If video games are the cause for mass killing and violence, then you'd better hope to god that every human in existence before our video game generation are fucking SAINTS.
*sigh* It seems like they`re just desperately trying to draw some connection with the shooting to video games. Here are some of my thoughts:
1.) "was a "deranged" gamer who specifically targeted the elementary school so as to "outscore" past mass murderers."
I want to know exactly why this was the only conclusion he came to. Why does choosing the path of least resistance, in the context of a school shooting, automatically equate to "racking up points?" and therefore used as a knock against video games? You don't see any other reason as to why someone would want to do things the easy way, like perhaps because it was EASY? Because no person in the entirety of history has ever tried to do things the easy way, right?
2.) "'They don't believe this was just a spreadsheet. They believe it was a score sheet,' the source said. 'This was the work of a video gamer, and that it was his intent to put his own name at the very top of that list.'"
Perhaps you are right that the shooter wanted to "out-do" past crimes, but why is it all of a sudden a "video-game" thing? So you're telling me that anytime anyone wants to break someone's record (doesn't matter what record it is), it's got something to do with video games? If I want to break a record for longest breath held, I would try to find out the person who currently holds the record. If I try to break this record, no one's going to think it's got any connection to video games. So why does someone who's trying to break a killing spree record (as terrible as it is) somehow make it an inherently "video game" thing. It's not like video games are the first and only instance of human activity where people are ranked by score. See this quantum jump in logic?
3.) "The source further noted that the shooter killed himself during the attack so as not to give away these 'points.'"
So you're saying the reason he killed himself was because he didn't want to giveaway points. It's as if there's no other reason as to why a school shooter would kill himself, like not wanting to go to jail/deal with the police/go to court/death sentence.
I just don't understand why all of a sudden, it's a "video game" thing. Like all of the reasons listed by the police: suicide, path of least resistance, out-doing past activities. Why is it that all of a sudden, these causes are because of video games? They simply draw connections based on surface correlation and similarities.
One thing people should keep in mind is that often riots are incited by the police.
You didn't read that wrong. It is very rare that protesters initiate violence because they know that the police wields legal use of force. It is not uncommon that police and government use agent provocateurs, even just by paying a group of people to wear masks and start random shit.
There's not a lot police can do against peaceful protesters. So they use these agents as an excuse to incite a riot and put down the protesters by force under the pretense that the PROTESTERS started it.
It's a rather unfortunate and sad situation because the riot police, the ones on the streets, actually don't want violence because they're pretty much facing off against their family, friends, and countrymen. The average protester doesn't want violence either. But it's the higher-ups who use provocateurs in order to intentionally create mass hysteria where peaceful protest is IMPOSSIBLE.
"Yea, freemium games are the way to go. They make so much money ... but we're not gonna tell you how much money our latest game, Reel Racing 3, is making because it's just SO MUCH MONEH we don't want to freak people out with how much money we're making.
Yo, it doesn't matter if we're facing any sort of criticism because that's just, the minority man. Clearly the market agrees with us, just ignore that little bit about our stocks tanking because that's just temporary like our Simcity servers.
And gosh man, I love GAP. The best part about it is that if I buy a pair of jeans at GAP, and it completely sucks, I can get a refund and won't be banned from their forums if I request a refund. That's something that we're really trying hard to achieve."
So not allowing Sony to use "ho", which is a derogative term made against women in the context of "bros before hos", is considered censorship.
No more so than preventing people from calling racial slurs against people. But you only see it as absolute. You only see that the replacement of the word "ho" automatically means censorship, without thinking of any other far-reaching consequences as to why using that phrase might be a bad idea because it might, I dunno, perpetuate sexist attitudes towards women.
And I don't expect many on this site to agree with me. After all, this is a male-dominated domain. Society has always tried to downplay issues of marginalization, I don't expect the average gaming population to magically be more aware.
The thing about a male-dominant society is that it creates just that, a society where the male perspective is dominant and therefore adopted to various degree by men AND women. Desensitization through proposed reality, if you will.
So the fact that your girlfriend doesn't find it offensive is not the issue because the entire world by and large, and to various degrees, have filtered our reality through a male perspective. This is the product of history.
Dudeinator's comments