The Mii structure seriously needs to be upgraded. I can't help ignore how dated the Lego Duplo Block looking characters are, and it unfortunately sustains Nintendo's aggressively kiddy image.
In case you haven't observed these past few decades, people play video games as a means to escape their daily lives. No different than reading a book, or watching a TV show or movie. It's something to entertain our minds, and get away from frustrating thoughts.
Who's lame-brain idea was it to turn our XBOX 360 into a f'ing hub for politics? Why the hell would anyone want to watch something like that on a VIDEO GAME SYSTEM when it can be simply viewed on the news just as easily?Well... you probably realized "no one", so that's why you put in this retarded little gimmick for Halo fans, am I right? "Hmm... nobody wants to watch politics on their 360s. We gotta find a way to bait 'em in!"
Odds are 100 to 1 that the mass majority of people who want this armor are going to tune their systems to the debate, and walk away for a half hour. This is by far one of the dumbest ideas you've come up with yet.
Do we really need to have Apple news in here? It's the exact same every single time. "OH HEY! APPLE'S RELEASING THE NEW IPAD/PHONE/POD!" Whoopidee-f'ing-doo... good for you.
There are an awful lot of butthurt RE fans in here. How many of you who are bashing this guy's review have actually PLAYED the game yet?
Midnight release here, and I'll be one to say that I can completely understand where he's coming from. These mechanics are not for everyone, and like 5, 6 is going to divide fans pretty harshly.As someone who hates excessive quick time events with a passion (and the unnecessary need to make most door openings a cinematic event), this is not what Resident Evil used to be. Poor camera, convoluted menu system, and the inability to pause the action if you're in an online mode (even if you're going solo!!) .. these flaws do not do the game justice one bit.
Hey, you're welcome to love the game all you want. It's your opinion. But from what I've played so far, I'm seeing all the flaws that made me hate RE5 return with a vengeance. It's so heartbreaking, because I've been with this series since the beginning. :(
@electro57 Yes, because you're psychic, and you magically know several months in advance that Dead Space 3 will be a phenomenally flawless experience, right?
@PumpkinBoogie Reminds me of the stupid "Dark Berry" flavor of Mountain Dew that's tied in with The Dark Knight Rises... It's the exact same f'ing flavor and color as Voltage.
Aren't there any other beverage companies to make deals like this with other than Pepsi? The Mountain Dew "game fuel" thing has been overdone to death by previous Halo titles and Call of Duty.
Why not tap into others? No love for Coca-Cola? How about 7up? I'm sure Arizona would be happy to gain a little extra boost in sales with their delicious teas.
But no. You're just going to ride the common stereotype which assumes that all gamers drink Mountain Dew more than anything else. Go to hell...
DragonRift's comments