@kalgert123 @pokajabba spunkgargleweewee lol thank you for using that term. Well I've never played DayZ and I'm waiting for the standalone. But it looks interesting because its about surviving. It kinda has a minecraft sense to it has in your are dropped in a world and you decide what you want to do. While minecraft you build, in this game you survive. Not to mention if you play with friends it can be more fun. Anything can happen in this game; two people are hardly going to have the same experience in this game aside from dying. I don't think its the greatest game ever and certainly not the best looking. But it has different enough concept that makes it interesting at least to me. But hey, maybe when the standalone comes out and it gets a 4 and then I might agree with you. Until then I'm just waiting till comes out and see what people think about it before even buying.
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