@DecapitatedOrc: And Skyrim, and Oblivion, and Fallout 3. Morrowind is the only good game he was a part of and only because there was so much depth in TES at the time he couldn't remove it all at once so he's been systematically ruining the series with each new release.
Gaming is more of a sport than chess or poker. Gaming requires reaction time and manual dexterity, hand eye coordination, forethought. Those other things do not, they are 100% chance and intellect.
ESPN are arrogant assholes and egomaniacs just like all contemporary pro athletes, especially the NFL.
Was the author trying to say "game mechanics" and just didn't know what they were talking about?
Not that there is such a thing as "dated game mechanics" either. Something is only dated when it is obsolete and no longer offers ANY form of superior function. Turn based tactical like this has more depth and options than the real time phased combat of M&M6-8 and other games so it cannot be considered "obsolete or out of date".
@majere613 lol AAA shit today is far more simplistic and limited than the "stuff we left behind".
Stuff was left behind because it did not target the lowest common denominator. Required too much work to create and was too complex for todays American Idol watching fad gamer.
@misho8723 "this 6/10 rating just shows in which times we live in"
Nah, not really. I've been a PC Gamer since the 80's and if there has been one common since then to now is CRPG's, and I mean real CRPGS, have ALWAYS had just as many smart ass, sarcastic bad "this is a bad game and archaic out of date genre" reviews as we get today when the rare title comes out.
Lots of "hip reviewers" trashed the Gold Box D&D games and said RPG's were an "out of date genre that should stop being made". This was in the late 80's and early 90's!
For a console example look at how FROMSOFTWAREs games got reviewed before Demons Souls. They almost exclusively got no better than 6/10 and most the time low as 3's. Now everyone hails 'Souls as masterpieces and they really aren't any dfferent than what King's Field or Shadow Tower was.
Unless a reviews palm is painted green or it's some new dumbed down hip fad action sub genre RPG reviews are almost always terrible and I have learned to not read them because they just piss me off.
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