With the arrival of the new 'Call of Duty: World At War' map pack (map pack 2) I've rediscovered my love of all things Nazi Zombie related. The only downside to re-entering the world of undead fascist killing is that I am often forced to endure the quirks/misgivings of people that are slowly putting me off the world of online shooters. Hopefully by this point you have already got an idea of the type of person that I am eluding to, if you have no idea then I salute you for being either a, more tolerant of fools than I or B, not in possession of an Xbox Live Gold account. Here is a brief (well, brief for me) run down of the things that really annoy me about the Nazi Zombie co-op levels in COD:WAW...
Glitches:Everyone in the world must now be aware of the stupid glitches in the game, furthermore, everyone in the world must surely have found themselves staring at some crouching fool who will scream 'don't touch me, it's a glitch!!!' at the top of their pre-pubescent voice whenever you dare to venture more than 10 metres into their 'area'. It is not big and it is not clever to glitch, it pretty much takes all of the fun and challenge out of playing the game when you know that you will never die and the knowledge that your statistics will always be there, leering at you, in full view of your friends who will whisper to each other about how he 'used to be an honest man'.
Loud and incredibly offensive/embarrasing youths: Like the business man in a zombie film that you immediately recognise as the person that will be the undoing of the group's attempts to fight off the undead, the loud, sweary and idiotic school boy will always guarantee to ruin a game of COD Nazi Zombies. At first he will just seem annoying and you will revel in the idiotic naivety of his insults, but then it will dawn on you, 'this is a zombie situation and I need this kid to watch my back' but by then it is too late, the group as a whole will decide that 'NOO3PWN3R-69' is quite clearly an unlovable idiot and whilst it is frustrating to endure their taunts that range from 'you suck, man!' (which was never original even when Bart Simpson was innovative) to barbed,Oscar Wilde-esque, social critiques based around your sexual preferences/ethnicity/mother's sexual libido, you are going to have to rely on him at some point. An astute gamer may try to inform the young upstart that his misplaced opinions about 'the other' make him seem like a poster boy for the Hitler youth... your subtle hints at the paradoxical nature of the racistNazi Zombie killer will go unnoticed but you hope that you're fair and balanced observations will one day be the spark of a Joycean epiphany.
The young COD gamer, or as they are known in biological classification terms, the Fry, will never back down from an argument (that they will always start), they will bamboozle you with poor grammar and startle you by pulling out insults that you never would have thought of as a youngster. You will sit there, considering whether or not you should shoot the young fry down with your stock pile of witty shootdowns... and then you will hear in the background 'Sebastian, your dinner is getting cold!' and the inevitable whine of an idiot found out 'awww mmmmoooooommm!'. The group rejoices.
That bloody Teddy Bear!: As a fully grown man I should not be scared by spooky laughter, I can grow a beard and I've smoked a cigar, surely there is nothing else in the world that can tarnish my masculinity... and then that bloody bear pops out of the box. A side effect of being the guy who opens the box to find a bear is that you will inevitably face the ire of the young fry; remain dignified no matter what they say, save it all for when it happens to them and then laugh the laughter of a man with a beard!
Server problems/Lag: Whilst initially it is a novelty to see a zombie's head explode 4 seconds after you have fired that glorious head shot it is the harbinger of tougher times to come when you shall die without knowing for certain where you went wrong...
The difficulty of getting into a game with party members/not being able to start a private game, get your mates in and then open it to the public to make up the numbers: This evening I enjoyed about an hour and a half of gore filled fun and 2 hours of waiting for everyone in my party to enter the pre-game lobby without being mysteriously kicked out. It becomes a rewarding mini-game in itself to actually herd everyone into the game lobby. Surely after two map packs and a number of patches there must be a way to get four people into a game without having to ask 'where's Matt?'
people who shout 'don't kill that zombie, it's mine!': This variety of gamer can often be found in shoals of Fry that take terrible offense to you stealing their kill. You try to remind them that you was merely trying to save them and that there will be plenty of zombies to go around in 3 rounds time but to no avail, you will immediately become the focus of their adolescent fury. Retribution for performing such a heinous act will follow in the form of grenades and endless T-bagging motions over your pistol-bearing andsoon to be dead soldier.
people who hog the mystery box: like the gamer that wishes to claim ownership of zombies, the mystery box hogger will sprint to the box at the first hint of a lull in the action, what will follow will be a bloodbath as the three wise gamers waiting for the white out to make their purchases (whilst offering cover to others), are forced to revive the Bazooka wielding simpleton from the clutches of the undead.
Other traits of the box hogger include the need to maniacally jump in front of you as you satisfying pluck the ray gun out of the box with the shrill cries of 'that was mine!' still ringing in your ears.
'experts' that ridicule 'noobs': There are three Nazi Zombie maps in COD:WAW so that means that each player will have to get used to a level at some point, the cynical old veteran (who has beaten every COD ever made and revels in telling others this very fact) will ridicule the green soldier entering the arena. The ol' general will bark out orders, often using abbreviations and slang names for rooms whilst patronising the hell out of you for forcing them to revive you. The cynical bully that can often be found in the halls of zombie filled buildings will always prey on the weakest member of the team and blame them for ruining their game. As a gamer who feels fairly confident (but never brilliant) when playing COD I always face the dilemma of whether it is my duty to tell the bullish fool to lay off the 'kid' (when you play war games, you eventually adopt a Full Metal Jacket-esque mentality that sounds credible in your mind and foolish on screen).
people who steal window spaces in the early stages because 'they need the points': A relative of the zombie possessors, this breed of gamer will find themselves placed in front of the most boring window in the game and will thus decide that they need to steal some one else's view point, often leading to an early scare when the 'quiet window' is broken down and a number of lumbering creatures with questionable political viewpoints stagger towards you as you manically reload yourKAR98K.
people who play without the microphone on: I can understand the reasoning of the gamer that stoically ploughs through the game without a headset; there are a lot of annoying people online and chicks dig the strong and silent type. But the only way in which a group of people can successfully rack up high points and reach the higher levels of the game is through communicating with each other. Admittedly there is always a little bit of tension and silence at first when playing with a bunch of strangers but as soon as the body count starts piling up and you have fought back to back with your team mates the warnings and strategies begin to flow naturally. If you are the kind of person who refuses to use their headsets online because of the trash talking going on then you are the sensible and respectful kind of gamer that I love to play alongside, so when you see the mics flashing in the pre-game lobby; dust off your head set and get ready to make some new friends.
people that decide to open every area without discussing it: You have a concrete plan in your head, you have formulated a foolproof plan in work that will guarantee success by bottlenecking the zombies into that doorway, nothing can go wrong... the other members of the team applaud you for you're strategical genius and you can sense that today will be the day that the undead will be sent back to hell. And then you see someone with a hell of a lot of spare points sprinting away from the group... 'don't open that door!' - It is a familiar scenario to any zombie movie fan, the turning of the handle signifies an act that can not be reversed... the corpses swarm in, they initially take down the foolish team mate that couldn't wait to reach the mystery box, next the jovial and reliable young gamer (hardened by endless nights of fighting unquestionable evils) is engulfed as he attempts to resurrect the instigator of the chaotic scene that is unfolding in front of your eyes. The brave second in commandattempts to launch a counter attack but by then it is too late, he runs out of shells and switches to that M1 that he never got around to changing and all hope is lost; you witness the losses of your comrades and attempt to formulate a plan to turn this all around... by this point the team mates have all died and are watching your third person viewpoint as you blindly run around the room in a circle trying to make every bullet count... you relive these scenes the next day on your lunch break as you once again try to formulate that perfect method that will get you to level 30.
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