Is there any end to the entertainment value of Lumines?
No, unless you consider the time when my wife asks me to put it away as the end. . .
Is there any end to the entertainment value of Lumines?
No, unless you consider the time when my wife asks me to put it away as the end. . .
The Playstation conference was quite full of revelations.
Level 5 threw down the Gauntlet with Rogue Galaxy though. . . on par with Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy? Graphically it is possible, but the whole style is reminiscent of the movie Titan AE. As much as I love Don Bluth films. . . I'm not sure that was a compliment.
With all the talk about abortion, limiting death penalties and other red-diaper baby fluff, Hillary decided to make a moral decision in calling for a crackdown on sex in video games. . .well, just the successful game. Who knows, maybe now she'll call for a crackdown on God of War.
In an amazing turn of events, my wife struck back at the PSP. She didn't destroy it, or lock it away, she beat it at its own game.
Well, I bought a shiny, slick, and sexy new PSP. I've never paid full price for a game system before. Let alone when I have a new addition to the family arriving, MBA tuition to pay, and a family vacation I'll be paying off for weeks. . .
Nevertheless, I bought and currently pine for time with my PSP.
Next course of action: finance purchase by liquidating collection of comics.
Yeah, not so into the Suffering. . .
It was a bad first game and it looks to be a hideous sequel.
Violent, bloody, evil, and generally nefarious.
Almost there. . .
I've almost got the kingdom of Ivalice returned to the town of Ivalice.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced is quite the effort. . . to find time to play. Particularly since I am trying to play Star Wars RPG at the same time with my brothers in law.
The have-to-dos consume quite a bit of time, create quite a bit of stress, and detract from game-playing time.
Playing games detract from responsibilities, keep me from sleep, and allow me to develop my vegetative state.
Their response?
"I didn't know you had this with you."
Foolish boys. . . only now at the end do they realize.
I guess they didn't believe me when I said TMBG is my favorite group of musicians.
I went to EA today and got my hands on Bttlefield 2 for the first time. It looked good. It played well. . . once I got it to play. The computer they had it running on was pretty. . .bad. Nevertheless, I let my two brothers in law play while I watched. They seemed to have a good time.
Plus, I got to see the latest build of a certain game being developed. I was amazed by the talent present in that office. The results were impressive too. Working conditions. . . left somewhat to be desired.
Tempting place to work though. . .very tempting
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