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3T Number 8

Tool's Top Ten continues with two in one day all for Thanksgiving.

8. Right In Two




One of the lesser known to 'radio listeners', but a great one none the less. THe whole 10,000 days album shows nothing but the strainged perfection that is the guitar part. I mean not in sound, but rather keeping up without fumbling - that's hard. Jsut try to play Tool on the guitar, and you'll know what I mean, and then switch over to 10,000 days, and play through a songe with complicated beats and patterns without missing a note (by the way, the songs are around 7 min. each). Amazing.

3T Number 9

9. Prison Sex

 Tool's Undertow



Yes, it was the first (that I recall) song taken off MTV due to "graphic content".  Starting out with a scratching, and then exploding with ironic upbeat grity guitar.  One of the best - ever.

Tool Top Ten

Now is my off topic top ten list! Top Ten Tool Songs!



 Tools Lateralus



One of the ****cs from Lateralus, debatabely the best of their albums, Disposition contains very little lyrics at all, and yet they are some of the most inspirational lyrics I've ever heard:


"Mention this to me,

Mention something Mention -


Mention this to me,

And watch the Weather change"


With a great Bass line and mostly harmonic Guitar play, this maybe just barely made it, but deserves it none the less. It's absolutely beautiful.

Dead Space Review

Yes, finally Dead Space has been reviewed! Though, I am a little tired, so it didn't turn out that great. Oh well, you get the idea.


Something not mentioned: Achievements are the equevalent to those of BioShock, minus the downloaded one and the "collect all tapes" achievement (seeing as only a handfull are needed for the achievement).


Have fun, and Tool's Top Ten will start soon.

New Top 10??

Yes, i'm thinking of doinga Top Ten Tool Songs, hence the new decorations.


More on that later. First: I have 3 levels on Dead Space Left, and so far it's pretty good. 



Stats (sorry for short post; in a hurry):

DorkaDorka: 16345

Shorbus215:  8080

Killjoy185: 4095

Crosssacrifice: 1285

Cool, everyone's up alot.


Ps: New Xbox Experience, though cluttered and disorginized, is pretty damn good.

Fable II Review

Fable II Review is up.  Have fun with my mixed review. By the way: Can't get the stupid image majiggy to work. Damn.


Anyway, hope you enjoy it.

Gears 2 Review

My review of Gears of War 2 is up, after me finishing it today on Hardcore. By the way, it was great. Much better than the first. Read my review for more.


Stats (this is only mine and Shortbus215's, seeing as LIVE on my computer is offline for the update, and these are the ones I know):


DorkaDorka: 16060

Shortbus215: 7800

So, Hows Gears 2 and Dead Space?

Excellent question, mon frier!


So far, Gears 2 is a lot better than the original. It has much more depth in it's story, more ranging landscapes, and overall much better quality to the whole thing. Alos, it's equiped with a set of good achievements, including some like in the first game (kill so many with such and such), but without the limits of being online. By this, I mean ANY game (campaign, online, offline, hoard - sorry, no explanation for hoard right now, but it's fun) all adding up to one achievement. And all the required is scaled down (like from 100 kills to 30, or 10 a certain way). The only exception an achievement called Seriously 2.0, where apposed to killing 1000 enemies, it's 100,000 (meant for online play and campaign plus the to be explained later hoard). 


To Dead Space, I'm not that far in. Chapter 4 of 12 (in Gears I'm in Act 4 of 5, with about 7 chapters per Act)But, I can say it is freaky, and a lot of fun. Kinda like a F.E.A.R. - BioShock - Resident Evil fusion, with a setting and story relative to Alien. Anyway, it's great too.


I have jsut rented 2 of the most critically acclaimed games of thge recent months: Gears of War 2 and Dead Space, but returning the really good, but not the best, Far Cry 2.


I've played a bit of Gears 2 (my brother's playing now) and all of the problems I had with the first game are fixed . . . so I've seen, though.  That's just the first Act, though, and only when my brother went to the bathroom.


Dead Space, I have yet to experience. 


In other news, lately, more than most times, I have been listening to a lot of Tool, Korn, Meshugga, and Mastadon. Weird, eh?


Love that stuff, So i thought I'd (as I seem to do with everything) rate them.


(in Order)


1. Tool

     -Tool have completely opened my mind to new possibilities when it comes to playing the guitar or listening to music. With time signatures that would make Beatoven crap his pants, Tool has shown that music never has to sound the same, or have necessarily pop-esque choruses or even a single sounding sound repeated on every album. Their evolving sound, progressive styled structure, hypnotic vocalist, and their tripped out yet down to earth lyrics only add to the alure. By far, my favorite band.


2. Korn

    -Korn has influenced many. From a whole generation of metal (NU metal) to even inspiring a type of open lyrics (Staind, and even the god-awful emo), Korn has shown that they aren't going to follow the crowd. With insanely low tuned guitars (mainly possible because of their now-super-popular 7-string guitars), and a very distinctive style (due to EVERY instrument, from Head and Monkey, the insanely uneven, yet disturbingly brilliant, Guitarists, to Feildy, the insane bassit that slpa like no other, and finally to Johnathan Davis, the disturbingly open vocalist that actually sings high pitched in a 'girly' voice, yet still unsettling).  Nothing can prepare you form this band. It's a very violent, and disturbed band (a couple of comparisons to rape in their lyrics and drowning people), but you can't deny their in-your-face force.


3. Meshugga

     -Meshugga is not a band for everyone. I like to describe them as a new guitarist with professional skills. By this I mean they make up odd sounds a new guitarist would make, finding it sounded good to them, but not the listener necessarily,  and yet the skill to pull it all off. They are much more brutal than Korn, with extremely heavy, pounding guitars with drums in suit (not the pounding on snare or double bass pedal, but actully SKILLED fast drums), with a brutal screaming vocalist. Not for every taste by any means. Oddly enogh, Tool, nowhere near this heavy, or even heavy at all, was influenced by them. But so am I. PS: They have an 8-string guitar.


4. Mastadon

   -Mastadon is definately an odd one. Very off sounding, they remind me of Meshugga light almost, wiht a more melodic sound. This is by no means the worst. I LOVE all four of these bands (and there is more bands in between these numbers, such as A Perfect Circle), it just is lower compared to my previously stated.


Well, there you go. I'll tell you about Gears 2 (much sooner than usual) and Dead Space (ditto) when I can.

Evening out

My Gamerscore finally evened out from an oddd number (like 15213), to a normal number (15220), all thanks to Sonic!




DorkaDorka:  15220

Shotbus215:  7760

Killjoy185: 3545

Crosssacrifice: 1125


I apologize for having little to say, but I promise I have things on the horizen.