Just beat Dead Space last night, awesome new franchise in years, in my opinion. Anyway, after finishing the game, I've had these burning questions in my mind. First, Nicole...seriously, what the hell? You get her distress call in the beginning of the game, then towards the end, you realize she committed suicide. Yet, there are times I had to watch her back, and times I was right next to this woman. Then she just materializes into the artifact...so, was Isaac with a ghost the whole time? Then, if you guys have seen Dead Space: Downfall, it's a prequel to the events before the game. And I couldn't help but notice that one super sweet weapon, the laser chainsaw, is nowhere to be found. I mean, what exactly happened to all five of them? I guess Necromorphs are a lot smarter than they look, being able to hide these babies from your view. (OK, for the BOTD, I can only imagine that the movie was made after the game, so it's no big deal. And...it's only a movie. A very sweet one at that) Also, the mad scientist. I figured that this dude is so maniacally evil, that it was potential to be an epic boss battle. You even see a video of him willingly sacrificing himself to the infection. Hell, he worships the necromorph outbreak as a second coming. It was just kind of weak (IMO) to show this chilling sequence and not do anything about it. (I would've just settled for popping him in human form) But, a plot hole I found was that halfway through the game, the radio declares that the infection is linked to dead tissue, so I'm guessing the scientist just simply croaked after the exposure. Even then, that is still kind of weak. Last, the artifact. So the person that betrays you claims that the whole Ishimura incident was man-made, but it seems kind of far-fetched considering that the only thing that turns people into necromorphs are those flying things, unless man has truly made those things. In which case, to my understanding, those things originated from the artifact (I'm basing this on the movie), so there's no way this thing is man-made, if an entire planet is pissed off because of the people who snatched the artfiact. IDK, the whole game leads up to religion VS science, so I'm just baffled. Unless the whole man-made facts were just made up. lol. Anyway, these are just some questions that popped into my mind while playing the game. I mean, it's not as easy to figue out as Resident Evil, where you already know that a corporation made a virus that reanimated the dead. Well, I guess that's the beauty of playing such a unique game that makes its own rules. Take care guys, and hopefully I'll find the answer on Round 2. Shooting for that One Gun achievement, and testing out the really sick Military suit ( a cross between a Stormtrooper and the Punisher. Sweet!)
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