Why am I not surprised that a male-dominated audience doesn't get why a derogatory term aimed at women is offensive?
Please, it's not about being "politically correct". It's about pulling our collective heads out of our asses and realizing that just because us men don't understand why something is hurtful doesn't suddenly mean it isn't hurtful.
"SimCity is a software achievement that everyone at Maxis is extremely proud of."
Why would they refer to themselves in the third person?
"I'd like to say that it's not fair--that the game score shouldn't be punished for a server problem," she said. "But it is fair. SimCity is an online game and critics and consumers have every right to expect a smooth experience from beginning to end. I and the Maxis team take full responsibility to deliver on our promise."
That entire bit is addressed to the media and consumers. Why would she say "I and the Maxis team..." if she was indeed only talking to her employees.
This "internal memo" seems fucking BS and is most likely another PR move. This "memo" doesn't even seem to be addressing the developers. It's just another
"Hey look, we know our product blew big baby chunks, but we want everyone to know that we're working hard on it. To prove how dedicated we are, we accidentally 'leaked' this internal memo that was definitely written for our employees' eyes only."
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