Leave work at 8, game for six hours, sleep for three. . . can't imagine why I am beat.
Nevertheless, I was productive today.
Leave work at 8, game for six hours, sleep for three. . . can't imagine why I am beat.
Nevertheless, I was productive today.
Why is it when the most important times of the day arrive, games always interrupt? Perhaps I have developed a behavioral freeway which leads to me immersing my self in gaming "goodness" rather than disciplined behavior. . . perhaps.
One of these days I will grow up.
I have been on a Dungeon Siege (the original) rampage for the past week in an effort to keep from going nuts and getting WOW, and an Internet connection, and a new computer. . . and less time.
The problem with avoiding a possible life-sucking addiction is I have acquired another life-sucking addiction. Again. I am up until all hours of the morning playing DS, as opposed to THE DS. . . which is now going to be down to a semi-palatable $129.
That recently announced price drop is making it even more difficult for me to stay away from another alluring game: Castlevania: DS that will just bring more sorrow into my life.
Between the announcement of The Lord of the Rings Tactics and The Legend of Heroes being dated for October, my PSP just might get some love. Being the slavering LOTR fanboy I am, that looks to be the cup du jour at this point. Not just because it is LOTR, but because it is EA. Having EAxcellent connections is *SO* good.
Now back to Lumines. . .
Gamespot delivered three (yes, three) video reviews in one day.
Sigma Star Saga
On top of that multimedia smorgasboard they release news of the G.A.M.E.! The Mosconi Center will be filled with the senses-failing sounds of games and music during the harrowing hours I will be taking my finals for my first MBA semester. Crazy!
DS down to $130?
Zelda delayed until '06?
Game Boy Micro to launch in one month?
I guess today would have been an otherwise slow news day, except for the fact Microsoft had to release word that Celestica, discreet manufacturer from the North, is also manufacturing 360s.
Thank you for the level advancement. Since I am not currently swept up by any great RPG, I suppose my advancement in Gamespot must satiate my Leveling thirst.
Nobunaga's Ambition was a strategy game the likes of which only my obsessive Civil War fan friend could really get into. NA did not find a home on my NES, but in his, it was used until it was dead. Perhaps I should start reading some Sun Tzu until my next level advancement.
So, married life truly leaves little time for keeping up with my Halo skills. It was made very evident to me last night that my Halo skills leave much to be desired. I was usually in the middle tiering of everyone. If it were not for the obsessive violence against one of the better players, I am sure my death count would have been significantlyy higher. As it was I was able to hold my own, and even lead the Oddball games at particular points.
Last night was also my first opportunityy to play fiesta. Ole.
The mix of weapons was certainly exiting, if not . . .disheartenning at times.
I took a while to get into the mood for 1-life CTF on one of the more compact maps. That is how it is. Alas, I suppose we must remove ourselves from our comfort zones in order to share enjoyable experiences with others. Those cramped environs certainly created some VERY fast matches. Towards the end of our 20-match run frequently Paul was left by himself after both Spencer and I had been cut down.
Well, it is August 12, and I am not getting any update. . . either on my Network Update or on the official PSP website. Hopefully, the update will come out soon. . . as in today.
Unfortunately that won't happen. As of 2:50-something the firmware update will be sought the week of August 15. Criminal. At least tonight I will have some good Halo 2 action with the old single friends.
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