I mean, for one, Fallout as a series has it made: make your own weapons, (seriously, the shishkebob is the greatest weapon I've ever made in post-nuclear history), the big ass world, character customization (cyber punk rules..admit it), and enemies also look as if they were stripped from an MMO universe (scorpions, mutants, bandits). I think it would be a pretty good idea. Then again, I probably wouldn't play it, because I know there would be a subscription fee for it. Heh...a man can only dream, I guess. But hey, if it ever does come into play, you know who's the first guy to brainstorm the concept. Well, take care guys.

Suspended? WTF?

So I was suspended for one day because of something ridiculous in the forums. Basically, all I did was post in the Which Dev Needs To Shutdown, and said Gamecock, because I hate that name and whatever games had that retarded chicken logo didn't do well. (something of the latter, forgot what I said, word for word) Anyway, I get suspended for derogatory use of the word "retarded." Honestly, I fail to see how this is offensive much less derogatory, since it wasn't directly aimed at a single person. And more so, how's about a freakin' warning, mods? Seeing as it was a first offense, and I had mere warnings on my old profile for saying worse things. I'd take it to the Ask the Mods forums, but I've read those forums before, and a lot of them give the old runaround, or quote by the book rules. Either way, they're going to find something stupid to justify the punishment. Well, that, and I'm in no mood to post in forums. I mean, I just might explode and get myself banned. Well, here's to a great start on me wanting to have a clean record for at least a year.

Happy New Years!

I wish all my friends a happy new years. For those of you with families, what to do with your kids is a given: burn the hell out of everything in sight! I mean, this is the one time of the year that blowing something up every ten seconds is a good thing. The next day, however, is the hangover relief day. I mean, face it: everyone's going to be drunk off their asses today. know, be careful. I don't want to hear any stories about people blowing their fingers off. It's depressing. Ah, well, take care, have fun, and set one big open flame for me, will you? I'm too tired to light anything but a cigarette today. Happy New Years.

Whew! I Can Finally Step Out Of My Bomb Shelter.

I gotta apologize: this has not been a good week for me. Hell, this whole year was screwy. Apart from work, the stress, the rookies messing up so bad I wouldn't doubt it they were doing it just to piss us off, to just plain old bad luck. For instance, as it would see fit, the freakin' power goes out on the whole island, just when I'm about to download Crysis on my computer. I can swear that this happened solely to piss ME off. As such, I'm still convinced of my "Post-Christmas Bad Luck" that happens every single year. Not to mention prior to the Christmas preparations, some dickhead decided to order five dozen brownies a day...for almost a damn month! Then his finale was to order twelve dozen, and as an added F-You, recieved a 25% rebate... But, today seemed like a fine day. Work was good, got out early, electricity was back on, my mom seemed to enjoy her new Blackberry Touch, found the VERY LAST Blu-Ray copy of Resident Evil Degeneration (seriously, I had to go to three different stores just to find the well hidden final copy), and I'm waiting for Crysis to load. And in a strange twist of fate, finally found a cover for my Ipod Touch that suited my standards (really, now, it shouldn't be this hard to find a case that protects the vital should be a mandatory item). Also found a laptop case that actually held all the things I need for my's a rather unique laptop: the power brick is the same size as the freakin' Xbox's, man. Hell, even the lemon meringue pies I was making had no flaws...the mix was a blend of thick yet still watery solution that I've always favored. (Don't mind me, just a nerd-baker thing) You know, it's easier to form without having to tear off the whole topping. It goes rather smoothly, and looks nicer. Which begs the question: for every good day I recieve, I usually get a week of hell. Is my bad luck streak ending any time soon? Because all that's happened in 2008 is really too f*cked up to just be coincidence. Well, like a good friend told me, it's a Japanese belief that 23 is the bad luck age for us...well, technically, I'm a believer. So, I'm going to cherish this day. I'll prepare for tomorrow, since the odds of that day starting to suck is a 75/25. After all, I still gotta prepare for New Years Day...( who the hell buys pies on New Year's!? ) Well, at least this miserable year is almost over...and as added insurance, I turn 24 on the 25th, so I don't have to wait that long for this stupid "curse." Man, being Asian is a real pain in the ass. If I'm not pissing off a ghost, it's just my bad luck year. Well, take care friends.