So here is the month coming to a close... a few scattered games worth playing or at the least worth renting, some movies here and there, Halo3, new job oppertunities, finding a nitch with the old lady and hoping... just hoping that by years end not only will I be basking in great games (which afforadability will become a subject for another cursed blog) that I will have the chance to move into a new living situation.
Quite the dreamer on this end :roll:
Besides having this flimsy view on life right now that is radically different from my usual cynical self, I'm doing pretty damn good. I can't really credit that to my Halo marathon, because that would just be plain silly to say a good game brought on good vibes in RL life (heh... I said RL then life in the same sentence)
Oh no, life is good becuase I just fumbled over this massive hurdle that has been bothering me for sometime. I don't know what I'm doing in life... something many people will say to them self, but never openly admit. And I don't ever want to be known as a 2 time game genie user, but this online source kind of constitutes as "open" expression :oops: With it, I can not only admit my gaming fears and desires, but I can sprinkle in a few gum drops of RL nonsense (heh... I said RL again) and not feel 2 spits different about what was just typed. No doubt will I follow the rules and guidelines to proper behavior and what not, thats a given, but I sure do enjoy having a place I can mentally dump whatever my oily fingers can type.
Away from the dramatics, how bout that Halo3! Yea, reviews are out, the bashing has come to a pivotal high, online junkies have ceased walking the streets and rejoice in their new tonic/drug... including me 8)
Out of 9 missions in the campaign, me and my roomie made it to about level 7 the night it released. I know, how dare the dude who always complains about others not properly enjoying the games they spend soooo much money on fly thru such a overly hyped epic shooter. Well... in all respects... its a shooter.
No major RPG elements, no need for upgrades or extra downloads, just simple straight forward shooting action at its best! Since me and my room mate have been living with eachother since the 1st Halo game, its kind of become some strange tradition for us to scoop up the new game and play the story mode straight thru in co-op. Kind of lame, especially when the game allows for 4 players to mix in the story this time around, yet even on Legendary, the hardest mode, we pimp them alien foo's!! There are a few areas where we just got owned, but thanks to the awesome check point and convient death system, we made our way thru the game on a average of 50mins per level. Sadly, one of the levels I was most excited about during the story mode turned out to be a simple 30mins... at max. Kind of disappointing, but since I haven't finished the game as of yet I'll refrain from trash talking. There are plenty of other gamers out there tofill that part for me :P
Speaking of games, what is to be expected of this coming month of October?! I still haven't figured out what to be for Halloween which is bothersome... a drunk Priest (which could be offensive) or a zombie Shaolin monk. Something about the holy spirit gots me this year :lol: Either way, I'm not too concerned about going all out on a lavish costume. Its all about the games for me! The tricky part is, I'm suppose to be doing this whole saving money, paying off debts thing, which is cool and all... but I got to have some games besides Halo3 to hold me over... or more like I'd LOVE to have something other than Halo3 to hold me over...
NBA 2k8
As always, the people at 2k only get better and never worse as they continue their dominance in the world of sports games. Except for that major flop known as 2k8 football, basketball is looking amazing and most likely my only salvation since hockey really didn't win me over.
Half-Life2:Orange Box
By far, the easiest of games to choose for me. I'm a big fan of the people at Valve, Team Fortress is pimp, and that experimental title Portal looks pretty fun. For 60 bucks I have nnnooooo problem tossing extra money at these great people. A MUST BUY!!
Sega Rally EVO
So I was one of those dudes who was very, and I mean very excited about DiRT and then I realized it had no serious online pressence. The game was fun, but not worth 60 bucks in my eyes. Hopefully Rally can win my racing urge over with great graphics and worth while gameplay.
Phoniex Wright
Should it even be highlighted that I am a total nerd for games that break away from the norm? Not saying this game changed the way gamers embrace digital greatness, but take something like Harvey Birdman which was wonderfully revitalized and you got exactly what Phoniex does for me and my happily owned DS.
Dementium: The Ward
Another game on the DS that has my survival horror pores oozing with delight (TMi 4 real) Hearing nothing but great things about the game and the controls, which in any shooter is a must have for me. The graphics don't look half bad either coming from a group of people that worked mostly on N64 games... power to the handheld!!
Naruto:Rise of the Ninja
For somone who doesn't follow the series enough to know who's who and whats going down, I'm not exactly the prime canidate for being overly stoked for such a game. Any ninja who's special attack consist of turning to a super hot half naked female and wears bright orange should brought out back and shot... multiple times. Then again, I can't knock on the over sea brothers for mixing it up. The gameplay is what I'm crossing my fingers for.
All in all, thats a lot of spending money! In no way will I be able to afford all that crap, but I'm sure the rental list will be full to the brim far into November. By then, I'll have no worries because I'll have awesome stuff like Call of Duty4 and Mass Effect to consume my simple life. In the mean time, my days in public will be mostly dedicated to work, food, a little sleep here and there, and maybe some movie action... I hate to rag on Hitman without knowing what will be done with one of my favorite videogame characters, so a trip in the afternoon to save on late show money will be happening no doubt. And don't forget my studdly Josh Hartnett in 30 Days of Night... this movie can't go wrong, especially if something scares Hartnett enough to get his eyes open ;)
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