Why don't they release GTAV uncut? With longer story mode, no hit markers or screen flashes, black bears, metal music, more wilderness, and no Snitch Michael? GTAV was the biggest waste of potential ever.
I hope this game isn't all cave man weapons. I want to shoot human pirates, T-Rex, and other crazy enemies with guns... like a Farcry 2 and 3 but with Dinosaurs.
If Goldeneye Reloaded had the same exact engine as Black OPS 1, no COD would be relevant. Black Ops1 was the last good COD. Every one since has been crap.
All of this music sucks. There could be so much better guitar music in this game. Give us real guitar music; Judas priest, UFO, Micheal Schenker Group, Yngwie Malmsteen, Blackmore's Rainbow, the Scorpions, Rush, Steve Hackett Genesis, Black Sabbath, Kreator, Slayer, Destruction, Iron Maiden, Thin Lizzy, etc....
Jurassic World was eye candy for trendies and celebrity worshippers. All of the suspense, awe, and wonder of the last 3 Jurassic Parks is gone, with CGI Dinosars to piss all over the film. Sad, because they could have done a lot of cool scenes with the Mosasaur.
I hope they let us play the campaign without 'X' hit markers. Seeing blood spray, wounds, and your targets hit reaction works well enough as a hit-marker. Seeing an X pop up for every hit made Black Ops 2 campaign mode, made the game suck more than it needed to.
I hope they let us play the campaign without hit markers. Seeing blood spray, wounds, and your targets hit reaction, is hit marker enough. Seeing an X pop up for every hit made Black Ops 2 campaign mode, made the game feel a lot less immersive and intense than W@W or BO1.
I hope they let us play the campaign without hit markers. Seeing blood spray, wounds, and your targets hit reaction, is hit marker enough. Seeing an X pop up for every hit made Black Ops 2 campaign, made story mode suck more than it needed to.
If the campaign has stupid hit markers(X for every hit), I hope they give us the option to turn them off this time. Blood, wounds, gore, and the enemy's hit reaction work fine as hit markers. Black ops 2 campaign looked and felt so lame seeing the X pop up for every hit.
The gameplay is amazing, but it kind of craps all over the whole game knowing we are not playing as the real naked Snake/Big Boss/John, but a random medic who was brainwashed and given plastic surgery to look like snake.
Dredcrumb9's comments