@unreal849 @Dissentioncc @ezioismyname I'm not the one consistently scoring games well below the general consensus. It's like he hates games or his job or something.
@ezioismyname I won't go off his review. I like this site though, always have. It deserves better than to have every single game reviewed by some bitter super larping rpg nerd.
@unreal849 @Dissentioncc @nazgoroth Nope, dead serious. I know the game sucked (like I said), but to dock points in part because of the over the top sexist jokes that have been a staple of that series is why this guy sucks at reviewing games.
@unreal849 @Dissentioncc @nazgoroth No, if this was an occasional occurrence, that wouldn't be a big deal. It's a regular one though. And it's not just about the scores. His cons are often a joke. He actually negged Duke Nukem Forever for Duke being "too misogynistic and sexist". Yes, I know the game is pretty terrible, but that being part of what lowered the score for him is ridiculous. It's like he had never played a Duke Nukem game before.
@nazgoroth @Dissentioncc A blind consumer implied to me that you think I am getting "upset" because of the score this game got. I'm just trying to say that a 5 or 6 from Kevin is like a 7 or 8 from anywhere else.
@nazgoroth @Dissentioncc Holy hell, how many times do I have to say that I don't even care about this game in particular? It's just ANOTHER example of him being far off the general consensus of reviews...
Dissentioncc's comments