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Donkeljohn Blog

Gathering a Posse

When you live 30+ miles from your gaming crew, gathering to play is sometimes a pain. Particularly when you are on a newly-wed budget, and going to school.

Last night I sent a call to my hommies trying to amass a group (not near Sullust) to play anything. . . just so I can get my multiplayer itch scratched. It has been quite some time since I have gotten to play games with another human being. . . since my wife doesn't play.

Unfortunately the responsibilities of life and work are encroaching where I would otherwise be able to enjoy game time. If I were to have that time "back" it would be at the cost of something far more precious: time with my growing family.

2:00 AM mornings

When will I learn staying up until 2 am playing games is not a wise course of action. Thursday was bad, but 10.5 hours of sleep last night was good.


What is the nature of temptation?

Diablo sublimely led me away from my work terminal to my home terminal to begin my accumulation of various items with which to bedeck my Paladin in preparation for an ongoing butchering of the forces of evil.

From Heaven to Hell

Isn't it ironic that as soon as something good is done, evil attenpts to ruin the afterglow of righteousness?

Take for instance the sharing of the heavenly Katamari Damacy. Now I find myself drawn to my home to play Diablo for hours on end. Very tempting. Why should I play a game that is five years old when I have summarily defeated it numerous times? Particularly when it is called Diablo?!?

The good news of Katamari

So, one of the guys I know had a bad day yesterday. He's always on the verge of losing his job, and yesterday just about put him over the edge. Then I came over to talk to his wife about a new apartment.

I remembered I had my copy of Katamari Damacy in my laptop bag. I was going to give it to someone else, but I figured I should lend it to this guy. Turns out, it should be just what the doctor ordered. . . as long as he didn't stay up until 1 am playing it. . .

Off the Spot

I never thought I would say it, but I missed Rich Gallup. It was nice to have Jeff on the show some more.

I think Ryan MacDonald is the unsung hero of the show. He seems like a genuinely pleasant and affable person. . . and he is still that way after having children.

Missed shots

No screen shots have been added to new game pages. The only thing on the screen index page? The Suffering: Ties that Bind advertisements. How deplorable.

X360 is on a roll

C'mon announce some more games.

WIth EA announcing great new games, they may yet salvage the wavering stock price. When I say great, I don't mean awe-inspiring. My brothers in law loved war of the ring, but I was really interested in Third Age. I still might pick it up. We shall see. What I am more interested in is picking up the phone and finding out it is EA inviting me in for an interview. That would be good.