Regardless of if you continue this or not, people are going to continue being incredibly shortsighted about their insults, such as asking someone to be fired or personally insulting him or her. I honestly doubt your show has increased that at all, especially when your show has focused mostly on the comically outrageous and NOT the seriously hateful comments.
This is shown by how you refused to show comments personally attacking Carolyn; you always had that line you never cross, so I'm not sure how you could think that Feedbackula encourages posts that DO cross that line. Those posters will always cross those lines regardless of excuse, because they feel their opinions are better than everyone elses. If you want to stop feedbackula because you feel too uncomfortable with trolls who've been around for decades, that's fine. However, using the excuse that you feel Feedbackula has encouraged this behavior is downright silly as you never, ever encouraged personal attacks and such. It's the same as cutting the nose to spite the face.
Now don't get me wrong: I personally do not agree that Carolyn's comment about misogyny was professional, but I didn't personally insult her about it; just stated that I felt it had no place in a review. The game is focused entirely around three scumbags, and as they are who they are their perspectives will be rather misogynistic. It is the same as accusing Kill Bill Volume 1 for being Misandrynistic, because all the main characters outside of Bill (who's shown to be nothing but a selfish jerk at that point) are women, and are shown to have some sort of sympathetic background even if barely, and most men shown are shown as either jerks, or cannon fodder, with no such development as the women. It just so happens that FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE BRIDE, the men she faced are weak or jerks, and the women are people she had formerly respected and were strong. It's all in the context, and isolating concepts like how a particular gender is portrayed without considering the context around it feels unprofessional.
That does not mean I want to see Carolyn fired, or anything stupid like that; only that she tones back her bite or at least gives it far, far more context than she does. Otherwise, any person can tear out a particular aspect and consider it politically incorrect out of character, and eventually force developers to not take any risks at all in fear of having something being taken out of context, like I feel Carolyn did to GTAV. I do feel she did a good job otherwise, but that criticism just stood out as being a little much.
TL;DR version: Cancelling Feedbackula because you're tired of the trolls is fine, but cancelling because you think it contributes to the trolling is silly because Feedbackula does not. I disagree that talking about misogyny and such without proper context is professional, and that is how I saw Carolyn's review. If she just added more context of how it is still misogynistic despite the fact that we're controlling scumbags who we CLEARLY are not supposed to emulate in real life, then I'd have no issue with her review.
Definitely would've been interested as a new-game-plus toggle as an easter egg, sort of like how Jak and Daxter allowed you to activate wacky things like big head mode if you collected enough hidden items.
I normally would be rolling my eyes at this, but given that they've already announced a second, tactical RPG based on this and the fact that Crimson Shroud - which played out very much like a tabletop rpg instead of a videogame - ended up being so awesome, I'm willing to give this a shot provided it comes out in the West.
Doomerang's comments