I just want to know when are they bringing back the King of the Hill playlist... I miss it and I don't want to go through the DLC playlist because most of the time I never get it :(
So how different is BF4 going to be from BF3? If they are going to come out with one every year they might at well make 1 multiplayer and when ever a game new game comes out the multiplayer is just updated with all the new maps, guns, game modes.
"Medal of Honor is a great franchise with a storied past." Correction, WAS a great franchise back when it was WWII until Airborne. Airborne had a great idea but just played out poorly. The one before Warfighter is not terrible
You want to know why it influenced him? Because he was mental, everything influenced him. It could have been also movies, tv or simply how people talk! You can't compare a person with a mental disorder to someone who doesn't. What may influenced him playing the game (Counter Strike i think) has not influence the thousands and thousands of people who play it everyday.
Since Halo, I trust Bungie and will continue to be interested in what they make. I believe this to be a pretty good company the works well on their stories while trying to always improve. I can't wait to hear more about this game!
Dinostrich's comments