They're really just new skins and nothing more. They didn't actually refine character models across the board. (as far as I know) You can just use an old skin for the old looks.
@ceelogreen94: If you enjoy Xbox and are happy with it, why is that not enough for you? You have to insult other gaming consoles you don't prefer, and the people who like them?
I mean, that sounds more like someone who is very insecure with themselves or their choices and have to make fun of others to feel better.
@skullx: Saying that there is some grand agenda to make everything gay including children's programming is entering conservative conspiracy territory.
I mean you're gonna see things the way you see them regardless of what anyone says, or what the reality actually is.
Not everything is some "agenda." Some things are sometimes just...things.
Yeah, the High School DLC trailer had some gay content for sure, but it's just a trailer. The DLC itself isn't a "gay dlc." It's high school. back when I was in high school, there were more than a few openly gay couples there too, and they had no problem putting their affections on display. Just like straight couples.
@skullx: It's not some "agenda." Maxis knows that they have a large LGBTQ+ community.
It's just a game about people, and just like in real life, there are many types of people. The Sims is the perfect game to let players make any kind of characters they want and characters that are like them. They aren't shoving it down your throat. It's all optional in the game. They just want people to know the options are there.
Why does it even bother you so much anyway? I myself am just an ordinary straight male, and I'm fine with it all.
I've had same sex Sims hit on my Sims. As far as I can tell all Sims go for anyone until they flirt with a certain sex enough, then they form a preference. If I had a male Sim that other males kept romancing, I'd probably just laugh about it and have them go flirt with females to sway him the other way. :)
Using the MC Command Center mod and just changing the preferences yourself so all your Sims are 100% straight is always an option.
Dezuria's comments