@skiggy29 @pa_amb_tomaquet Actually I think most of the MS bashing comes from xbox gamers. During the xbox reveal who do you think is most interested? The person who owns a 360 or a person who owns a PS3? As an owner of a 360 I am more interested in the xbox 1 than the PS4. So I think is xbox fans that are genuinely pissed off and not so much PS4 fans. As for me, I'm not interested in xbox one. Plus at this point in my life I can't afford to start all over in buying a new console, controllers, headset, games, and a charger.
I don't understand why people freak out like this about the score? They act like an 8 is bad? An 8 is great! A review just gives you an idea about how good a game is overall. The score may not 100% reflect your opinion because its not your opinion. I look at the reviews to see some gameplay, graphics, story, what may be some flaws, pros, etc.
@StevenDaReal18 The problem with that is that gamestop would be loosing money. Right now they make 100% of the money from selling used games. If MS takes a % of the money, the stores won't be making as much money, so they'll have to make it up by other means, like raising prices or taking when they buy a used game from you they'll give you even less. So in a way we'd get hurt by it
Let me get this straight, if I disconnect from the internet for more than 24 hours; MS is going to take MY game, that I paid for, hostage until I connected?
@HipHopBeats @Xx_Kares_xX I don't like where gaming has been going. MS is trying to make this xbox for a wider audience and not gaming, which is what made the xbox popular in the first place. Their trying to head to this "Digital Realm" which I'm not totally interested. I think my gaming days are numbered, plus finishing college means I have to get into the real world
This might have something to do with that game they talked about years ago, Halo Chronicles. Apparently it fell through but this maybe it getting new life. Just a guess
Dinostrich's comments