I'm still waiting for them to release all the episodes on one disc so I can finally play this game. I thoroughly enjoyed all the other Hitman games, but I refuse to buy a game like this.
How do Rey and Finn pick up light-sabers and automatically become Jedi Masters? Luke, in the original trilogy had to go through hell to become a Jedi Master. O wait, Luke was a stupid white male, only women and black characters can master a light-saber first try. . If they focused on making a good story, with a good cast, rather than being Politically Correct, this movie could have been great.
@gmac44: Go back and watch Return of the Jedi. Everything else about it is very epic and bad-ass. It's one of the best films of all time. The ewoks killed the movie for you? Dude, they were not that bad. It's okay, nobody will think you're not "tough" for liking Ewoks.
@Acillatem1993: these people don't know what they like. They just follow the mainstreem talking points, and jump on any new hype train. I'm also suprised at the morons saying ROTJ is crap and FA is better...these people were to busy staring at their phones to know what was going on. They probably thought "This is OLD!". That's why Force Awakens was made the way it was, it was designed for a dumbed down cellphone zombie audience. I went to see this in theatres, and most of the audience were people staring at their phones.
@Henninger: most of these people have clearly never seen Return of the Jedi(aside from bits and pieces on tv while staring at their cellphone). Most of them got into Star Wars recently because of the Force Awakens and all of the commercialism behind it. I see people here saying FA is better then RTOTJ, these people are clearly millenial morons. 90 percent of these kids stare at their cell phones while a movie is playing(I witnessed this while watching TFA).
@ChldsPlay: The actors themselves are good in other films, but the casting and characters felt out of place for StarWars, and it feels like they were all picked just to be politically correct. For the character roles they played, they def were trash. Only cellphone zombies and bandwagon jumpers like Force Awakens.
@samsmithnz: the cast and jar jar may have been childish, but the back story and political backdrop were amazing. The Sith Lord pretending to be the good guy, arming both sides to push his own policy and set up a police state, consolidate power, and destroy the republic(while pretending to save it) was very mature and mirrored the Bush administration(Democrats and Obama are controlled by SITH too).
Dredcrumb9's comments