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Donkeljohn Blog

Good = Evil; Evil = Good

So, what does the next generation of game consoles have to offer in terms of games that aren't gritty, violent and . . . forgive the double meaning. . . graphic?

Not much I am afraid.

History of Spiders

So, this morning as my wife and I were getting dressed, I reflected on the spider walking across the ceiling.

I was trying to trace back in my mind the history of spiders in games. Tecktites in Zelda? Cave Spiders in H.E.R.O.? Grid Bugs in Tron? or the frantic spiders in Centipede?

Whatever their first appearance, I have never found a game that embodies the cold, calculating menace of spiders. The way they slink and sneak is a primary trait of their predatory nature. Games frequently show them as frantic and fast, leaping about, which is true to a certain degree. . . but they infrequently capture the surprise or the intimidation inherent in Arachnid behavior.


So, until my brothers in law arrive for their Summer stay, I am putting game play on hold. Particularly so when the job is starting to get busy again. Those recruiting demands are right around the corner, I can feel it. . .

Good thing I had some time to follow E3, that definitely helped prepare for the coming onslaught.

. . . Watch what I say

No sooner do I say it's over then two big additions are released:

Interview: Hideo Kojima

Gizmondo: August 11

I gues it isn't over until the editors are fast asleep in their beds.

Even then, the news will continue to break, but hopefully the dutiful editors of the best online gamespace will be able to rest well, and rest soon.

Thanks for the coverage, one and all!

ein Treffen verabreden

It's true. Tonight is date night. Unfortunately my grandmothers and parents will be around for date night. We are spending the night with them at Mom & Dad's house. Funny how that works.

The child is set to make video debut. Not unlike what happened with The Legend of Zelda. I may be biased, but that was not only the game I was waiting for but the game of E3! I've already discussed my dislike of the wolf-form alterations.

I don't know that anything else will be gleaned from current E3 coverage. Like any convention, by the third day you have seen everything there is to see. I'm sure more interviews will be ahead, but the content shouldn't be any different. The big games have been covered and the less-covered games probably won't get more coverage.

I'm surprised by the lack of coverage Katamari has gotten. I would of thought more videos and screens would be available. other missing games: Dragon Age and Neverwinter 2. Surely something is being shown for these projects.

The entire Back Catalog

Nintendo has millions of titles and then they bust out a revelation that all of them will be playable on the Revolution. Do I get a discount for already owning half of their NES library? Or will I still have to pay the premium download price?

The idea that one could download any game ever published on a nintendo console is mind-boggling. I am still pondering the consequences of navigating Steam-like networks to procure and receive cherished classic games without having to blow dust out of old cartridges. Maybe, just maybe I'll get to play Blaster Master again.

Legend of Zelda

So, the coolness of Link turning into a werewolf: non-existent.

I feel for the guy, really. Lycanthropy is not an easy thing to live with . . . stylistically or otherwise.

The gameplay appears to be solid, the visuals, stunning as ever, but I just can't get over the werewolf thing. . .

Ganon probably has a silver sword or something at the end. . .and it is over.

Besides, it is too ironic that you start the game riding an animal only to be ridden as an animal.Not to mention that little gremlin guy has one one eye reminiscent of the Yu-gi-oh! eye that first appeared on the backside of the moon in Escaflowne.

. . . did I just say that? At least I had Yu-gi-oh! and backside in the same sentence.

. . . and it is sexy too

Yeah today is the day of pictures.

I got to see my child alive and in my wife's womb. The cute little child is only 8cm long, but the fullness of joy is bigger than I can describe.

While my child is real and small, so is the Playstation 3, and powerful! Looks good, with great functionality and amazing potential. Truly the PS3 will blow the XBOX 360 out of the water. What are the only games worth getting on the new consoles?


Halo 3

and not many others.

Nevertheless, I am more eagerly awaiting the arrival of my child than any video game console.

It's all about priorities.

2.18 Terraflops

The Playstation 3 is definitely something to write home about!

I'll need to get the full scoop from the full announcement.