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#1 DragonxanderPR
Member since 2008 • 292 Posts


I did got owned on this one (yes, I researched on the titles I wrongly said were not 360 exclusives). Even so, I'm waiting for other people's responses. I do not intend to get a 360 or any Microsoft TV gaming console, but I would like to know what's the stuff for the 360 that is purely its own (if you fail on this one, then there's an extra victory for the anti 360ers).

If you ask about my gaming preferences, I'm clearly an anti-Xbox fanboy (though I haven't, untill now, openly expressed it). If I'm to play many of those games the 360 shares with other systems, I might as well get the systems I want with the added plus of their exclusives.


So your rule about XBLA games mean we can't pick original titles that you can only get on Xbox 360, which are STILL 360 exclusives?

Like Castle Crashers and Geometry Wars 2?

The rule refers to titles that are not fully original to the 360. This means ports, remakes & minor adaptations from older consoles are banned. All other XBLA are allowed.

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#2 DragonxanderPR
Member since 2008 • 292 Posts

I did got owned on this one (yes, I researched on the titles I wrongly said were not 360 exclusives). Even so, I'm waiting for other people's responses. I do not intend to get a 360 or any Microsoft TV gaming console, but I would like to know what's the stuff for the 360 that is purely its own (if you fail on this one, then there's an extra victory for the anti 360ers).

If you ask about my gaming preferences, I'm clearly an anti-Xbox fanboy (though I haven't, until now, openly expressed it). If I'm to play many of those games the 360 shares with other systems, I might as well get the systems I want with the added plus of their exclusives.

And about the PC/360 games, the PC versions have important advantages:

- Almost always cheaper than those on the 360.

- In most cases, free online gameplay that's well-structured.

- More native graphics potential.

- Much more DLC that may be cheap or free.

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#3 DragonxanderPR
Member since 2008 • 292 Posts

I would like some Xbox 360 fans to answer me the following: mention AT LEAST 12 good games (24 if including sequels or multiple titles of a franchise) available for that console that meet the following conditions:

-Must be a true exclusive for the 360. If it's on PC, don't dream on mentioning it.

-Must not be from the original Xbox (bye-bye Halos 1 & 2).

-Must not be an Xbox LIVE Arcade title that is an original, remake or adaptation from a retro console or company. This means that only XBLA (for 360) exclusive titles count.

-Must not be a general multiplat (bye-bye COD, Street Fighter IV, GTA IV...!).

-Must not be an expansion pack for a main game (bye-bye GTA IV: Lost & Dammned!).

-Must not be a timed-exclusive that will eventually go multiplat at some point (either exported or imported).

-If it's a future title, it must be definitely confirmed that's going for the 360 & it must abide the aforementioned.

If anybody answers that sucessfully, then I'll admit the Xbox 360 is a worthy console. If not, one more battle won for the anti-Xbox crusade!

Any comments, questions & opinions are welcome, as long as they abide forum rules.

EDIT: I stand owned on the part of the games I wrongly mentioned as not being 360 exclusives, & I hope I made clearer the part of XBLA (for 360) games.

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#4 DragonxanderPR
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The Wii has neared the 49 million units sold mark, it has been selling for 2 & a half years, & it's currently selling less than at the beginning. If it were to reach the 70 million mark, it would be by Christmas 2010; so it would be by the very end of 2010. Reasonable enough for me.

About the Xbox 360 & the PS3, none of them would sell that much in the time span available from now to late 2010. I'd say they'll be reaching the 43 million mark by that time, at best.

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#5 DragonxanderPR
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Have you seen the TV comercials for Kirby Super Star Ultra (specifically the non-in game cut scenes). Those VERY SAME GRAPHICS should be the ones a 3-D Kirby videogame should have. I know that -if Sakurai & the rest of the HAL team made a decent effort- the game should be excellently done & executed. And knowing how fast the Wii is still selling, as well as that there's a large enough consumer base craving for such videogame, it's almost impossible such videogame would be a sales failure.

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#6 DragonxanderPR
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MS will cancel 360 support the instant the new Xbox launches. Of course they won't say it's cancelled, they will just stop making games for it forcing X360 owners to either get a PS3 or get the new Xbox. They did that last generation and it worked for them pretty well. I see them shafting 360 owners the same way they did Xbox owners. They pretty much follow this same plan with all their products. As far as Sony goes, maybe they will wait. Waiting for a few years as long as PS3 is doing well would not hurt them. Later after MS has shown their hand Sony could release a machine a few years later in the middle of the new Xbox cycle with double the power. MS will have to rely heavily on people wanting to upgrade if they release a new machine in 2010 something that I think is a big gamble since a lot of people haven't even made the jump into this generation yet.EmperorSupreme

I would say this makes enough sense to me. If Microsoft continues with its opposition to Blu-Rays (in terms of videogames), & if it goes for the short console life cycle; this is what I would imagine on the 8th gen System Wars:

-Xbox 720: released between late 2010 to mid 2011; still working on multi-layer DVDs or with downloadable-to-hard drive games; 1 GB RAM, CPU & GPU about 50-80% more powerful than those of the PS3; launching with moderate failure rates (between 1.5-5%). Blockbuster wannabes will be the typical games that will be available around launch. Possible launch price: $450 (with small loss).

-PS4: released in late 2012 to mid 2013; working on multilayer Blu-Rays (up to 1000 GB per disc); 2 GB total RAM, CPU & GPU about 200% more powerful than those of the PS3; long-life cycle with the PS3 catering to the people who now still use the PS2; PS3 exclusive having enough time to get developed in awesome ways. Possible launch price: $350 (with moderate loss).

-Possible outcome: Xbox 720 having a much broader advantage (in terms of sold units) over the PS4; PS4 being really much more powerful & relatively cheap; PS4 being powerful enough to stay on the market during all the 8th gen & about half of the 9th gen. Other possible outcomes will depend on the sucess Wii's sucessor & OnLive may have.

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#7 DragonxanderPR
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I would say OnLive (unless the related prices are too high) will take away a good share of the PS3 & the 360's marketshares; since it's able to provide a complete online experience (there goes the Xbox's share), while the high-end multimedia support will take away the PS3's share.

On the other hand, PC gamers will be less affected, due to the capacity demands of PC games & because PC gamers are solidly established. In the Wii's case, its market is really different when compared to the one OnLive is to cater. And on the handheld consoles' scene, they will be less affected when compared to the HD consoles; since portability is their strongest asset.

I'm not sure if I will acquire an OnLive, but it sure won't be during the recent release hype period.

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#8 DragonxanderPR
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Damn that thing is ugly:lol:gamefan67

I would say it looks pretty nice. IMO, way better looking than the Xboxes.

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#9 DragonxanderPR
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I knew about that since like 6 months ago. About the Zeebo, it's a Brazilian videogame console created by TecToy. So far of what I've read, it's intended to compete against 6TH GENERATION consoles in the less developed world's market (i.e. Latin America, Africa, Indian Subcontinent, Southwest Asia). According to the articles, it's slightly less powerful than the PS2, it will have motion controls like the Wii (also, its default controller looks a lot like a Classic Controller), AND it won't have hard copy games.

About the only DLC games, they will be distributed via 3G internet connection. This was made in order to avoid software piracy, which is far worse in Brazil than in the higly developed economies. I doubt the Zeebo will compete in the developed markets (North America, Europe, most develpoed conutries in the Far East, most developed countries in Oceania), due to its features.

For you all to know, TecToy was actually the company SEGA put in charge of manufacturing & distributing their [SEGA's] consoles for the South American market. So, the company already has experience with videogame hardware & marketing.

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#10 DragonxanderPR
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To make it short, watch or read "An Inconvenient Truth"

Tell me if having the seasons so changed (towards extreme & mostly hot weather) in less than 30 years -the period in which weather patterns are to be considered for climate defining- isn't enough to prove it.

For example, here in Puerto Rico, our climate is supposed to be between maritime humid tropical & marine humid subtropical, a climate pattern in which seasons are supposed to be like the following:

-cool temperatures & balanced humidity for winter

-dry & hot spring

-rainy, hot summer

-stormy, not-so-hot autumn

Nowadays (beginning with 2008 & coninuing in 2009), the climate for Puerto Rico has shifted to a mediterranean one:

-rainy, cold winter

-hot & moderately humid spring

-scorching, dry summer

-warm autumn

Another proof would be that demonstrate global warming is more active hurricane seasons & more severe hurricanes, like:

-Katrina (remember the tragic footage from New Orleans?). Remember that (I'm not sure if it was 2004, 2005 or 2006) we had 25 hurricanes in the Northern Atlantic in just one hurricane season.

-Ike (the Great Aether it made to an already devastated Haiti)

-Nagris (the one that caused MILLIONS of deaths in Myanmar alone)

Let's remember the recent heat waves that broiled Europe in the last few years, or the fact that here in Puerto Rico we've lost some beaches already. Also consider that the sea level has risen enough to make dissapear in the near future tiny island countries like Maldive Islands or Vanuatu. Or maybe that subpolar forest regions are becoming warm enough for abundant human settlements.

Tell me if all of that isn't enough proof for global warming.