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Donkeljohn Blog

Failed Gifts on the Day of Dad

I got my dad a wireless controller for his 360.

He got me a fanny pack with 6 zipper-controlled pockets.

Since the controller doesn't work, I figured we are even.

With fresh batteries, used packaging, grimy cracks, and a $5.00 discount, the only thing I can think of is some miscreant swapped their broken, junky controller for a replacement. 

I am not amused.

Caveat emptor.

Exciting Promotions

Today I was promoted to Officer in the GameSpot Live Union.

I am very excited about the union possibilities and all of the improvements to come. The GameSpot staff has set a high bar for service, coverage, and information, including all the latest gaming news, reviews, downloads, videos, and features. I hope to add quality contributions to the only official union dedicated to the excellent work they do.

Come, check out what is going on.

Black Screens and Asset Relocation

I'm not sure if it is the traffic from all of the free accounts flooding the user video stream with content or what, but the user videos seem to be dead to me.

My videos: inaccessible.
Friends' videos: similarly silent.
Random new uploads: visible, but unavailable.

I suppose the video keepers have deemed me unworthy of perusing their motion features. Perhaps I will sleep on it. Worked well yesterday.

I'll see if I can squeeze some GS cribs filming in to the schedule this weekend. The family and I are relocating within the Bay Area. Lots of boxes will be moved. Bed frames will be disassembled. Containers of little girl clothes will be hauled.

If I'm not on this weekend, it is because I am cleaning the old apartment in a vain effort to maximize my deposit return. I can't believe I will be sacrificing point-earning time for this. But that is what you've gotta do.

Perhaps I can get a picture of EA HQ from my new residence. . .

What a Difference a Tone can Make

One of the problems with the Internet is the that you can never adequately communicate the tone of voice certain writing is to be heard.

I have found misunderstandings happen from time to time. Today I had one with contributors I find add value and a welcomed difference of opinion.

Hopefully in the future I can improve my writing to better articulate the intended tone of my comments, rather than be misunderstood.

"Seek first to understand then to be understood."

-Steven Covey

Testing My Wife

Yesterday I managed to get a DS Lite. The Target in Mountain View had two left. While I thought about trying to get a profit by reselling the other, I figured it just wasn't worth it. Especially if the attempt resulted in a net loss.

My wife and I then spent the better part of the evening combing the penninsula for Castlevania DS. Unfortunately, we came up empty.

Today, my wife came into the office to participate in one of our paid research studies. Unfortunately, she doesn't get paid to participate. Otherwise, that would have covered the DS purchase. Of course, if other people I knew wanted to participate, they could certainly get paid.

Special moments outside of gaming

Saturday created a great opportunity for my Mom to play with my daughter. I managed to grab some video of the antics before my camera died:


Amazing how my daughter can do more pushups than a Navy SEAL.

6,000 is the new 0

After a late-night stint I have pulled within 4,090 points of the new zero. I really need to pick the low-hanging fruit instead of working for my points.

Finals Are Don

It was the best of finals and the worst of finals.

My Corporate Finance final was a beast. Not like the Beheamoth race track on PGR3, but like the Nothing. Cold, black, and devouring.

Pork was the final for marketing. I don't think I've ever enjoyed myself so much in a test. . .

4.Pork, the other white meat


Pork is trying to position itself alongside chicken as a part of healthy, low-fat diets.  White meats such as chicken, fish, reptiles, and shellfish are frequently associated with being healthy due to their low fat content.

Depending on the cuts, the meat delivers on the promise of being white in color. While the slogan is not false, further research reveals the desired positioning is dependent on which of the cuts are chosen.


The delivery is intended to be perceived as rich in information, but is only rich in inference. The feel-buy-learn model is intended to create sympathy with consumers, drive them to purchase, and then learn about their product. The advertising campaign provides a web site (linked above), TV commercials, print ads, and billboards.

The web site contains recipes for the newly purchased pork, as well as a bounty of selected product information for the inquisitive consumer.

One Foot in Front of the Other

I think I've mentioned the mountain of work going on these days. I've probably already mentioned the upcoming relocation of my belongings. Chances are also good, I've mentioned the impending finals.

The last four nights have been unending study sessions followed by diligent workdays. I'm looking forward to having the finals over with tomorrow.

Perhaps I will squeeze in some 360 achievements after I am done. The Broze Medal in PGR3 is only a handful of events away. Similarly, I am three stories away from another DoA4 achievement. If time and consciousness permits, I may indulge in additional Burnout bouts to collect some additional perfection.

Other than that, our domicile is all but packed for relocation.

Take-Two Getting Taken Down

The future is looking not quite as bright for Take Two Interactive. The Federal Trade Commission completed an investigation into the Hot Coffee scandal, and came back with more hot water.

Take-two has also been reeling from other troubling events including the economic fallout from the hot-coffee snafu, the burning of the New York office, Bully protesting, and the unending attacks by both Jack Thompson and the Democrats. Even though the latter-named assailants are not directly attacking Take-Two, the actions being requested would affect the cornerstone of T2 products.

With the exception of a recent Table Tennis game and a re-rated RPG, Take-Two is facing a future of success found in genres closely monitored by various watchdogs. While the biggest successes tend to be the most risky, continued success cannot be maintained by publishing movie tie-ins and various strategy games.

A string of studio closures seems to be a streamlining attempt to save the hemorrhaging firm. But with a projected tightening of disposable income going to games, legal pressure on successful titles, and a possible widespread slowing of the economy, things are not looking good for Rockstar's hero. But there is hope.

The Table Tennis game was not only a brilliant tactical move for the embattled firm, but also an opportunity to deliver an excellent game to a wider audience. Though the hardest core of players has devotedly followed the Grand Theft Auto franchise, Table Tennis took the appeal of Take-Two's sports properties and injected the Rockstar polish to provide a squeaky-clean, high-quality game for almost any 360 owner to enjoy.

Legislation threatens to increase the costs (through increased quality and damage control) on already costly development projects. Additional costs would not only tighten the expected return during develpment but may also significantly offset the number of units delivered to retail; fewer eligible consumers means a lower quantity demanded. Depending on costs, the Table Tennis formula may be the answer Take-Two needs to stand the test of time.

When other high-profile vice companies encountered administrative opposition, they found a creative workaround. Beer companies were forbidden from showing people consuming their product. That's when they asked "Wassssup?"

Don't the creatives inside Rockstar, 2K Sports, and the other dev houses get asked Wassup often enough to get themselves out of a legal do-loop? Or is that what consumers demand?