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Sony to lose the next gen console wars? Xbox 360 the Next Market Leader?

It has become all to clear that Sony isnt king of the videogame industry anymore. Sure, they still have the PS2, but their future is so uncertain that support and anticipation for the Playstation 3 aer beginning to disappear. While the move from a 2006 UK launch to a Q1 2007 launch was necessary, its also complete suicide. The Xbox 360's biggest failure at launch was its inavailibility. There just werent any Xbox 360s last year for christmas. With 1.5 million Xbox 360s at launch, Microsoft was still critically short of the demand for the console, even though there were 500k units in each major reigon (UK, US and Japan). The lower than expected sales for the xbox 360 are still to this day attributed to the low stock of consoles at launch. Demand doesnt last forever, and MS didnt do a hot job of taking advantage of it. Sony is pulling one better! They are having a launch in only 2 regions, and launching only 400k units at launch with few more expected by the year's end. In short, demand will without question outsrip supply tenfold. Even those who have the money and the will to invest into the ultra-expensive Playstation 3 will probably be denied one at launch.

As far as number of launch units go, Sony is putting less than 1 million PS3s out at launch, making it one the smallest number of units ever launched for a major console.

Launching like this wouldnt be such a problem if Sony could supply the same amount again or several more times before the holiday season ends, but they simply dont have the units or the time to do that.

On top of all of this, Sony has chosen not to launch their console in the UK this year, delaying the european launch until 2007. This is their biggest mistake for several reasons: The first reason is that most analyts agree that the UK is the true battleground of the next gen wars. The US will take a split in the race, each console will sell their to some degree more or less, and Japan will see excellent sales of the wii and the PS3 without question. The UK is the only demographic that isnt historically tied to one console or another, and its the only console that can be won (that isnt already won by another company). There is a reason why TGS and Leitzpeg are the biggest gaming shows on earth now that E3 is no more, and its because Japan and the UK are now the battlegrounds of teh enxt generation. But since Japan is already bought and paid for, MS and Nintendo are goignt o put all their force into selling console in Europe, and too bad for Sony, they are going to show up late and weaker than the competition.

With their low launch numbers and delayed european launch, Sony has effectively cheated themselves out of being a compeditor this year and probably the entire first half of 2007. At this point, the 2006 launch of PS3 is all but voided by Sony, they have deliberately bet out of 2006, pushing their competition forward and moving themselves back further into the hole they have been digging for themselves since the PS3 was delayed from Spring 2006 to November 17th.

The PS2 and what Sony did with it was a mastery of gaming, and art that allowed Sony to harness the game industry and milk it for all its worth. That time has come and is absolutely gone.

You probably didnt realize just how important the 12 month lead the Xbox 360 had was until now. By the time the PS3 launches worldwide the Xbox 360 will have a game library of over 150 titles including Gears of War, Mass Effect, Too Human, Halo 3 and Forza 2. The Xbox 360 will have sold over 10 million units globally, have an Xbox Live userbase of over 5 million people and have had the benefit of sales from not one, but two holiday seasons unmatched without direct competition.

All the money in the world and every marketting scam known to the human race cant take the PS3 past the Xbox 360 with a lead as huge, as influential as that. 2 holiday seasons, a stronger and larger game library, a popular and well established online community, a cheaper price tag......Xbox 360 is now beating the Playstation 3 in every way, and statistically has the larger slaes demographic under its control.

Sony has effectively killed their shot at being the dominant company in the videogame industry for 3 generations in a row. Bad planning, the wrong technology for the wrong price at the wrong time, the wrong marketting scheme and the wrong support for the wrong console have left the plasyation 3 campaign on rough and unforgiving ground. Sony has all but given Microsoft first place this time around.

With almost no units at launch, the Xbox 360's unit lead on the PS3 will only grow until Q3 2007 if not longer, which means that the lead the Xbox 360 had has been extended from 12 months to 18 months, and more time is more consoles, which gives XBox 360 an even larger unit lead, possibly too big for the PS3 to ever overtake.

Ever since E3 it has been suspected that Sony would have problems with the PS3, but nobody expected that the genious behind the PS2 would lose to the competition, and not because of an inferior product, but because their tactics and their plan that won them the gold in 2000 failed them in 2006, when it counted for so much more.

Playstation 3 will now rank last in the console race, miles behind the 360 and atleast some distance behind the Wii in sales for 2006 and all of 2007, meaning the only chance for redemption woulld be Sony pushing the PS3 to the max and selling the PS3 just like the PS2 ever day for the next 5 years. With the price point so high and the hype continually falling lower and lower, PS3 isnt going to do it.

Sony lost this console race, and not to the competition, but to themselves. Now all there is to do is watch and wait.

One way or another, we will have a new market leader this generation, and thats where the war truly begins.....

Goodbye Steve

I know its a bit late (about 3 days late), but im saying so long steve irwin, a guy who could wrestle a crocodile and had more balls than any 3 men (except for lance armstrong)/

End to the Summer Movie Season

heres my ranking for best summer movies


Best Action: Superman Returns

Runner Up: Mission Impossible 3

Best Drama: Snakes on a Plane

Runner Up: The Davinci Code

Best Comedy: Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

Runner Up: Beerfest

Best Romance: You Me and Dupree

Runner Up: None

Best Horror: None

Runner Up: None

Best Overall: Superman Returns

Runner Up: Snakes on a Plane

Worst Overall: Xmen 3: The Last Stand

Runner Up: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Most Disapointing: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Runner Up: Xmen 3: The Last Stand

Sleeper Hit: Snakes on a Plane

Runner Up: You Me and Dupree


Superman Returns - 9.7/10

Snakes on a Plane - 9.5/10

Mission Impossible 3 - 9.3/10

The Davinci Code - 9.0/10

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby - 8.6/10

Beerfest - 8.2/10

You Me and Dupree - 7.2/10

Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest - 6.9/10

Xmen 3: The Last Stand - 4.3/10

*DVD Must Buys*

Superman Returns (Warner Bros) - DVD, HD DVD in November

Snakes on a Plane (New Line) - DVD in December

Mission Impossible 3 (Paramount) - DVD in October

Ive made a decision

heres my decision:

Halo 2, Mario 64, Smash Bros Melee, Halo:CE, Perfect Dark Zero, FEAR, God of War and DMC3 are my favorite games EVER!

Eyes in the Darkness

Splinter Cell Double Agent is set to launch on October 19th, and the next great stealth game will have launched.

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory was great, but it was no Double Agent. Double Agent's biggest secret, and the part that has me most psyched is its realtively secret but surefire multiplyer mercs vs spies mode.

Mercenaries have evolved in SC: DA, they now can pointpoint the spiy in the dark even against a black backdrop, although some light definetly helps. The mercenaries can hear sounds and sense disturbances in the environment to detect the approach of the cloaked assassins, and they have an array of powerful and deadly weapons at their disposal.

Spies have also evolved. They now have squad tactics and partner attacks that call for distraction, illusion and disorientation to take down the enemy. Spies are more lethal with new tasers and tracking devices to both see the mercenaries and jam their radar signals.

Splinter Cel Double Agent also includes an entirely separate storyline this time around pertaining to the multiplayer modes. Although we dont know what it is yet, it should be in proper splinter cell style, which means it will be excellent.

What I think about Japanese Devs and the 360

Japanese developers and Famitsu have no right to bash the 360. Frankly, their opinions are fairly worthless. Thanks to the gorwing videogame industry in the US and in Europe, Japan is now the smallest major reigon in the market, weighing in at under 18% of the total sales and revenue coming from that reigon. Japan may be infamous for their videogames and their love of playstation and nintendo, but the hard facts indicate that Japan is yesterday's news. Unfortuneately for Japan, the industry doesnt need them anymore. Once the largest game demopgraphic is now the smallest, the least profitable and the ONE AND ONLY reigon that the console industry can ignore. Europe and the US continue to grow in size and the viedogame industry and sales of games continue to grow there every single year. Japan is slowly but surely getting left behind, and how they feel about the three consoles in the next gen race doesnt matter anymore

Battlefield 2142 - Tales from the front lines of the future

Today I splurged 3 hours on Battlefield 2142 beta, and I gotta say, its the best open battlefield shooter ive ever played.

For anyone who has played BF2, you know exactly what to expect, but some changes have come about this time. Instead of capturing enemy flags, you need to stand near long range missile launchers to capture them, and once you have them, as long as you hold that launcher for your team, it will shoot highly explosive missiles at the enemys command ship. To take down a command ship you take out the shields first (using the missile launchers, so first you need to take all the bases possible, very BF2-esque) and then you need to fly into the lower levels of the enemy command ship and fight your way down into the hull where you take out the 4 main engines, effectively cutting power to the ship and preventing it from restoring energy to the sheilds. That part of the battle is the most strategic and engaging segement of the game, and its what sets it apart from its predecessors. One you take out the engines, you bail and you retake the misslie launchers (or just keep them the whole time, saves alot of bloodshed) and use them to destroy the hull of the enemy command ship and BOOOOOOOOOOOM! it goes down in an explosion.

Anyone who has played the other battlefield games knows exactly whats in store when it comes to classes and so on, but things have changed a bit in that department. You can now cutomize your solider's weapon and defensive kit for combat, and the 6 classes from BF2 have been cut down to 4: Assault, Commander (I think its commander...starts with a C anyways), Support and Engineer. Thats basically assault, sniper/scout, support and engineer from BF2, not too complicated. To go with the futuristic theme, there are futuristic weapons. One team gets laser weapons, the other gets bullet, but both are only cosmetic changes to the same weapon.

Vehicles are very much akin to BF2, but there have been some changes. There are now high speed air cruisers that carry large numbers of passengers and can deploy the passengers in escape pods that go crashing to the ground (think star wars or Halo 2) and release the solider. There are also hover jets (like helecopters), tanks, cars and a special kind of space bus that looks an awful lot like a hot dog, but it can fire EMP (electro magnetic pulse) that shut down enemy vehicles temporarily, giving you time to gun them down. The best new vehicle is the 2 man Mech, its a towering 2 story beast thats hard to control, but moves at a decent speed and comes equipped with rapidfire missiles and dual machine guns. A second player can command the turrets above to add 2 extra machine guns, making the mech a walking death machine.

So far, Ive played 4 games (in 3 hours...long games, long indeed) and advanced to corporal (rank 2). Im having a great time, and you definetly should keep and eye on BF2142, its a new personal favorite and everyone else should love it too.

PS3 Insider Reveals Pack of Lies!

Read the first post in depth: http://genmay.com/showthread.php?t=667429

know that of course, the entire thing is bull $h!t in several ways.

First off, Bethesda flat out denied making Oblivion for PS3. Their official response was laughter at the notion and then saying "we arent making Oblivion for PS3".

Seondly, 350 PS3 games? Thats about half of the PS2 game library. All those planned for the next 2 years? Go fish.

Third, 200 PSP games this year? That means almost 2 games every day between now and christmas. Not going to happen.

Finally, it fails to adress the fact that PS3 games are uncompressed. Its great that 22GB cant fit onto a DVD9, but nowhere does this guy say that its uncompressed, and it is. Oblivion is over twice that size uncompressed and it takes up fewer than 8GB on a DVD 9, meaning the biggest PS3 game right now could fit into under 5GB of compressed space. He also says the game could be up to 35GB with CG, but fails to mention that PS3 blu ray disks only go up to 25GB, any insider should know that.

So if you read this and think it makes sense, remeber that its a gigantic wall of bull $h!t

Battlefield 2142

Today I signed up for the open beta test for BF2142 on fileplanet and I got accepted, not I just gotta wait for it to finish downloading. Should be cool