See I don't want my console needing to be connected to the internet in order to do anything. A console is not a pc or a cell phone. I remembered when my old router went bad my family lost internet for about a month. If that happened with xbox 720 the console would have been useless, but not my 360! Even then, I still could use my pc just nothing internet related.
I'm already switched off because of these rumors. If microsoft does go with, no used games and constant internet connection than I'm not buying into it. I'm already not happy about the backwards compatibility. However we must wait till microsoft either proves or disproves the rumors. I just wonder, if the new xbox needs an internet connection in order to work, will they make everyone buy xbox live? Or will it be free? I seriously doubt it will be free because its already a big money maker.
Don't you dare add microtransaction to Halo 4! I lost respect for games that add that crap to it. Whatever happened to unlocking armor by getting all the achievements? That was an achievement in its self, plus it kept you playing the game in order to attain the armor. DLC is already pushing it, we've given into DLC, so then they raised the prices and we gave into that. "Give somebody an inch and they'll take a mile."
Finally a rank up system! It's something Halo 4 really needs, while I love the game I'm tried of working for nothing. The specialization are nothing special. I don't even use them! I thought they would be 4 perk, that only worked if you had that certain specialization activated. I'd rather have extra ammo than get more xp because that helps me within game. Halo Reach was all about who played the most and I hated that. It was so boring and the "Ranks" did not mean anything. Halo 2 and Halo 3 the ranks meant something, thats why I put many many hours and continuously played Halo 3, to get that 50. I never did, but it was something I worked hard for and thats what I enjoyed. If this rank system is at all similar to Reach's I'm gonna hate it, I even have a few friends that are bored with Halo 4 because there is no rank up system. If its like Halo 3 (While not perfect) I will greatly enjoy Halo 4 even more and go back to it cuz right now I'm on a halo break. I wonder if this is real or not, but if it is this guy deserves a medal
Dinostrich's comments