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Let it be known, I'm a PC guy. For years I've been using the Microsoft programs and PC towers as my home of computing operation and not once did I ever feel like I was missing out on something. Maybe the occasional graphics or processor updates that usually carried heafty prices, other than that, realizing I couldn't update my gear every 2 months I was content. Then laptops became the craze.
Portability is a solid foundation to any on-the-go computer lover. Having easy access to your memory and files anywhere you park is quite the lovely feeling, and I do see the advantages for business folk and espeically gamers. Its no Gameboy in your back pocket, but a nice gizmo to lug around none the less. Not for me. I had a hand me down laptop in the late 90's and the damn thing was way more trouble than it was worth. Even though I could hook up to the net and amuse myself as if I was at my desktop with various installed programs, the feeling was not the same for me. I could list all the reasons why I thought it strange to carry around a laptop knowing I had a desktop arrangement... but I rather chalk it up as me being silly for assuming the laptop name meant you had to actually sit it on your lap :oops:

If my technical savy wasn't lacking enough, the 2K era busted wide open with Apple gut punching the industry at every turn and I called it a "fad". Not my brightest moment, but in all retrospect purposes, I saw no need to dumb down and simplify all the things I was already so familiar with. The iPod seemed cool, but burn CD's were my ticket. Mac's were built for specific user interest, I loved being able to build my PC from scratch. Quicktime and iTunes wants to head lock all streaming data, I was determined to continue my mine field adventures hunting down free content.

After watching one of those PC & Mac commercials, you can better understand who they are reffering to (ME!)

I'm not one to favor one format over another simply because its something to do, I'm a technology guy who adores stuff that works. Not everything is meant to work flawless (stinking XBL), but for any faithful user you'd like to think the banner you wave is worth bragging about. With the PC and years of minor frusterations, I think my time has finally come.

MacBook Air

No way will I scrap all the PC junk I've acquired over the years, nor will I fully convert to the Apple beast that controls everything that is digital. Not stuck in my stubborn ways, but more curious than anything. Yes, a user base as massive as the Apple one can't have that many people barking up the wrong tree without good reason. And looking over their products, the reasons are numerous in my opinion.
What I'm saying here today is Apple has my attention. And not because of those witty commercials that induce so much spite :P Instead of their lavish selection of computers and and handheld devices, I'm here to declare my excitement is back in full effect, all due to their new MacBook Air laptop. Going for under 2,000 bucks is very appealing and being considered the thinnest laptop EVER all serve as viable reasons to rejoice... yet I'm more interested in their ever expanding Wi-Fi capabilities. Nothing new to the laptop world, but thanks to my buddy LexLas, who showed me a great video that highlights their new approach to Wi-Fi computing, cords are becoming more and more a thing of the past. For anyone interested in checking out the video, go to the profile and enjoy the long presentation hosted by the father of Apple, Steve Jobs.

Just a few fun facts about this new MacBook Air before everyone deems me a PC turn coat...

* Height: 0.76 inches (closed)

* Width: 12.8 inches

* Weight: 3.0 pounds

* Display: 13.3 inch widescreen TFT LED backlit

* Connections: Audio out, USB 2.0 port, and a Micro-DVI

* Battery: about 5 hours

* Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo

* Memory: 2GB of 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM

* Storage: 80GB 4200-rpm Parallel ATA HDD (optional 64GB SSD)

* Inputs: backlit keyboard + multi-touch gesture trackpad (like the iPhone)

With operating tempertures of 50° to 95°F, smart kids who take the name laptop too literal should even be okay :lol:

I'm not sure 2g's is something easy for me to spare right now financially, but after hearing about Apple's constant success, I'm finally listening. If anyone is curious about the Wi-Fi support I was talking so highly about, definently check out the links to see demo's. As for now, I have minor spending endeavors to explore like finally seeing the movie Sweeny Todd this weekend. I've been a huge fan of Tim Burton and crew since my early days of Batman in 89'. Seeing that dude still going strong in the movie industry please me greatly, so the least I can do is check it out at the theater.

Since the special character announcement for Soul Calibur IV, I've been on this Star Wars kick for the last few days and its kind of like a double edge sword. In one hand, I'm happy to have all the movies (including the 2 animated volumes) at my finger tips for marathon watching madness. While on the other hand, exposing myself to this much nonstop SW's is really taxing to my story telling nerves. I love George Lucus for the great universe he's created for fans, but the dude kind of wasted awesome source material in my opinion.

*crawls back into gaming hole*

Tuesday Gaming

So I wake up around 4 this morning thinking I had to work, only to find out after hours of BS run around, tomorrow would be the day. With little complaint, I quietly kept to myself a majority of the morning gaming away on a little bit of everything. Not only has it been quite a bit since I simply geek'd out from AM to AM, but I finally got a chance to check out the new maps for Halo3.

Thanks to my cousin braving the chilly outdoors providing me with a spare 360 mic, he figured why not DL his LiVE account onto my 360 and load up the Heroic Map pack. I must have sounded like a worried little girl constantly warning him of recent issues with LiVE, and especially people who have had account problems due to such transfer activity :roll:
For some reason it must of not occured to me that he not only plays a butt load more of Halo than me, but he also owns a 360. The weary behavior was put to rest when we finally loaded up his account with little hassle. Maps, Halo, awesomeness! All was well until I realized playing the same 3 maps over 50 times was beginning to wear me thin. Got a few player and ranked matches in on the regular maps, then finally had to call it quits. Cuz wasn't too happy about that non-hardcore behavior, but he does have me interested in scooping up the new maps... even tho they will be free in a short time...

Early in the day I was going thru some arcade games and noticed that I had a demo still saved. It was Dark Messiah. After playing the extremely lack-luster KuF demo, then the terrible game, I wasn't sure I could handle another wasted endeavor. Already playing the PC version of the game and some what enjoying it, I wasn't sure what to expect from the 360 one... as feared, the demo was... lacking. Enough to show what the game could do, but not enough to merit a full price purchase. I suppose thats a unfair label to slap on any game that doesn't blow me away, but I figure its the feeling of "been there, done that" more than anything.

Stangely, I want to play more of it :?

Maybe its the mysterious shakes of not having something new for so long or the desire to trudge thru a adventure that isn't Mass Effect. Either way, I'm leaning towards making a trip to the game store only to find out the demo lied... not JAN, but FEB is the release date. Maybe its another sign from the gaming higher power, but I was actually about to buy this so-so game, AGAIN! Instead, I'm left biting my nails wanting more of something, but not sure of what... how lame!

I've played my fair share of games already in my collection, and with the next few months offering a few gems worth checking out, I figure sharing the wish list wouldn't hurt in aiding my future game purchase

Jan. 22

Burnout is a series that so many people rave about and I've only played a handful of times. With a open city approach to car mashing, I'm really excited to see what this game will offer, especially since most racers lately been seriously lacking for me.

Jan. 23

Advance Wars is another series that I've been following, but one I actually know a thing or two about. Being a big fan, I can't wait to not only add another solid game to my small DS collection, but keeping my fingers crossed this version offers even more of what the first had.

Jan. 29

Turok is coming back and supposedly in a big way. Dino takedowns, that alone is enough to grab any action FPS gamers attention. Its not Halo or CoD, yet its something fresh with ahint of old and musty.

Feb. 5

DMC4 might be just what I'm in need of. Hardcore fast-paced action with stunning visuals is never a bad call, especially when it comes from the Capcom camp.

Feb. 12

Then we have Dark Messiah... the undrafted free agent playing as extra extra back up for the super star line up :P

Hopefully my trip to work is full of activity and keeps me busy because if not, there is a good chance I'llend up trafficing thru the game shop... shame on me...

CES 2008 - day2 Impressions

With this year's 4 day CES event in Las Vegas coming to a close, the 2nd day of video coverage here on GS was... interesting, to say the least. I'm a tech nerd who loves getting new stuff, tinkering with it, breaking it, then spending sleepless hours trying to fix it. Thats my kind of weekend on a positive, yet with GS at a convention solely dedicated to terrible folks like me, it was tough watching them desperately search for videogame related content. Not saying I didn't appreciate the great floor coverage and interviews, it just sucks going to your favorite gaming site to see them interact with people who are clearly not interested in that part of the electronic industry. Then again, I got to spend some time in live chat (which was a 1st) with other GS members and found a few items worth mentioning...

Sony PSP expansions

For anyone who complains that Sony isn't taking care of their handheld is fooling themselves and likely trying to drag you down with'em. That isn't to say that everything they've done so far has been flawless either. I got the original PSP back in early 07' and had some good times with the gizmo. Yet, the lack of solid games and constant troubles with online features were too bothersome and I pigeonholed the poor thing. To my surprise, Sony just then decided to step up with better games and improved online support. The train kept on chugging as they recently announced GPS, camera and keyboard accessories for the handheld. With that, some icing on the cake offers Skype, a IP voice communicating service that will allow PSP users, cell phone owners and PC's to all communicate thru the V2 slim model. Kind of cool if your a hardcore investor in the PSP, but as for someone who wants nothing more than good games and online convience... all this seems unnecessary.

SanDisk SSD's

On the subject of portable goodies, laptop kids across the land can rejoice as major efforts in helping their machines work smoother than ever thanks to SanDisk's new line of SSD's. I may not own a laptop anymore, but anything that uses the SD card slot: digital camera's, PSP's, laptop's, and possibly even PS3's all have the potential to greatly expand in memory usage. I basically see these new SSD's as external sources of memory access rather than storage, meaning "solid state" drives on your computer can launch and run entire programs without ever depending on CD based content or the computer itself. My laptop friend has been raving about these for some time, so to catch some coverage on the GS end is very pleasing and gives me something to chit chat with him about :P

****** n52te

As you can see, this is no regular mouse meant for simple email clicking. Oh no, the ****** people are seriously aiming for the hardcore user who wants every ounce of power at their finger tip in the most literal sense. Its not my kind of party, but the list of specs and features are quite impressive for anyone who traffics LAN parties and favors such contraptions. Stated as such on the website, "nonslip rubber pads grip in place for aggressive fragging AND backlit keypad and scroll wheel for total control in dark conditions". Noobs will crap themselve when you log on, can't go wrong there!

~Side Notes~

The format war between Sony and Microsoft in the movie realm just got a little more serious as Warner Bros' made an exclusive pact with Sony for long term blu-ray business leaving Toshiba, who backs Microsoft and HD-DVD's looking silly at the podium. Taking much criticism for not having such functions built into the 360, a HD-DVD has always been available as a seperate accessory and recently mentioned the possibility of a Blu-ray player. All this may sound real funny to any early adopters of the PS3, since they figure blu-ray as the future of...anything disc related. Truth be told, if yer like me and purchased your console solely for gaming, this means nothing. Most of my movies are regular DVD's and the idea of purchasing over priced garbage films sickens me. Hopefully Microsoft keeps their wits about what matters most and doesn't get too distracted from improving LIVE and continuing to offer solid videogames.

Something told me Star Wars:Unleashed would make an appearance at this years CES, but sadly all I got from the GS crew were ear to ear grins about how awesome the game was and they couldn't say more. Kind of a bummer, but leave it to LucasArts to make an impression in numerous places. Soul Calibur IV, Namco Bandai's ongoing weapon based fighter coming in Q2 of this year offers some familiar characters from galaxies far far away... Darth Vader for the PS3 and Yoda for the 360 :roll:
A lot of gamers can argue about what seems fair in this character/console swap, but I'm honestly more concerned about the new gameplay mechanics, the revamped character creation (which was terrible in SC3), and the long awaited online function. No doubt would I love to wreak havoc as the Sith Lord, I simply see no harm in the developer using cheap tactics to make everyone feel a little special. It worked pretty good last-gen with the 3 major consoles, now its just 2 and a horrible Wii title... whats the deal with that?! :?

As for personal gaming, I had the privilege of sharing a few minutes of my favorite game with my favorite lady. Mass Effect might come off as a complete geek-fest, but with her working in the background I had the idea to play something that didn't sound like WW3. Besides the volume being low, she couldn't help but wonder what I was watching until she noticed it was a videogame. The visuals alone caught her eye, but I think navigating thru conversations is what really got her going. Not the kind of quality time I'm use to spending with her, but you'll find no complaints on my end as I play soldier and she works negotiations. Being a person who doesn't hate videogames but rather watch Maury and Peoples Court, I'll take this small adventure as a step in the right direction.

CES 2008 - day1 Impressions

So the annual Consumer Electronic Show is upon us and thanks to the great people here at GS, we have plenty of coverage coming our way in the next few days without leaving our living rooms. For a working joe like me thats pretty nice, but then again I would have LOVED to visit Vegas again just to geek out on hot new electronics I will likely never afford. After the first day of video coverage, I felt like posting some of my personal impressions on the new gizmo's that caught my eye the most...

Sony OLED TV's

I've been hearing about these bad boys for quite some time and no doubt I would love one for next Christmas. As sweet as that would be, I'm not expecting anything with "prototype" in its title near my stocking. Basically, they are super thin TV's that run off of organic powders which not only intensify the HD resolution, but they can display images more crisp and from every angle which would be a first among HD televisions. Details as to when it will become mainstream, screen sizes and prices are are still hush hush, but for anyone who is planning on making a major TV purchase in the next year might want to wait and see what unfolds.

Panasonic wireless

I'm usually pretty good about keeping up with stuff I like, but something about wireless movie and gaming just blew me over. I heard about it back when projector technology was really taking off a few years ago, but didn't think nothing of it. Now, after their fair share of trial and error with wireless audio tech, Panasonic is finally taking the next step by offering a router that can display your movies, games, pictures and just about anything else you would show off in the living room with total ease. Watching the GS coverage they actually showed the new toy off and I couldn't stop drooling... its a gamer's dream come true... or at least for the guy who owns too many consoles and electronics :oops:

NYKO peripherals

Everything from the Perfect Shot (above) and wireless Nunchuck for the Wii, to the dual purpose guitars for the PS3 that works for GH3 and Rock Band, I was actually impressed by what a 3rd party accessory company had to offer. Like most critics, especially ones who had to learn firsthand, I only take these first impressions with a grain of salt. Once you've been burned and it happens more than once, spending money on stuff that usually doesn't last really becomes bothersome. The way I see it, something like the Perfect Shot would be... perfect, for just about any shooter games available on the Wii. Since there is only a few, I'm sure the lasting value some what doubles. And how about a wireless Nunchuck! More stuff to flail around the house is never a bad thing :P

Little Big Planet

I don't own a PS3 nor do I plan on purchasing one anytime soon, no bias, just extremely broke from 2007 spending on the Wii and 360. A lot of gamers have been debating about "must have" titles on the system and so far I haven't played any that really keep me hooked. Maybe its the lack of rumble in the controller or the multiplatform selection of games, all petty reasons, but all solid enough for me stay on the fence 400 dollars richer. I know what Sony can provide and I've enjoyed their great products since the mid 90's. I'm just not sold on what seems like a stand out reason to buy a PS3... and then there is LBP :roll:
I know there are plenty of other super exclusives coming to the system like MGS4, FF13, and Killzone2. But I'm already familiar with those adventures! Not completely tired of them, but surely not excited enough to lay hundreds of dollars down for a new console. LBP isn't that game either, but its the right direction in my opinion for Sony to compete with anything Microsoft has to offer over their Xbox Live community.

As for gaming back home, I've been playing a lot of Hexic HD and Ageis Wing which are both solid free games that I haven't played much of since they came out. With my current arcade problem, I've been unable to play my other downloads while offline and feel extremely hesitant about DL anything new. Going thru older games like Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed are not really a chore, but kind of difficult achievement-wise since I already milked them pretty good.
I don't want to go out and desperately seek a new game I can't afford, so I'm gonna grit and bear it for now. I still got titles like C&C3, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, MX vs ATV and arcade games to enjoy so no major woes on my end. There is always good ol' Counter-Strike on the PC which never fails. Until the next episode of CES...

Genre Defining Games

With the 7th year of 2000 barely behind us, already gamers across the land consider it the best year of gaming EVER! Many folks who rejoice in the act of spite and cynicism on a regular basis just don't understand... how could so many praise big name companies such as Nintendo for making such a major splash with simple gizmo's like the Wii and DS? How does Microsoft continue to maintain large sums of fans and supporters even with faulty manufacturing and sketchy customer support? And don't forget Sony, who manages a monstrous foothold on a industry that simply waits for their next tidal wave of success. How do paying customers explain such a gripping spell that reels them back into electronic outlets time and time again spending more and more money on product that many nay-sayers claim as "nothing new"?!

Explanation not necessary ;)

As I see it, hardcore gamers and even the new batch of people who fancy videogames as a wonderful recreation, don't need to waste any breath or energy convincing a single nay-sayer. I would argue 2007 being the "best" year of gaming, but historically it has been a defining year for the industry as a whole.
My praise of the gaming industry may come off as a mixed vibe to others who are quick to slap a perfect 10 on stellar titles, but thats only because I've seen AND played my fair share of Mario's. Like the critics who bash on videogame jounalist, the strange science of being too critical or too lenient about how to speak and defend the process of creating, producing, and marketing a videogame has never been exact. Some critics are harsh and see no room for error while many others are willing to excuse a few too many blunders. In my eyes, after years of experiencing great digital adventures and indulging in excellently made techonology for decent prices, not many gamers have the right to complain. Critique, compare, criticize, hell you can build a cult around something for all I care, but to complain is not very cl@ssy as a consumer of interactive art.

:shock: HOW DARE HE?!

Yea, I can imagine the nerve of me... someone who hates spending money on garbage just as much as you, saying its wrong to complain. Moral of the story is, can you do any better? Childish retorting isn't my big riposte, but expressing the frusteration of creating something for public appeal is no easy feat. As a side note, I've been involved in artistic expression in numerous forms a majority of my life, and not one is easier than the other. Beyond my silly sob story, I see really good stuff go under the rader all the time while sub-par content seems to always find a way to thrive. This doesn't always happen in videogames, especially now a days with so much scrutinizing coverage constantly following developers and projects from day one. But it happens.


I don't propose any extravagant ideas in how gamers across the globe should feel or act towards game developers and manufacturers, especially ones who blatantly cut us short with half-@ss content for increasingly larger prices. I say (in the most nonchalant manner possible) take a moment to appreciate what we have instead of what we expect for our 21st century dollar. Money doesn't grow on tree's, nor does self imposed grief over bad games. With so much variety in the gaming world ranging from PC applications to cell phones and everything inbetween, I find it very difficult to understand people who simply enjoy NOTHING! With that in mind, I figure what better way to ice my cake of rambling madness than to pick on some titles that really stood out in 2007. Even better, let me deem these games Genre Defining (for extra spice) hailing from everyone's favorite camp, Microsoft :P

FPS genre - Halo3

Compared to the many other shooters who graced our keyboards and controllers this closing year, fans and haters alike felt this game didn't deserve ANY of the magically conjured hype that millions afforded it. Closing the final chapter in a 3 part story, pefecting its online multiplayer, and showcasing features and gameplay that is now quietly known as the standard for any shooter that functions. Disliking this game is a tall order.
What drives me insane about this game is not the Halo universe or its rabid fans who play until their hands ache. Its the imaginary hype train everyone created as a target to simply... hate. No doubt, with the millions of dollars invested into commercials, ads, collectibles, and just about every other thing Master Chief could be slapped on did its job fairly well... gain your attention. Do you feel violated? I hope so, because thats called great marketing!!
The whole joy of entertainment is partly curiousity, and if we knew everything we liked without sampling, I suggest living like a ostrich then. My personal gripes are with the online community and arcadey gameplay. Shooting a dude in the face numerous times and watching him slaughter your whole team is not a easy pill to swallow. Yet, the game is so well made overall millions play consistently drooling for the next sci-fi battle to erupt. 10 years from now, a shooter will be equally hyped and played by millions and everyone will question how it stands to something like Halo... a GDG

RPG genre - Mass Effect

Another gem in the rough hidden by constant scrutiny, susprisingly by gamers who claim to be "hardcore" fans of the role-playing genre. I won't dive too deep into the nonsense, but I will say this is a must play game for any fan of videogames in general. Nobody said you have to sacrifice your first born to enjoy it, but the least you can do is watch a friend play a solid hour and realize just how much work went into this entire game from start to finish.
Not a fan of space opera or level grinding adventures, feel free to sit this round out. Any savy gamer who knows developer Bioware's work, can easily chalk this title in as a new bench mark for the company and the indursty as a whole. Not because its a desperately needed rpg for the 360 library or a picture perfect contender to Sony's disgustingly popular Final Fantasy series... this game oozes standards!
For every negative there is a +5 positive. No matter how much you fight it, rpg games of the future are now required to look or play on some caliber of what Mass Effect displays. Waving such a brave flag alone may appear like an easy target to pick on, yet the immense excitement building in fans of the genre and the expectations of developers bursting at the seams... time will only do justice to this title as its potential leads on as a GDG.

I could go around the table further exploring great companies like Nintendo and Sony, especially with the whole catchy closing of GDG after every rant... but its NFL playoff weekend and I need my rest so I can yell good and loud at the TV all day tomorrow :oops:

For any fellow gamers reading thru my madness, please feel free to toss yer 2 cents in by suggesting a GDG of your prefference from the past, present, or future. There is never a wrong answer among opinions in my book.

2007 in a *blink*

Let me be one of the many that totally agrees 2007 was a phenomenal year for videogames without a doubt. Not only did I play more games than I can recall, butI haven't spent this much money on electronic goodies since the days of the Sega Saturn :oops: Besides feeling extremely content with all the year has offered, being one of the many lucky ones who had the joyous privilege of playing nearly every stellar title to hit shelves on numerous platforms, I had to give props to some games that didn't make my playlist this year and will most likely keep me busy far into 2008...

As ashamed as I should be, this game just didn't hold me frozen to my dreadfully neglected Wii. No thanks to the demo version which was actually the full game, I went out and bought this must have Nintendo made gem only to realize I had very little interest in trudging thru another Mario game when so much else was at my finger tips. Maybe not as polished as Mario, but OTHER adventures none the less... a sad reality I even felt back when Twilight Princess sucked my life force dry.

I care not what others think of Fable, that game was fun! Something about simple adventures should not be cursed for sticking to what is generally easy pickings, yet done so wrong by so many. With Overlord, I knew from day one that visually and gameplay-wise this was a title that I could enjoy after a long day of work. And it was exactly that, but still overly simple. Which in turn made it easy to set aside when other big games of interest came out during June. Until Fable2, I got something real special just sitting on my shelf waiting for me to fire it back up.

It may not show, but I love me some racing games. It was a thing me and father use to do a lot with the older Gran Turismo's where we would take turns racing certain events or even swap while taking part in 100+ lap races. Since those days I've had very little attract me in the racing world, which sucks because I'm trying different games on all platforms, yet nothing really grabs me. The obvious answer should be Forza, but I'm kind of secretly dedicated to GT :roll: Hopefully, being a newcomer to the PGR games, I might find something worth sticking with besides fancy visuals.

My chances of enjoying this game within the comforts of my home are very slim, but I have connections. Able to hook me up with a 5grand rig connections they are not, but good people who might not mind a little sharing and caring if I provide the game. That may be a little much since its just another shooter, but I can't deny how I adore me some awesome FPS action. And with a game that sports the visuals and gameplay mechanics of Crysis, the temptation is always lingering.

No RPG fan should be without the Elders Scroll adventure. For some reason, I had the Oblivion game for the PC at my access when it first hit and I played the poop out of it... when the 360 version dropped I really tried to conjure up the spicy mustard to relive the adventure but I wasn't feeling it. Maybe it was that time in my life that was very unwelcoming for such a game or maybe Elders is too much of something that doesn't appeal to me anymore. Either way, the full game and 2 wonderful expansions in one package make it very appealing, so when the time is right, the purchase will be made.

A game that has had my attention since day one, but really didn't have my faith. I actually felt waiting for a few reviews and fellow gamer opinions were in call for. So far I've been hearing mixed reactions, which is expected with just about any highly anticapated game this passing year, but I'm finally warming up to the idea of giving this one a test drive myself. The control scheme has made it a bit easier to avoid, but I'm usually pretty quick at picking up on things others fuss about, so this may be my next big adventure after squeezing the life out of Mass Effect.

Sporting the SEGA logo on a Nintendo product is still something a bit difficult to wrap my head around, yet I owe it to myself to geek out on agamerfavoritesuch as this. Money has been tight, so I'm trying my damdest to restrain from buying stuff I'll only end up propping on the shelf for future mockery. Hopefully the game lives up to its past formula which was actually quite enjoyable for me, X-mas addition and all!

A racing series that I've adored for some time now, I'm twitching every time I go out in public thinking this will be the moment I get the game only to come home empty handed. Its not a must have title to some, especially with other racers like DiRT and Forza giving plenty for such fans, yet I'm a bike guy. Forget V8's and paint jobs, I'm all about the grimy off road action that challenges me to zip thru near death experiences and look good doing so. This one might have to wait a bit longer before I can fully dedicate, but it will happen in due time.

Some may think whats the point, but those kiddies must be the same ones who complain about their thumbs hurting after playing a game longer than mommy allows. I'm all for Contra, and even tho the last few have completely sucked @ss, I hear nothing but good things about this one. I would have prefered a console version, yet the little whispers told me that once you complete this game you unlock older Contra's which was enough to sell me right there. My DS collection could use a little love since its been collecting dust along with my other Nintendo products.

Back in early NOV when this game first came out, I had it day one and was drooling over the coming excitement that was about to take place for hours on end... sadly, that was the day my 360 crapped out on me. I don't blame CoD4 nor do I feel my 360 was bound for eventual failure, it was just some gaming higher power letting me know it was not my time to shine. After doing so well in the beta and being absolutely fed up with Halo3, this was no easy pill to swallow, but I had other things to tend to during the repair... now that I have my 360 back, I'm missing the party but it doesn't feel so bad. Great games always tend to be so much more enjoyable when everyone thinks they are "old news".

With so much great stuff being produced this passing year, I find it hard to believe its nearly 2008... offering a WHOLE nother year of awesomeness! To understand that in all its dreaded glory for someone like me, just realize I've spent well over 5g's in this year alone on electronic "stuff". No shame or regrets, especially since no one in particular was ever twisting my arm to buy another controller or useless accessory. I just find it comical that my only suggested method of control to avoid buying any new stuff is to buy older stuff... BRILLIANT!! :P

BEST girl of the year...

I must say, setting the controller down every so often to go out and enjoy what this wicked world of ours has to offer is quite nice. I'm not talking about Vegas or fast food, not even the illegal stuff like drugs and quick cash. No fellow gamer, I speak of our loved ones.

Some people might not actually have someone to confide in or family, and for that I apologize if I come off big-headed. Point is, I use to be that sour lil meanie who "had" nobody to embrace, but in all truths that was of my own doing. Not the easiest thing to admit to, but it was the reality I engulfed myself in. I can't say it was a happy place, nor was it void of lonliness. It was just... a place. Having movies, videogames, music, and the ocassional bottle of triple X liquid kind of helped, or so I would like to believe, but it was not a happy place.

My rank in years is small compared to others who lived twice as long and seen more things than they like to speak of. All valid reasons to settle the pup down when overly excited, yet I can't help myself, blame the holiday season if need be. My luck with people has always depended on my ability to reach out to others. Relating was never the goal, I just had to stop being so damn judgemental and cynical when others were being genuinely caring. Family was a small hurdle. Realizing great people were there when I came into this world and most likely will still be around when I leave, my appreciation went thru the roof. Friends seemed to be expendable, but then years would pass and secrets, feelings, family matters all meshed together making for some strong bonds among brothers and in some cases sisters. Then, there is the love life. Being a horn-ball who thought very little of sexually attractive people made it quite easy to take advantage of them. After so many nasty endeavor's the thrill in scoring a bed buddy every other weekend wore thin. I can't say if it was more shame or regret in personal actions, but I was tired of the shenanigans and felt it was time to really search for "the one".

Buying me the best X-mas/b-day gift ever was more than enough to merit such a title as "the one". But this lady I've been with the last few years has taught me a great deal about myself and continues to help me expand my personal boundries. I'm still the big kid who loves videogames, sports, music at high volumes, and animated shows (all things she is not a fan of) and still we click beyond understanding. Maybe the whole us against the world speech I gave her one night after heavy drinking lingers on, but I rather not credit our joy to one moment.
We've been good friends, great lovers, and now share family matters among eachother only to realize this must be too good to be true. If I was someone of the cynical type, I would say this is too good to be true. Yet, with all the hardships in life and lack of ease that comes from daily grinding to make due, I'm more happy than I've ever been in my small life. 20 some odd years later I might say something different, but I'm content for now... and thats a place I'm happy to be :oops:

best holiday wishes to all fellow gamers and the great people that offer GS

Motion Sickness?!

Ever since I first sat down on a shooting game, Duck Hunt to be exact, I knew at that moment I was enjoying my favorite of something. Like food or finding the right lover, you just know when something fits without question. And how bout that Duck Hunt game, likely one of the greatest games ever that spawned tons of arcade types such as Virtual Cop and Cabela's "whatever yer killing now" adventure. Those are just some popular home editions that bare no comparison to future tech that allows everything from motion sensors that read how you take cover to even arcade machines that replicate realistic gun mechanics.


Just recently I was speaking with a fellow gamer about some awesome features I've found in recent games that help simulate real like effects. Such as motion blur, swaying perspective, the thing that happens when you look directly at the sun and so forth. I personally love these new additions to games because they add such a surreal overall quality to the gaming experience. My friend on the other hand... hates them :? Which is no major surprise to me because I've discovered a massive amount of gamers despise such things. When HD lighting was first introduced to FPS's only a few years ago, some thought of it as no big deal or whats the point. The big deal was high defition lighting was just another tool in the wide spectrum of what developers used to help the gamer forget they were... ya know... playing a game.

Yes, parents throw their arms in the air and politicians continue to barrage the medium for such immersion tactics, but isn't that what were paying money for? I don't want to plug a videogame to my spine and put on a full body shock suit while getting my butt handed to me in Tekken 9, but I do expect a certain level of quality when I play particular games. Something like Mario or Crash can slide on my radar when they plop me in the center of a super colorful world and dumb down environments for artistic appeal. As for stellar graphical displays, why not mock the real world in titles like Crysis or Oblivion. If I'm expected to spend more than 50 bucks on a game that is meant to last me longer than a weekend, I feel its more than necessary to go that extra mile in presentation. And its not just a one way street for me, because if the game does last for however long it can within my clammy clutches, I respect what it has to offer... something many gamers seem to neglect now a days *tisk tisk*

As the years progress and technologies continue to leap frog at break neck speeds, come with me and look back at some amazing games that I feel did their part and then some for in-game innovations.

Maken X
A long time favorite that instantly comes to mind when whispers of a second Dreamcast begin to rumble. I doubt another DC will arise, but at least anyone who enjoys FPS action can look for this hidden gem. Made by the people of Atlus who are widely known for whacky adventures and seriously wicked innovations, MX brought a dynamic element to the shooter realm that was nothing more than a baby at the time... swordplay. In the view of yer main character, you had the power to weild a blade and if neeed pop a cap in anyone who crossed your path. The story and cast reflected the Atlus standard, but this experimental gameplay was actually quite polished. Graphics and corny crap aside, this game really made me proud in showing off to friends, yet no one ever really wanted to play.
Maybe they were not into such games, but the overall consensus seemed to be swordplay was too hard in such a view. Unlike other hack and slashers, you don't go wildly spinning in circles hoping to kill everything in sight, instead you actually had to perform special moves and combos. Being in the FP view, some moves actually made it difficult to see everything that was happening, so the ocassional bump on yer nogging was expected if you air balled while attacking a baddie. Seems many young grasshoppers were very turned off by such punishment. Execution required skill and error was some what frusterating, especially if half the time you couldn't see what you did wrong :roll:

Not many developers can hold a candle to someone like Namco who has been around since gaming in general. With that said, years of proven formula's seem to win this company favor no matter what they offer on the worst of days... which I rather not address. On a positive, the company has tried their fair share of solo shots that drift away from hallmark greats like Soul Caliber and Time Crisis. Which is no easy feat I hear a lot in the gaming world. Go back a few years with the original Xbox and you'll find a well known bargain bin game that blended FPS action with sci-fi story all at its best. Opinions vary on that last statement, but reason for such praise mostly comes from the wonderful blend in the FP action mixed with solid controls.
If you met people who complain about driving games feeling too fast or fighting games being too hectic, prepare to literally see someone vomit playing this game :lol: You start off with a basic story that introduces similar shooter controls, but mid-way thru you quickly discover these awesome powers that allows for fist and foot bashing action. No gimmicky tap buttons or hold to charge attacks, this game was hardcore in fight simulation. Throwing punches actually felt like a shift in body and kicks were no easy task as perspective constantly rotated. Connecting blows were more satisfying that head shots ever were... until the baddies started hitting back. Later in the game super soldiers start duking it out with guns and bare knuckles and you find yourself either pulling your hair out or smiling from ear to ear.

I'm not sure how people who complain about games that simulate real life survive the real world, but I'm not here to scold them. Gamers have various preffered flavors and thats what makes it fun to chit chat amongst eachother. As for me, I'm looking forward to playing future titles that incorporate different gaming mechanics such as NiGHTS, Endwar, Spore, and maybe that FP Koei game coming for the Wii that sports the Dynasty Warriors back drop.
I hope the coming holidays treats all my fellow gamers warm and well. I'm currently playing the poop out of Mass Effect right now and with 40+ hours under my belt in the first play through, I can't help but wonder if a 2nd play thru will even be worth it. A friend who has played many red-eye inducing hours tells me if yer seeking achievements, multiple plays are expected, but at least once you complete the game you can carry over your saved characters, gear and all. I'll make sure to note that in my review ;)

interesting votes...

seems that I couldn't help but wonder what others were voting on as the preliminaries of games in 2007 that were both worth the wait and hype...

Call of Duty 4 (15%)
Super Mario Galaxy (14%)
Halo3 (13%)
Bioshock (12%)

I would say that I'm very shocked to see Halo3 doing so well among the GS community that is still intact, but another detail kind of shakes me up. What games seem to be doing the best overall in 2007? FPS's! :lol: Not like thats any news to people who follow games, since FPS's are always present in every generation since the early 90's. What I ponder is maybe, just maybe shooters are finally making it apparent that FPS's seem to be the best ticket when aiming for the sweet spot on gamers. Not only does such games really bring a player closer into the action, but the method of storytelling is becoming so well rounded in developer houses you'd have to be pretty stubborn to not notice the trend is not all that bad...

Hell, even Crysis came close to hitting double digit percentage weighing in at 8% with over 1300 votes. My PC can't even begin to handle a beast of such demand, yet that doesn't stop me from finding a way to experience another solid FPS adventure. I know I'm hooked, been that way ever since I sat down in front of a Apple computer and played some dugeon crawlers.
Now with so much focus on shooters I can't really forecast if the craze is mostly due to the "ease" of making them, or if studios really are getting better at offering full adventures. Either way, its been good times for me with top picks so far being games I adore and own. Besides CoD4... :|

How bout that Mario guy! :P

Steroids ever legalized??

I should really be focusing on work related stuff rather than surfing the net... then again, I was watching some Sportscenter this morning and a dude on there actually started to defend steroid usage. I was heading out the door so I couldn't really sit down and hear the whole thing out, yet ever since I heard that, my brain has really been twisting around the subject all morning. I don't support steroids one bit, but my drinking like a umeployed sailor kind of hinders me from being so critical of substance abuse :roll:

I decided to share my thoughts in the forums...

Most likely the subject will get locked up by a Barry Bonds hater or some jockey nuts might bash me silly. Either way, I feel like contributing some valued thoughts and hopefully I can get some actual feedback on the subject.

As a side note to my gaming world, the new 360 is going mighty fine. Movies, music, games, and... well... not everything :| Seems that my fears of having a different console were cemented when I would try to access my XBL arcade games while not hooked up online. Its a no go. Even after following the steps instructed to me by the customer service people, it seems that the old content is not registering properly onto the new system. Which is very frusterating since I can't afford any new games, so I would like to enjoy my older purchases without having to adjust online cords and what not. I may be lazy and my whole high and mighty mind set of spent money should merit easier times... yet thats all a joke at this point... and not the ha-ha funny type of joke :(

I've killed enough time, and my breakfast is finally starting to settle. Might as well earn my keep and do something with myself...