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October Madness... me likes!!

So here is the month coming to a close... a few scattered games worth playing or at the least worth renting, some movies here and there, Halo3, new job oppertunities, finding a nitch with the old lady and hoping... just hoping that by years end not only will I be basking in great games (which afforadability will become a subject for another cursed blog) that I will have the chance to move into a new living situation.

Quite the dreamer on this end :roll:

Besides having this flimsy view on life right now that is radically different from my usual cynical self, I'm doing pretty damn good. I can't really credit that to my Halo marathon, because that would just be plain silly to say a good game brought on good vibes in RL life (heh... I said RL then life in the same sentence)
Oh no, life is good becuase I just fumbled over this massive hurdle that has been bothering me for sometime. I don't know what I'm doing in life... something many people will say to them self, but never openly admit. And I don't ever want to be known as a 2 time game genie user, but this online source kind of constitutes as "open" expression :oops: With it, I can not only admit my gaming fears and desires, but I can sprinkle in a few gum drops of RL nonsense (heh... I said RL again) and not feel 2 spits different about what was just typed. No doubt will I follow the rules and guidelines to proper behavior and what not, thats a given, but I sure do enjoy having a place I can mentally dump whatever my oily fingers can type.

Away from the dramatics, how bout that Halo3! Yea, reviews are out, the bashing has come to a pivotal high, online junkies have ceased walking the streets and rejoice in their new tonic/drug... including me 8)

Out of 9 missions in the campaign, me and my roomie made it to about level 7 the night it released. I know, how dare the dude who always complains about others not properly enjoying the games they spend soooo much money on fly thru such a overly hyped epic shooter. Well... in all respects... its a shooter.
No major RPG elements, no need for upgrades or extra downloads, just simple straight forward shooting action at its best! Since me and my room mate have been living with eachother since the 1st Halo game, its kind of become some strange tradition for us to scoop up the new game and play the story mode straight thru in co-op. Kind of lame, especially when the game allows for 4 players to mix in the story this time around, yet even on Legendary, the hardest mode, we pimp them alien foo's!! There are a few areas where we just got owned, but thanks to the awesome check point and convient death system, we made our way thru the game on a average of 50mins per level. Sadly, one of the levels I was most excited about during the story mode turned out to be a simple 30mins... at max. Kind of disappointing, but since I haven't finished the game as of yet I'll refrain from trash talking. There are plenty of other gamers out there tofill that part for me :P

Speaking of games, what is to be expected of this coming month of October?! I still haven't figured out what to be for Halloween which is bothersome... a drunk Priest (which could be offensive) or a zombie Shaolin monk. Something about the holy spirit gots me this year :lol: Either way, I'm not too concerned about going all out on a lavish costume. Its all about the games for me! The tricky part is, I'm suppose to be doing this whole saving money, paying off debts thing, which is cool and all... but I got to have some games besides Halo3 to hold me over... or more like I'd LOVE to have something other than Halo3 to hold me over...

NBA 2k8
As always, the people at 2k only get better and never worse as they continue their dominance in the world of sports games. Except for that major flop known as 2k8 football, basketball is looking amazing and most likely my only salvation since hockey really didn't win me over.

Half-Life2:Orange Box
By far, the easiest of games to choose for me. I'm a big fan of the people at Valve, Team Fortress is pimp, and that experimental title Portal looks pretty fun. For 60 bucks I have nnnooooo problem tossing extra money at these great people. A MUST BUY!!

Sega Rally EVO
So I was one of those dudes who was very, and I mean very excited about DiRT and then I realized it had no serious online pressence. The game was fun, but not worth 60 bucks in my eyes. Hopefully Rally can win my racing urge over with great graphics and worth while gameplay.

Phoniex Wright
Should it even be highlighted that I am a total nerd for games that break away from the norm? Not saying this game changed the way gamers embrace digital greatness, but take something like Harvey Birdman which was wonderfully revitalized and you got exactly what Phoniex does for me and my happily owned DS.

Dementium: The Ward
Another game on the DS that has my survival horror pores oozing with delight (TMi 4 real) Hearing nothing but great things about the game and the controls, which in any shooter is a must have for me. The graphics don't look half bad either coming from a group of people that worked mostly on N64 games... power to the handheld!!

Naruto:Rise of the Ninja
For somone who doesn't follow the series enough to know who's who and whats going down, I'm not exactly the prime canidate for being overly stoked for such a game. Any ninja who's special attack consist of turning to a super hot half naked female and wears bright orange should brought out back and shot... multiple times. Then again, I can't knock on the over sea brothers for mixing it up. The gameplay is what I'm crossing my fingers for.

All in all, thats a lot of spending money! In no way will I be able to afford all that crap, but I'm sure the rental list will be full to the brim far into November. By then, I'll have no worries because I'll have awesome stuff like Call of Duty4 and Mass Effect to consume my simple life. In the mean time, my days in public will be mostly dedicated to work, food, a little sleep here and there, and maybe some movie action... I hate to rag on Hitman without knowing what will be done with one of my favorite videogame characters, so a trip in the afternoon to save on late show money will be happening no doubt. And don't forget my studdly Josh Hartnett in 30 Days of Night... this movie can't go wrong, especially if something scares Hartnett enough to get his eyes open ;)

are you ready...?

Prepare for the coming of mass entertainment kiddies, crack open the piggy banks and cease buying useless junk because the games are coming!! 8) Just heard about this Halo tourney at my local Gamestop where kids will be playing Halo2 all out deathmatch, last man standing wins a copy of Halo3. Sounds cool... but knowing my luck I'd end up going against a bunch of snot nose punks who already play that old game constantly and besides... I have to work.

On a positive note, I have the game reserved and it will be gotten no matter what, so winning a free copy would be awesome, but I rather earn my keep thru real life skills. Which leads to my recent success story of the boy that went from rags to riches. Seems that since I got that new promotion, everything has been falling into place oh so nicely for me. With a little extra cash coming in now, I might actually find a way out of the money hole by years end and from there... finally move to a new area!

Don't get me wrong, I love the area I've been in for the last few years, but in all respects... the place has gone to sh!t :(

Its like being the only sports fan in the room wearing the jersey to the horribly losing team. I can't stand some of the people and trash that has been taking over my old neighborhood and with all my friends and family basically gone, I really don't have any excuse to hang around now. Yea, I might have a nice deal on what I'm paying for, but if I have to cough up a little extra to be in a area that I don't mind leaving windows open during the day.... then so be it!

Other than RL nonsense :roll: how bout those games I was blabbering about! Just got Eternal Sonata and yes, I'm very excited to finally have a RPG to keep me busy. Blue Dragon came out first, but nothing about that game really grabbed me like ES or at least its smooth battle system. Action games have to flow and feel easy to navigate so that way when you perform cool stuff on the screen you don't bore easily nor scream in frusteration. As for RPG's, its a must for me to find enjoyment in the battle system. With so many fiction fans raving about Final Fantasy, classics that did everything right like Grandia slips between the cracks. Which is a shame, because all this next-gen labeling seems pretty silly to me when I don't see much except shiny crap doing the same lame stuff from games years ago.

I read another G-spotter's blog where they said it best... I'm simply tired of shooting stuff. Yea, the Call of Duty4 beta is hot stuff, even with a measly 3 maps to mix on. Gears had that new stuff made free, but that game just doesn't do it for me any more. I was slowly inching my way to playing thru Splinter Cell, but thats back on the shelf. Command and Conquer3 is still mocking me for the sissy tantrum I threw last time I was "trying" to play perfect... all in all, even if ES doesn't blow me away it will serve its purpose just right until Halo3 releases. Since thats only a few days away, I'll wrap this jargin up with a friendly reminder... any 360 game that is a new release and it doesn't go for the usual 60 bucks... its a good chance its not even worth renting ;)


I should really have no excuse for how I feel right now... seems like everything in life is on the up and up which is a major plus for a lil drama queen like me. For awhile things were rocky, but usually I prefer turbulence over clear sailing, which is asking for heart ache, yet I'm the stubborn type who claims "if it don't kill me instantly, I got a chance to over come it"

Gaming has been pretty quiet even tho I've been able to enjoy some goodies that been in my sights for some time. With a little XBL points, I went nuts buying a bunch of games and other crap like pics and vids. Not too bright, but I figure it never hurts to share a bit of money for something you support.
The week is gonna be a long and difficult one simply because the last time I had to sit patiently and wait for a game I really wanted, I got back into smoking. No real reasoning behind such nonsense, but its truth none the less. I don't enjoy the vapors too much anymore, so I should be good until Eternal Sonata comes out next week. The game may not be anything special or revolutionary like Mass Effect is aiming for, but at least it will be a solid rpg worth checking out. And thats all I really want right now... a really good game to keep me occupied during my down time. Not that Bioshock wan't good enough, I just felt like I've been down that adventure before, so after blazing thru it, I'm back at square one...

As much fun as I have twiddling my thumbs, I finally healed up enough in my shoulder to get back to my regular work out routine. A bit rusty no doubt, especially in my legs, yet the feeling is wonderful. Its like a mixture of stiffness, pain, and delight. Unlike some meat heads I've worked out with, its nice to look good and have the bod, but in all honesty its more about "feeling" good and best of all, feeling capable!
Last few weeks having my shoulder all jacked up got me thinking about how tough it would be to be confined to a wheel chair or unable to change out of yer own clothes and man o man... that kind of chill up can't be faked... that disposition genuinely scares me!! :?

Its almost about time for work and after soaking up a weekend that has been nothing short of a wild rollercoaster of laziness, thank the heavens! The more I have to do the better... I hate being lost in time feeling like there isn't anything to do, even if there is always the obvious something to do factor. I'm kind of shooting for some bonus at work since my review time is nearing, so if I'm lucky whatever turbulence I come across will be solely due to my own miscalculations :roll: In the mean time, as I try my best to move forward and pretend my weekend laundry doesn't reek. A simple reminder of what I was wallowing in the last few days to help further motivate me...

Narutrix- Jel A.- Batman- Consumerism!- Internet People - After Hours - Family Guy - GO VIKES!

i miss... stuff...

*good* RPG's
There has been a few here and there worth checking out, but the days of must play games, especially rpg's seems more and more scarce. Hopefully I stumble across fun when I scoop up Eternal Sonata later this month. I don't expect to be blown away like Mass Effect, but I do hope for something that at least gets me excited about coming home after work... I miss that feeling...

*good* animation movies
Since the wave of anime madness took over our western fronts, people are bonkers about everything from Pokemon to Inuyasha... I really don't get it. Not because the wide eyed characters with funny expressions totally annoy me, but everything is episodic. Back when animewas all aboutsolid features that swept away viewers into worlds that only animation could portray, I was at peace. Now I have to watch the next episode of crap just to see what next conversation takes place... that saddens me...

*bad* companies
Don't ever expect mercy from the corporate world, no matter what facet of the death machine yer dealing with. Most businesses are ran by some form or another ultra corp, so to act as if avoiding them is as easy as dodging giant balls of cotton candy, I do understand the difficulty. Yet submission is next a proper alternative. Does this count as a personal shot at anything particular? Only if you have been touched/shoved by the death machine would you know and if thats the case... you have my condolence's...

*ugly* women
I seriously find it hard to believe any person who ends upwith some chickwho is physically a bomb shell but has the personality of a moist fart and says "its all good" deserves to be kicked right in the FACE! Not only are you doing a major disservice to her now and forever more, but you alsospotlight yourself in true colors that usually don't shine well in public. If a child does ill you punish them, not beat them. If they continue with ill manner, you sure as hell don't award such behavior, soyou find a happy medium. How wrong is itthat I compare bad ass kids to conceited women... very...

*scary* machines
There was a time when my passion for technology blossomed with nothing but care free thoughts of THE FUTURE! Now, I'm simply terrified of these things we surround ourselves with and depend so much on. With new methods of dealing with every day lifebecoming more and more mainstream in the world of gizmo's, one cautious thought would warn you that you never invest the bank in something that could easily putter out in aunsuspecting moment. Does thismerit matress stuffing of life savings... possibly...

*sad* holidays
Coming from a complete Scrooge who thinks a hug is worth a gold bar, days of gathering and celebration have really lost their glory over the years. I try my best to not spoil it for the young ones, because nobody every belly flopped on my special days, so its only fair I keep my trap shut. Maybe with a bit of luck they will wake up one day sour and cynical and full of sprite... or I could grow a new heart...

*awesome* call of duty 4
Even with loads of folks who prance around speaking foul of shooters as if they will one day magically stop being made, there is a LOT more gamers who actually cheerish and adore the genre. Seems that plenty of them will be available in the coming months which could easily be a total disaster or susprisingly loads of selective fun. I'm pretty sure of the latter, but I sadly find myself seeking more story based adventures in thefirst-personperspective. Besides Halo3 already being crowned king of the year due to supposed multiplayer greatness, the story remains to prove itself in my book. If I want multiplayer this season, I'm going for CoD4 all the way... Halo3 needs resolution...

Mass Excitement

What can be said about a game that has already been hyped beyond belief... besides I can't freaking wait! The feeling of opening something new, the smell and fresh touch of the materials. Plugging the gizmo in, turning on the new toy, seeing those beginning momments never disappoint. Its like Christmas every year... no matter how many times you skimper towards that tree, the joy of opening presents awaits. Even horror movies have a never ending effect that never bores... you know whats about to happen, but you watch and await.

Mass Effect videos are popping up all over the web from one of the recent game conventions and man O man do I want to punch myself in the junk every time I click on one. It doesn't bother me spoiling the small joys I could experience for a first time by watching gameplay footage or bits of story unfold. What eats me up is wanting to pick up the controller and explore the world how I see fit. Most people who play demo's or display games for the public in my opinion SUCK!
All I want is to see how well that magic spell works, not some creep who gets lost in his own inventory screen. It may seem like a lot to ask for some joker online who does nothing but wait for others to labor and entertain him... but for the love of gaming gods please don't play like a person who never picked up a gaming controller when supposely "showing off" a game :roll:

All minor complaints aside, I got cool drinks in the fridge and sunday night football on the TV. Can't go wrong with that combo. I thought I would be at work tonight tryin to get an early jump on the week, but apparently my pressence was not needed. I wouldn't mind making some money, but every once in awhile it seems right to just kick back and chill.
Hopefully nothing dramatic erupts in the next few weeks because I'm on such a solid budget right now, life actually feels care free. With so many games on the way and people making outrageous lists on top of lists about what they want or need, I figure a wishlist of my own couldn't hurt none 8)

Mass Effect
Obvious favorite among my soon to be cheerished games. Some would say its gonna be just another sci-fi adventure, others feel is like a coming of Christ. I'm neither, I just feel a lot of games for the 360 don't seem appropriately priced at 60 bucks a pop, and this one seems to be afull package.

Kane and Lynch
Hitman is a dear favorite series that felt just right in the last game. Taking the guys who made that 3rd person adventure and tossing out the whole sneak factor seems very appealing to me. I'm sure the controls will be easy to pick up and gameplay will be as complex as the player desires. What I'm interested in most is the squad mechanics and Ai. Stuff like that can really make or break a game for me, fingers crossed.

Assassins Creed
All hush hush about the sci-fi-ish sandbox world of middle aged Jerusalem, people kind of don't care until the game nears release. I love sandbox games, and something about the controls really has me excited and nervous in one fatal swoop. Contextual gameplay can be either terrible or wonderful and that has yet to be seen, so in the mean time I'll excuse the story if it lasts for nothing more than a weekend. I want solid controls!

Half-Life 2:Orange Box
Nobody can sway me from this juicy morsel, I am stoked! Not only will I be able to continue the adventure on PC, but I can really spoil myself by scooping up the 360 version and gaining achievements reliving a great sequel. Don't forget TF2 or that zaney Portal game all for a solid price from a quality company... can you say awesome?

Heroes season 1 DVD
The nerd has spoken. I really enjoyed this show when it had its glory, so depending on the price of this package I'll debate its worthiness. Hopefully there will be enough extra stuff to make up for the shallow parts within the season.

I sure hope my funds continue on this quiet path of loveliness. I usually purchase what I want and there is a lot of junk I really want :P

oh no... not that GUY!

So I sit down at my computer after another long day that usually starts in the am hours and ends around 1am. Of course, being the big geeker that I am, it takes a lil bit for me to unwind. With expected money issues, I can't indulge like the casual big wig who either pops a few pills or makes a strong night cap. Even tho I do enjoy the ocassional night cap. Point is, all last week I was in complete disgust with myself about a particular something that clinged to me like those prickly things you find on yer shoe laces after treading thru the woods... I'm becoming the internet dude... again :|

Yea, one would point out the obvious fact that by simply blogging from time to time and checking out usual hot spots on the web isn't such a bad thing, its my track record that bothers me more. For instance, back in the mid 90's, it was all about chat rooms. A/S/L... those dreaded letters were a thing that I wanted nothing to do with, but strangely enough, I would find myself engaging in some pretty interesting conversations with total strangers. And a for a few brief moments, I didn't feel so bad asking more about them.
Then my online pressence grew like a dark looming beast approaching the wounded prey. I got hooked on forums! Everything from how to properly handle zombies within a urban setting, to comic book character verse matches. I could say it was all about mastering my typing skills, which did imrpove greatly during such times, but I know the truth...it was all about cheerishing every moment spent tearing apart silly little online nerds. My opinion was not a doubt nor a colorful gesture, it was my way of saying I was there, boo-ya! all up in yer face with no remorse :oops:

I'd really like to act like those days are looked back at in complete shame, but they were fun times where bs'ing didn't seem like such a chore. Now a days, I don't even have the energy to really get involved in online nonsense, even really good subjects that are just asking for my 2 cents. All I really do now is traffic my usual videogame sites, some sports, music stuff, and from time to time I sink into a YouTube rut and lose about 3 hours of my life unknowingly. I hate to sound so naive, but I never knew so much stuff that was on TV ends up on the web basically free :?
Coming from a kid who went nuts when Napster was hot, I'd have to say I'm not as elite as I'd like to fancy... which is totally fine by me! Kind of like the guy who thinks he knows his comic book stuff and then he crosses paths with the DUDE who recalls issue numbers, exact positioning within frames, able to regurgitate fictional characters back stories and so forth. Those guys put me to shame and I'm glad honestly. I never was never into being the one guy who is all knowing and unchallenged. Been that way in vids since day one, and it definently reflects in other facets of my daily life. The craziest part about that people is when you do meet someone who desires nothing more than to be absolutely right, always the last word, you must be wrong because I'm so right... those people really seem like DoDo birds...

I suppose my whole purpose of going so far down memory lane is due to my recent realization that I've been on the net every single night for the last 2 weeks. Same places, same stories, same pictures... so much of the same crap I actually caught myself complaining! Why?!
Maybe because I'm some digital douche bag who is too lazy to contribute and just waiting for some other poor shmuck to pony up their life for my online amusement. Thanks Angry Videogame Nerd, you give me purpose for 2-5 minute incriments every month. I wonder if there is a way to condense such a terrible sentence so I can put in on my head stone... here lies the dude... not much else to say, he never finished his online bio.

Gamers Instinct... really?

So I fired up the web browser to check my email and weekly weather what not, and like usual, I make my way to Gamespot. Not much else going on in the world that I can't get on TV, so it kind of limits/narrows my hot spots while on the web. As soon as I get to GS, I glance around the main page hoping like a lost pup that something catches my eye and with great glee I find something... "Join our gamers panel" it says... "rewards offered" I wonder... endorsed BY Gamespot?! :|

The first thing that comes to mind is this must be total bullsh!t and I'm an absolute fool for even being curious. Then again, my foolish ways never truly led me wrong. Strange detours, odd experiences, girlfriends I never wanna be in the same room with again, all negatives to some... but learning lessons without a doubt.
Any other time I'dapproach cautiously about something that offers goodies for free particaption. Thats like going to the comedy club and having front row seats... its asking for trouble!! Yet curiousity got the best of me and I take the time to sign up. Basically whatgoes downis you give them some background on who you are as a gamer and how you mix. From there, they screen the info, find surveys that match yer persona and tastes and BAM! Earn cred while being a blabber mouth! :P

Doesn't sound half bad, but that is the kicker... its all sounds at this point. I just joined and I'm not too sure how long this has been going on or how long it will continue. I haven't recieved any further info or survey offers yet, so maybe if you wanna be a real stinker and cheat the system you can say you own everything, game all day in every way, and make tons of money. Then again, this kind of stuff is all demographic based, and fibbing has never been my fancy.
Hopefully I get something beneficial from this besides a memory of putting my personal info out on the great wide web. I love being a gamer, and chatting about them, debating, critiquing, analyzing, and simply joking about them is a wonderous thing that I never tire of. Sharing my thoughts with strangers under the guise of Gamespot doesn't make me feelcompletely used... at least I'll get my thoughts out there one way or another.

Gaming woes...

So here I sit... head over heels in debt, living from check to check, considering nights of deli ham over salami as "living large", and my favorite... using nickels to ride the bus :|

Some would assume a fella like me who wants nothing more than a few hours a day to get his game on as feeling low, living in a rut, possibly even struggling would seem like a suitable term. Yet, as the sharp tooth of reality bites down on the superficial fools who love to assume... I'm doing quite well thank you for asking!! :P
Not living like the dude who runs the Playboy Mansion can put a damper on any red blooded man, but thats not really the world I want, or at least right now. I got a decent routine that doesn't work me too hard nor really bores me. My friends are all occupied on their own agendas, so no more bothersome questions like "why you work so much" or "you must be scared of me in Halo". My girl finally eased off my case and accepts that I'm a bit of an oddball and a workaholic... she could move on, yet she suffers from the same bad habits so why not stick it thru with eachother. My living situation is perfect! Bills and finances will always be a factor, so now that I finally stopped hating the world for something I can't change unless I win the lotto, all is well on that note.

My only gripe in life right now is my major lack of time for my ultimate passion... videogames.

This could be chalked up as a big fat baby crying about something not going their way, but I warn you, I look mighty silly in a diaper and I can use a bottle in numerous deadly ways 8)
Games will always be around, that I'm grateful for. Having a "gaming list" use to sound cool, almost made me feel slight moments of pride as if that thing between my legs wasn't enough. Now I wonder what the hell was I thinking... why would someone buy mountains of games they can't even enjoy playing?! Mostly due to money or time constraints, ol' boy Data from Star Trek would agree with a big fat "most illogical" response. Since my teenage years, which are really not that long ago, I always hoped to find a cushy spot in life where I could do nothing but sit around and chill all day simply maxing out on vids with not a worry in the world. Still a boy's dream... but not the current objective...

My habits and perspectives have changed. But my silly yet simple desires remain. I just wanna game.

Dead Rising 2

Around this time last year a game from a well known developer named Capcom, who's been around for some 100 odd years introduced a new game to their extensive library of stellar hits called... Dead Rising.
For any hardcore fan of anything that has to do with gore, yer lack of knowledge in such a game ever exsisting could be an instant indication of just how lame you are compared to the massive gaming public. Yet, not everyone favors the hype and steers clear of mainstream madness, so a simple recap of Dead Rising for the unknowing.

You are Frank West, photographer extraordinaire looking for the next big thing to point his camera at. You stumble across a town infested with zombies and take base within a shopping mall. Not only surrounded by the gruesome walking dead, but random survivors scramble about the mall offering everything from assistance to psycho dilemmas. Under all the great gameplay and visuals, a story that offers plenty of treats awaits... and just in case I forgot to mention, this adventure is brought to you in part by legendary game developer Capcom ;)

All jocking aside, this game was great! Truth be told, this title had nothing to do with Capcom's "other" insanely popular zombie adventure game, Resident Evil. Which susprisingly was a major turn off to many fans of the newly dubbed survival horror genre. RE amassed much of its attention by offering a butt load of adventure, thrills and chills, and a wonderfully conry story that you would only find in a wonderfully corny horror film. The big kicker with RE was your were the star (which is the universal appeal to any great game)
Sad as it makes me to point out the obvious, one fatal flaw that always lingered with RE games was how linear they were. Yes, you had the vantage of solving puzzles and discovering hidden items from beginning to end, but nothing ever stood out besides the occasional crossing of characters within the story. For years Capcom banked on the RE series which caused no shame in me to assist :oops: Until they finally tried something different. Resident Evil Outbreak.

This was back in 2004 I believe, and supposed fans were already claiming RE as stagnant, played out, even boring!! With Outbreak, you had a new twist on a already familiar game formula. Solve puzzles and survive the undead hordes. Simple and sweet, but what if you had such horrific joys to share with a friend?! Not only do you interact with environments in a partner fashion, but you can share resources or simply play solo and watch others suffer while you play Scrooge with meds and ammo. Kind of a clever jolt to something stale I must say so myself.
Fast forward to early 2005 and you have another wake up call to the gaming community bluntly reminding us that Capcom knows how to navigate a behemoth. That response was Resident Evil 4, for the Gamecube to add extra umpff to the gut shot thank you very much!! Instead of continuing on this RE tangent, I'll move on with a serious mention to the dramatic over the shoulder gameplay change in the RE universe that followed with RE4. With that in mind, think of what came along next from Capcom...

Dead Rising 8)

Some would and have brushed this game off as basically another take on Resident Evil, but in all respects its an entirely new game with nothing more than similar antagonist. All that hoop-la about RE was more than a simple memorial tribute, but rather a break down of what I believe Capcom is leading up to for their next grandiose adventure.


I'm happy you asked! Look at the dramatic change in RE's gameplay... not only does that potentially kill a large base of fans who favor the old Silent Hill gameplay, but could this new take that is found within RE4 and apparently now RE5 be the future of RE games... I'd say what better way to revamp a series that was considred "old" back in 04'.
Take Dead Rising, a game that follows the same zombie rules established by RE and legendary horror films, but strips the whole action hero element. No more bazooka... thats okay, I can use flower pots now! And just about anything else my mind finds suitable for the job within in a "realistic" virtual setting.
How bout that recent gem, Lost Planet. This game in my opinion was a direct copy of what Dead Rising was: controls, movement, camera, animations, overall gameplay resembled Dead Rising right down to its hidden character models of Dead Rising's underwear prancing main hero, Frank West. Besides LP's story being more of a rip on something like Starship Troopers in artic snow, this game had online action.

So whats next?!

Capcom, a well respected game company that has created their fair share of vids mixed with an online community that has cemented its presence within console gaming. This harmonious combination and all that has been learned and crafted until this point by such a company as Capcom, I think its safe to assume that like any great artist who takes all the time and experimentation they need to hone in on what they truly desire to deliver to their audience, that time is nearing. Picture a game totally structured around free roaming within a massive city that allows the player to interact with just about anything they can walk up to and everyother person you cross paths with could actually be another human player who could be friend or foe. I say toss out the whole MMO approach and stick to something more manageable like Crackdown.

With a recent report on this here lovely website about Capcom's recent profits being more than they even guessed, a constant barrage of fan requests, and plenty of ip's worth shaking a stick at... Capcom could literally trip and fall on success at this point :P
Yet this all could be chalked up as simple fan-boy drivel and Capcom could easily sit on their high horse and start camp fires with dollar bills telling stories of the good ol' days.

What does my fellow gamers think??

foolish tirade?!

So I threw a lil hissy fit over a female counterpart and now I have to reflect on it openly... its only fair I say :roll:
She was far from justified to say and do the things she did, and I was deep in the wrong for the lack of things I was saying and doing. No grey area here or even a right or wrong, just simplicity... which is something I believe deeply in every aspect of life. She had feelings that were not clear and so did I. In the mix of all this madness I kind of shut down and ran off a generator fueled on anger. My bad! :oops:

Beyond the drama, I'd like to rave about some games for a bit. Which is half the reason I traffic a site totally dedicated to such things, so... yea...

Call of Duty 4
There is plenty of shooters out in this great wide world of gaming that range from single player garbage to online frag frenziness. Why add another one to the pile most would question, and thats the part where I melee attack them. Not only is this FPS just another one, but its being made by the guys and gals who mastered the art of FPS gaming over years of trial and error and plenty of effort. They not only deserve some attention for one upping their past works, but compared to anyone else bringing something to the table for this genre... Infinity Ward looks to even contend with soon to be Halo3 and past pimp, Counter-Strike, for street cred in something that many are foolishly believing is played out.

Assassins Creed
For anyone who doesn't know, I love open sand-box games. Even tho I never played as much GTA as the masses or snuck thru every nook and cranny of Crackdown, these are my kind of games! For the crew who worked on past titles like Prince of Persia (which was awesome) and now have the power of new gear and tech to expand what they've learned over the years to introduce a new franchise (which isA LSO awesome) this game has me a in a serious death clutch of curiousity. Once that finally comes out, maybe I can stop obsessing over JadeR aymond:P

I know... big deal you may say! But in all respects, the game is good. Not only from a shooting fans perspective, but the half one-man army half save the future of the world story never gets tiresome for me. Call me a sucker, I'll happily melee attack you RIGHT in the face.

Mass Effect
I've literally been talking about THIS game for years now. Pure gameplay excitement, RPG needs and desires that many have not satisfied, and a company like Bioware who more than has enough credentials to fill such a whimsical tall order. Over zealous and full to the brim with blind faith... thats me! One joy-gastic gamer wearing the biggest smile you ever seen NOT caused by a female... hopefully, ME! :D

I could go on and on about games that got me salivating beyond human respect, but I'll leave it at 360 games for now. Speaking of which, I finally got my cousin back into console gaming which I was sure could never be done since his enslavement in Company of Heroes. Great game no doubt, probably one of the best for the PC to date.
Now he's exploring the world of 360 and looking forward to all the games I've been raving about for the last few years. All Pro didn't win him over completely, but I'm sure GRAW will hold him down until the holidays ;)
I was gonna do my best to not make a splash about it, but I finally join the ranks of 10k gamer points club in the 360 community. The nerd has spoken thru and I don't know how to return him to his lair without force... shameful? Not really, I just smile at the fact that I'm WAY more proud than I should be over such a useless accomplishment. Does it require note that I made that 10k totally fair and square playing games I enjoy and have no regrets playing thru... as petty as I sound right now I sure hope not!!

*crawls back into hole*