A crappy i3 budget build your grandma uses to browse the net can be turned into a better gaming rig than either next gen system with a gpu that costs less than either.
Sorry kiddo, I paid $850 for a mid range laptop in 2007 and 95% of everything today is still playable. How many RROD 360's and years of XBL subscriptions have you paid for sport?
I've saved more money on Steam to more than make up for it.
" "I'll tell you why. In the past, certainly with the first PlayStation and PS2, in that era there weren't really good graphics on the PC. Around the time of the PS2 is when 3D really started coming to the PC, but before that time 3D was the domain of Silicon Graphics and other 3D workstations. Sony, Sega, or Nintendo could invest in bringing 3D graphics to a consumer platform. In fact, the PS2 was faster than a PC."""
Ok, this guys an idiot. PC was playing PS2 or superior tech games as far back as 1997 before PS2 even came out. THere were LOTS of 3D accelerated PC games before 2000. Quake 3 Arena came out in 1999, before PS2, and consoles couldn't handle a port until Dreamcast. Idiocy.
I will guarantee you after the first couple years NPCs in the same games by the usual suspects will be just as stupid because.....it will be cheaper to do it that way so they can get the games out annually.
Most console games will still be locked to 30fps because it's "cheaper" that way.
Textures on console will still generally suck even with "8GB" because....yep...cheaper that way. All the power in the world doesn't mean anything when time and diminishing returns are eating greedy companies profits.
It's not the "technology" that was making NPCs "follow a sidewalk" it was the dumbed down mainstream games being made quickly as possible by "AAA" publishers like Ubisoft, EA, and Rockstar.
NPC's were doing advanced things as far back as Ultima 5, 6, and 7. They all had their "own lives" and did things according to time tables and random chance.
Dumachum's comments