I hope the campaign doesn't have hit markers. Seeing blood spray and enemy hit reaction is hit indication enough. Seeing an X pop up every time you shot somebody in black ops 2 made story mode look and feel lame.
I wish snake wouldn't automatically holster his gun when the player is done aiming, it looks really stupid when snake is in a big gun fight and you see him against a wall with no gun in hand. I see people arguing the auto-holstering makes CQC easier, which is a weak argument, because just pressing up on the D-pad to manually holster weapons or having snake auto-holster when the player uses CQC would be just as convenient.
Why does this game have 'X' hit markers? The blood spray, bullet wound effects, and enemy hit reactions are perfect in this game. Seeing a giant 'X' pop up every time I hit an enemy, makes the game feel cheap and less immersing.
This game has the best game-play of any Splinter Cell. It's too bad the story has a moronic, good 'Murricans vs evil terrorists plot, and they totally destroyed Sam Fischer's character by turning him into some pretentiously edgy tough-guy character with no personality.
Why are there 'X' hit markers in campaign mode, and you can't turn them off? Every game I play lately, BF4, black ops2, Bioshock 3, GTAV, etc...all have hit markers in campaign mode. When are developers going to go back to using blood effects and enemy hit reactions as hit markers? Seeing an 'X' or any form of hit indicator destroys much immersion and fun in modern games.
Why does this game have 'X' hit markers? The blood spray, bullet wound effects, and enemy hit reactions are perfect in this game. Seeing a giant 'X' pop up every time I hit an enemy, makes the game feel cheap and less immersing. It's just un-necessary, unless we are playing on easy mode.
If only they switched protagonists with farcry 3. Farcry 3 is the better game, but playing as Jason Brody ruins it. Jason should of been in the crappy farcry game.
GTAV and GTAV next gen are broken. You cant even turn off hit markers or annoying screen flash kill effect, and the game restricts players so you can't even beat up npcs in strip clubs.
Dredcrumb9's comments