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DethSkematik Blog

Narrowly Escaped A Heart Attack

Well, I just bought Cryostasis, which I would love to tell you guys if it's awesome or not, but I'm about to burn this game at the stake. You see, after booting up the game, it crashed the first two seconds of the game (after ten minutes trying to figure out how to get past the first door), rebooted my computer, and saw that all my icons on the desktop were gone. Yeah, this game crashed, and took everything with it. So I did a system recovery half hour prior, and everything's all good now. Seriously, I almost had a stroke. Neeldess to say, I'm afraid of playing the game now. You know, there are games so terrifying that you can't play it, and this game puts a whole new meaning to it. Heh. Anyway, take care people, and...I'll continue to sit here relieved that a simple game didn't entirely destroy my baby.

So, I'm A Celebrity Now...Sweet!

Well, okay...not really. But I did win Employee of the Month, and have gotten the "Hero's Treatment" for a while. I mean, I'll be outside smoking a cigarette after my shift, and customers would approach me and tell me, "hey, you're the employee of the month!" Hell, the cashier at GameStop told me, "hey, I saw your picture on the wall!" I mean, managers and hostesses both are embracing me in loving arms, as if the whole four years I've been with the company never exised. lol. Which is a little odd, considering that everyone before me who got the reward never got the fame I have now. I'd show the picture, but the managers decided to use the pic of my gayest smile in the world. (I wanted to do the Fonz so BADLY, but never got the chance) But hey...this further proves that I wasn't when I used to say I'm the greatest baker in the resturant (by default, of course. I'm one of three senior workers left, and the two managers aren't "employees"). Anyway, take care fellas, and I'll continue to bask in my glory...I mean, next month, I'll be taking the role of the washed-up "former" that isn't employee of the month anymore. lol. I don't mean to brag or anything, I just s*** a brick when I heard the news. Really hit me by surprise (when I had to follow the manager, I seriously thought I was about to get fired). And, hey...I'm $100 richer (actually, $92.07. They tax these things too, I'm afraid).

Proud New (Soon To Be) Owner Of A DSi

Got my tax return in, which in my eyes, is money ripe to be blown away with no penalty. Combine that with my paycheck, and I feel invincible. Now as tradition, I usually give half to my mom (for being such an awesome family member), and the other half I go on a shopping spree. I put the DSi on reserve, since it looked pretty cool (and I can gloat in front of the waitresses that want one, but never heed my advice to RESERVE the thing). That, and I get to play some awesome DS games that I've overlooked in the past. (first game I'm getting is GTA: Chinatown). Bought Punisher: War Zone, which is an awesome movie. To be honest, the knife decapitation made me roll my eyes a little, but other than that, a pretty epic anti-hero movie. Really showcases that Castle just simply doesn't give a F***. Anyway, take care friends, and those of you who own a DS, I'd appreciate some recommendations. (haven't been with Nintendo since the Gamecube era.)

I'm Infected, People!

No, it's not an STD, I assure you. Rather, I'm addicted to Resident Evil 5. I've beaten it like three times, and I'm still having a blast all over again. Might I add, contains the best unlockables, so I can goof around in the game as much as having serious fun. Well, so far, I'm 28/30 emblems, and other than that, have Veteran and Professional to beat. (Strategy guides are a godsend for these kind of secrets). Which is also a godsend, considering that items can be farmed and carried over, so I can wield that suped up Magnum on level 1, and not get a heart attack trying to manage items and herbs. Believe it or not, this was my "most wanted game of 2009," I'm a serious Resident Evil fanboy here. And this game did not disappoint, not one bit. Not that I'm never playing another game ever...I mean, I still have my eyes on Wanted and Wheelman. (I loved the movie, and I'm a huge Vin Diesel fan...let's hope for a Fast And Furious game also) Anyway, everything outside my gaming life has been pretty sweet. (i.e., same as ever...not a bad thing, in my eyes). As a RE fan, I am dedicated to grabbing every trophy in the game...except for shooting a Majini in the head when it jumps...I don't have any clue how the hell to get that one...maybe I'll get it by accident one day. lol. Other than that, I've been watching a crap load of cop movies. Hard Boiled, Narc, Street I'm in the mood to play Stranglehold again. lol. Anyway, take care guys.

Watchmen: 10/10 Baby!

Just saw the Watchmen movie. Very outstanding comic book flick ever. In fact, I'll go and say it blows Dark Knight away. Definately a must see movie. Although I must warn the family men: the voilence is VERY graphic, the few sex scenes are pretty explicit, and Mr. Manhattan loves to show his big blue weiner during a few scenes, so you might want to watch it first before letting the kids experience it. Just giving the heads up. Other than that, very epic movie. Even though there's ten more months until the end of the year, Watchmen is locked for my best movie of 2009. I'll just leave it at that, since I don't want to spoil anything. Anyway, take care guys.

Brand New Controller (For One Special Game)

Today, for some akward reason, I decided to walk into GameStop and have a look around. (Never did plan on getting anything...saving my Jackson's for RE5, brothers!) Anyway, I was browsing the games, then I noticed that one rare gem was for sale: Street Fighter game pad! Of course, there was only one left, and the employee told me that finding the arcade stick is more rare than platinum. So, it was either game pad or nothing. Still, that controller does wonders for the game. In fact, I think it's boosted my skills by 20%. Now, I am able to play Arcade mode from Easiest difficulty to...Easy. I swear to God, I am not going to rest until I'm able to beat the game at least on the standard difficulty. I've played shooters on Hard mode that were easier than this game on Easy. I mean, when I do become able to play this game on the hardest setting, my reflexes better be great enough for me to dodge bullets while eating hamburgers. It's just a great feeling knowing that I can finally pull off the special moves without accidentally pressing the jump button. Anyway, take care guys.

The Perfect Laptop

I'd say the invention of the laptop is between sliced bread and toilet paper. One awesome upgrade contrary to crooked sanwiches and leaves. Not an earthshattering advance in science, but one of those "what would we do without it" kind of lifestyle. Still, the one minor peeve of a laptop is its short battery life and having to play Legos while plugging it in an outlet. So what I'm saying is, when will be the day when we'll get a laptop that has its cords built right in? I'm talking about a laptop that has a cord, wind-up style like a vacuum cleaner? It would be so much easier, and I don't have to worry about my computer dying out in the middle of class/work when I'm operating on it. And besides...outlets are everywhere. (for some reason, I've seen some on the ceiling...I know, baffling) I'm just saying that I don't want to take my computer somewhere, then feel screwed if I forgot one half of the wiring at home. That, and hey, I don't have to open like three zippers on my case just to set up shop just to check my e-mail. Just a thought. Take care guys.

Questions About Dead Space (Oh, And Spoilers, BTW)

Just beat Dead Space last night, awesome new franchise in years, in my opinion. Anyway, after finishing the game, I've had these burning questions in my mind. First, Nicole...seriously, what the hell? You get her distress call in the beginning of the game, then towards the end, you realize she committed suicide. Yet, there are times I had to watch her back, and times I was right next to this woman. Then she just materializes into the, was Isaac with a ghost the whole time? Then, if you guys have seen Dead Space: Downfall, it's a prequel to the events before the game. And I couldn't help but notice that one super sweet weapon, the laser chainsaw, is nowhere to be found. I mean, what exactly happened to all five of them? I guess Necromorphs are a lot smarter than they look, being able to hide these babies from your view. (OK, for the BOTD, I can only imagine that the movie was made after the game, so it's no big deal.'s only a movie. A very sweet one at that) Also, the mad scientist. I figured that this dude is so maniacally evil, that it was potential to be an epic boss battle. You even see a video of him willingly sacrificing himself to the infection. Hell, he worships the necromorph outbreak as a second coming. It was just kind of weak (IMO) to show this chilling sequence and not do anything about it. (I would've just settled for popping him in human form) But, a plot hole I found was that halfway through the game, the radio declares that the infection is linked to dead tissue, so I'm guessing the scientist just simply croaked after the exposure. Even then, that is still kind of weak. Last, the artifact. So the person that betrays you claims that the whole Ishimura incident was man-made, but it seems kind of far-fetched considering that the only thing that turns people into necromorphs are those flying things, unless man has truly made those things. In which case, to my understanding, those things originated from the artifact (I'm basing this on the movie), so there's no way this thing is man-made, if an entire planet is pissed off because of the people who snatched the artfiact. IDK, the whole game leads up to religion VS science, so I'm just baffled. Unless the whole man-made facts were just made up. lol. Anyway, these are just some questions that popped into my mind while playing the game. I mean, it's not as easy to figue out as Resident Evil, where you already know that a corporation made a virus that reanimated the dead. Well, I guess that's the beauty of playing such a unique game that makes its own rules. Take care guys, and hopefully I'll find the answer on Round 2. Shooting for that One Gun achievement, and testing out the really sick Military suit ( a cross between a Stormtrooper and the Punisher. Sweet!)

Happy Valentine's Day

Despite the fact that I sound like a complete homo for telling a bunch of guys "Happy Valentine's Day," I know you guys got wives and girlfriends, so today is the day you show that special woman just how much you love her. You know, hold her close, look into her eyes, and just tell her how insignificant this special day would be, had you two never met. Oh...and an expensive gift, of course. Nothing beats spending the whole day together, ending the romantic night with a candle lit dinner with some wine, and showing her that elegant piece of jewelry you spent a week deciding just what kind of precious metal can match her beauty. Yeah...I know. I sound like a Hallmark card. I can be as romantic as I can be a total dick. Heh. Anyway, take care fellas.


Seriously, what the hell's up with the blogs? For some reason, my paragraphs are processed into a mile-long stream of words that I know you guys love to strain your eyes reading (sorry about those, guys). I hit up the forums, and it turns out I'm not the only one with this problem. I know the tech guys are going to get on it eventually, but I got this blog phobia going on now: I'm afraid to pour all that time writing something, only to erase it because I know it'll be a pain in the ass to read. Anyone else got this problem, or is it some kind of rare "I Hate You" glitch that affects certain users? Either way, take care, and I'll get back to you guys once I can figure this out.