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EarthwormJohnUK Blog

I had a really good quote but stupid gamespot blog topics are too small...

"No. No, first comes boyhood. You get to play with soldiers and spacemen, cowboys and ninjas, pirates and robots. But before you know it, all that comes to an end"

This is a line from a graphic novel series that I have recently finished reading, I will return to this in a few moments...

So I've bought more games...

The Fallout Collection (PC)

I haven't played this yet but I have very fond memories of the original, luckily I was quite young when I played Fallout 1 so I have very little recollection of the storyline, I decided to play through these games after noticing on Fallout Wiki that Harold (the guy with a tree growing out of his head) features in the previous titles, so I want to see how many references to the previous games are thrown into Fallout 3. This collection (which I bought for £6 on Ebay!!) has Fallout 1 and 2 and Fallout Tactics... bargain I hear you cry in unison!

Fable II (Xbox 360)

Ok, I wasn't too keen on the original, but this game still intrigues me, from an outsiders point of view I get the impression that this game has a bit of 'the emperor's new clothes' to it, but I shall play it and see. I decided to buy this game though as part of a 2 for £30 deal along with...

Far Cry 2 (Xbox 360)

I've just noticed that all of the games begin with the letter f. That is odd. I've bought this game, and i've recently bought Far Cry: Predator but I am yet to play them.

I also bought some Microsoft points, because of this (and because of my new, very empty 120gb hard drive) I would like to buy more Xbox Live Arcade games... suggestions would be gratefully received and the person with the best suggestion will win a double lot of XP and Karma (fallout stylee).

Oh yeah, I said that I would write about my graphic novel obsession that has been getting out of control lately... I'm gonna write a number of blogs counting down my top five graphic novels and why you should read them (even if you don't like comic books)... The source of the quote at the top of the page is gonna be the first one that I write about.

You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.

Monsieur Albert Camus provides me with the quote for this entry, I think it quite applies to my gaming mindframe of late. I have mainly been achievement hunting on Fallout 3 and dipping into Puzzle Quest along the way but on the whole i've been trying to level up characters/my GS profile.

I have also finally managed to overcome Braid, an experience that I feel has deepened my love (and expectations) of the art of the video game. The final 'chase' sequence was brilliant and although I'm sure that others will say that the twist was predictable, I on the other hand, was quite surprised. I appreciated how the game used standard and accepted forms to convey a series of vignettes that never quite reveal enough to lift a cloud of confusion (and because of this, a sense of reverence) about the game.

Since completing the game I have found that my thoughts have drifted back to a lot of what I experienced playing the game, there is very little that I can say about the game to sell it to you, dear reader, but if you are thinking of buying it then I wholeheartedly recommend doing so.

As I have already stated, I have been playing a bit of Fallout 3 lately, I am enjoying it as much as when I first played it and I am still astounded by how much of the game world that I have yet to explore. The game is like one huge DVD easter egg, like the backwards-backwards showing of Memento... Bethesda have managed to insert so many narratives into the world, and so many of them lead to nowhere, I can't begin to imagine the amount of effort that goes into crafting so many little tales, of which many will go undiscovered by the majority of gamers (myself included). This afternoon I explored the Dunwich Building (in search of a Bobble Head) and stumbled on a series of holotapes that detail a search, by a son, for a father, as you progress through the building you find more tapes and find out more about what has happened to the two men. The features of building strike just the right ethereal toneto freak you out and to intrigue you enough to make you continue. At one point, when entering a room, the view point changes to how theroomlooked before the nuclear wars, you see a man standing in the room... well, I'll leave the rest toyou to find out yourselves.

Fallout 3 is a very good game, it is still pretty flawed though, after returning to it after a move or so a lot of the bugs and glitches become very obvious and embarrassing, but saying that,it is still one of the best gaming worlds that I have ever experienced.

Ladies and Gentlemen, how I became Earthworm John...


To date the consoles/gaming systems that I have owned (in a roughly chronological order):

Amstrad CPC 464 (with green screen)

Amstrad CPC

My first exposure to games was through a relatives' Atari 2600, I loved that machine so much that I virtually lived at my Aunt's house. But then I received an Amstrad for Christmas and then I knew that I would be a sad gamer forever. I still own this machine, it's boxed up in the garage with many, many cassettes that will never be rewound... When I think of the Amstrad I have 3 distinct memories;

1, Playing Harrier Attack, Robocop and Manic Miner et also much that I developed a shoulder twitch, my teachers thought that I was crazy, it turned out I just really loved games :)

2, Waiting for the games to load,the game cassettes would take forever to load up and would make an awesome noise when being processed, one of the highlights of this waiting period was watching the loading screen fill up one line at a time. A friend of mine told me that if I loaded Michael Jackson's Thriller (which I loved) on the Amstrad then I would be able to watch the music videos, I tried this and subsequently after 4 or 5 attempts at loading the tape I decided to fall out with the evil boy-genius that lived down the road.

3, Being able to buy full, enjoyable games for a pound!


This was the first big heavy weight games console in my eyes, as soon as word spread that I had an NES my popularity in school increased by 500%, everyone wanted me on their football team at break time and everyone wanted to sit next to meat school.It actually turns out that actually,everyone wanted to play Bart vs the Space Mutants, Battletoads and Excitebike. This console is also the machine responsible for the most disappointing moment in my gaming life, Mario Bros 2... But then they gave me Super Mario Bros 3 (and the guilt of warp whistles) and all was forgiven.

Gameboy (x3)

I remember buying this console, getting bored of it, selling it and buying it again (see Nintendo DS as proof that life truly moves in perpetual cycles) a number of times. The games that memorably stick in my mind when I think of Ninty's brick are Tetris (I was young, slightly confused by the Russian theme and easily bored, but my God I loved to Tetris), WWF Wrestling - when I believed that huge man mountains beat each other to a pulp regularly this game became the most important thing in my life (the WWF bubble burst however after my first ever fight when I discovered that people didn't really grapple for a while before a few full nelsons and a drop kick) and those illegal cartridges that had 30 games on it that everyone seemed to buy on holiday in Spain (I had one but the games on it were rubbish)

Amiga 600

This was the machine that introduced me to Championship Manager (oh the joy of spreadsheets and statistics), Lemmings and the Lucasarts Point and Click games (I'm mildly considering naming my first born child 'Guybrush')

Sega Game Gear (x2)

I remember this machine so well, It was the future and it was right there in my grubby little hands! It had the best graphics that I had ever seen, it was weighty enough to kill a man and you could turn it into a portable tv!!!And then the batteries would run out (again)...

The Game Gear should have been more popular than the Gameboy; it had some amazing games like Sonic the Hedgehog, Mortal Kombat and Shinobi alongside the first RPG that I ever played, Dragon Crystal (google it kids!).

Sega Master System 2

I immediately fell in love with this machine when I discovered that it had a free game installed on it! I began to suspect that maybe this was a feature on all games systems and went back and checked my older consoles, much to my embarrassment and chagrin it turned out that the Master System was a one off. It was around this time when I began to realise how expensive video games were and because of this I cherished the ones that I had and would hammer every ounce of playability out of them. Obviously Alex Kidd in Miracle World will be the game that sticks in my mind but other games of note that maintained my sallow complexion and caused my parents to question my intelligence was Altered Beast, Golden Axe, the insanely hard Ghouls and Ghosts and the odd and incredible business sim/action game Ghost Busters.

Sega Mega Drive

One of the prettiest consoles ever. Looking back at this article I must look like a huge Sega Fanboy, I've never considered myself to be,but the games that they put out in the master system -> megadrive era were the kinds of things that my childhood self absolutely devoured and they seemed like the absolute pinnacle of gaming, never to be bettered. I've been able to revisit this machine thanks to the recent games collection on the 360 and this has made me realise that 1, games were a LOT harder back then and 2,I must have worked my ass off for the pocket money to afford the games (and comic books) that helped to shape me into who I am today...

It also deserves to be mentioned that this is the console that spawned the game that gave me my Gamespot name, God bless you, Shiny Entertainment and God bless you, Earthworm Jim.

Sony Playstation (x2)

I still remember seeing the Dinosaur demo that came with this machine and being absolutely terrified, it was so real, and you could move the camera in any direction... This machine signified the step up from my childhood and my adolescence and with that change came a new genre of game that I had never experienced before, the survival horror... Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Dino Crisis and Parasite Eve etc scared the life out of me and gripped me like nothing else. Whilst games from previous eras will always be held dear to me I don't think I will ever replicate the wonder that I experienced so often when that PS came on screen and took me into worlds that until then had only been accessible through Jim Henson films and books that were bigger than me!

There are too many games to mention but the games that will always be etched in my mind because of the sheer magic of seeing such technological triumphs include: Final Fantasy VII and VIII, Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3, Loaded (it looks awful now but at the time it was perfect), Destruction Derby, Twisted Metal, GTA 1, Tomb Raider, Wipeout... the list that I could include here is staggering and I could write an article as long as this one just on the PS1.

Nintendo 64

After a prolonged absence I welcomed Nintendo back into my life, when I owned a mega drive my best friend owned a Super Nintendo (which I always secretly coveted) and through that I always maintained a respect and love for the big N. I think that around the time when the N64 came out I had just started working a little part-time job and was finally able to buy one of these consoles that everybody had been telling me about. One word (maybe two?) GoldenEye. This game, and others like it that enabled 4 player multiplay single handedly bonded my friends and I together for years. GoldenEye, ISS, Mario Kart, Wave Race... This machine exemplified what Nintendo did (and still do) best, they managed to stop the term 'gamer' from being a dirty word and made it a viable and acceptable way to spend your time with others.

Sony Playstation 2 (x2)

Sony Playstation 2 - slimline (x2)

The playstation 2 was a funny machine, I've known some people that still have their original, heavy duty brick of a PS2, I, on the other hand, flew through consoles like Tidus went through Blitzball team mates. Again, like the PS1, this was the machine that I relied on as I grew into a young man. The actual life of the PS2 has been incredible and I am amazed at the quality of the games that this generation produced, I still owned and played this machine regularly until a year or so ago when I decided to take the plunge on this generation of consoles. The quality of the PS2 games continued to grow, even after the release of the PS3 and it is thanks to Sony that I had the chance to play We Love Katamari, ICO, Okami, Shadow of The Colossus, Resident Evil 4, Pro Evolution Soccer (which took over my life and helped to forge friendships at university quicker than you can say 'pound a pint') and countless others...

Nintendo DS lite (x3)

I continually fall in and out of love with the Nintendo DS, some of the games are simply genius and the design of the DS lite is a piece of aesthetic beauty in my eyes, but after being exposed to so many fantastic and in depth games on the home consoles I now struggle to keep interested in the majority of the throw away games on offer. On the other hand though, it is worth owning a DS simply for the privilege of owning Mario Kart, Advance Wars,Tetris (my love for this game will never fade!!!), Puzzle Quest and the Square Enix reissues that are coming out (I have yet to play GTA CW but I look forward to it).

Xbox 360 (x2)

I'm onto my second xbox 360 and I've been a 360 gamer for less than a year, this xbox-to-year ratio is unsettling but I have to admit that this console has got me excited about video games again. There are some titles that I have struggled to appreciate (gears of war and halo), some that engrossed me for an intoxicating and dizzying spell of time before fading away upon completion (Mirror's edge, Assassin's Creed and Oblivion to name a few) and then others that have managed to lodge themselves into my mind even when living my other life (my non gaming life) like Fallout, GTAIV, the COD series and Bioshock. I find myself growing angrier everytime I'm faced with a ridiculous microsoft built hurdle that forces me to place more and more money into MS's pockets (£60 for a wireless adaptor is bear faced theft in my view) but then I use Xbox Live, or I stride through the ruins of Washington DC and I find myself astounded at how much gaming has progressed, I look back at the times when I have been convinced that nothing else could be done to improve a game and then it happens, my gaming perspective is shaken to the ground and I find myself looking at something else new, shiny and compelling.

I'm addicted to the thrill of video games now, I love the fact that I can be anything I want to be, at least for a little while, I can chase blue ghosts down labyrinthine corridors and then turn 180 degrees when their original colours are restored, I can gather coins in subterranean caverns armed with fireballs and shells, I can launch a cow - just for the hell of it, I can explore deadly, silent worlds that hide giant, beautiful wonders that must be destroyed and genuinely hit me with pangs of guilt, even now, at the image of them hitting the ground.

I can't really put into words why games mean so much to me, but if you've read this far I reckon you probably know what I'm talking about.

gah damn you xbox!!!

My saved game for Braid has disappeared!!! damn you xbox!!! It also seems to think that I am in demo mode, I've had a look online and this seems to happen to anyone who removes their hard drive from their xbox and then use it on another. I'm very annoyed about this and it has completely ruined my peaceful, reflective mood that I had mustered to enjoy a bit of time-bending, mario-copying platform fun. I have decided to harness this anger by killing some nazi zombies on COD, I may also kill some normal, apolitical zombies via Left 4 Dead as well.

To further increase my anger I have discovered that gamespot won't let me use a weblink with the word 'class' in it, this prevents me from telling you all to listen to thecover version of'Working Class Hero' performed by Elbow. Despite the fact that I am unable to link you to the last fm/imeem page for the song I deplore you to google it and listen, I have ways of hunting you down if i suspect that you have gone against my advice...

In other news, I've just watched the very last episode of the Sopranos, wowzer.

A perpetual holiday is a good working definition of hell

So my Easter break is coming to an end and I have done nothing productive (aside from hitting 10k gamerpoints), I think when I have too much free time I can often be found guilty of procrastinating; I don't play the games I want to play, or visit the places that i'd like to visit, read the books i'd like to read... I just simply end up on this site pressing the 'refresh' button on my browser. The internet is surely an evil device, made to ensure that we, the people, never choose to do what we really must...

ok, melodrama out of the way.

This morning my geeky t shirts arrived, I'm excited about having new t shirts (I know that this in itself is quite sad) but unfortunately I have no need to go out and show off my new apparel (which is even sadder...). To celebrate the arrival of t shirts, good cheer and nice weather I made American style blueberry pancakes for myself and the missus and then had a bit of a sit down and a cup of tea. With the weather being nice today Dawn decided that she would like to sunbathe, so that meant that I have the afternoon to myself to shoot the crap out of Nazi zombies, but instead, here I am on GS waffling on about pancakes...

Puzzle Quest has become an obsession of mine of late, I am currently playing the DS and Xbox version (although I am naturally inclined towards the Xbox version and the lovely 200G on offer), I have however become dependant on the little arrow that suggests gems to match up and because of this I have realised that I am rubbish at PQ online.

The rest of the day shall proceed as follows...

1, research music festivals this year (I've looked at a few this year and I refuse to accept that they're all as bad as they look)

2, have some more tea

3, have an egg and sausage sandwich

4, play more puzzle quest

5, complete at least 2 veteran levels of COD WAW

6, complete a chapter or two of Resident Evil 5

7, rekindle my love of Braid

8, be fully showered and presentable for the return of my girlfriend.

Honestly, I think that if I can just achieve 2, 3 and 8 then it will be a productive day.

Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit.

As a sort of theme for my blog I've decided to try to pepper my topics (when possible) with quotes, as such I thought I'd start with a Wilde quote. I like it.

Thanks to the Easter holidays and some strangely archaic company ruling I am in the middle of 11 days away from work, I haven't really done much so far, I've had a few beers, been to a couple of gatherings, played a bit of xbox. I've been on a mission to break the 10,000 points mark on my xbox live account, thanks to some hard core Tetris-ing and the generous gift of 15g per chapter on Resident Evil 5 I have managed to hit my target, I don't really look at other people's gamertag points totals but for some reason I have gradually begun to obsess over improving my own. I'm not going to reduce myself to the point of renting Avatar for the easy points or anything, not just yet anyway :|

I'm gonna leave this blog short today in an experiment to see whether I will receive more comments because of it.... But soon, soon my friends, I will be writing a mammoth essay on here, I can feel it coming...

I made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it short.

I have finished work for 12 blessed days! To celebrate this fact I have decided to have a drink, I very rarely drink anymore, the hangovers last all day (I'm old!) and it makes me lose more on Call Of Duty, it is enjoyable however to shoot down sweary american teenagers with a dash of drunken Oscar Wilde-esque wit e.g. "I know you are, but what am I?" ha, gets them every time.

Anyway, here I am, I have reached level 10, a feat that I did not expect to accomplish due to my short attention span when it comes to blogs and such things. I'm trying my hardest to write blog entries that transcend the usual "I've bought game X today, woo" but sometimes my reservoir of ideas can run dry.

I've bought Tetris Evolution today, woo.

I haven't played it yet, although I don't think that i'm set for many surprises, Tetris is Tetris after all and as long as I can sate some of my OCDness with some orderly, russian themed fun I will be a happy, yet slightly twitchy man.

Most of my time lately has been absorbed by Call of Duty WaW and Modern Warfare, I've decided to complete then on Veteran, this is a satisfying yet extremely frustrating process, especially when the game has a habit of respawning me in a position that generally leads to immediate death. I have given up trying to destroy every TV on that studio level of COD, it is simply impossible (well it is for a man that refuses to count every TV in the bloody level). Another equal segment of my life has been taken up by Resident Evil 5, I have written enough on that game for now but I suspect that I will go on about it again once I complete it.

I have been geeky clothes shopping lately and in a blatant attempt to receive comments (to massage my deflated ego) I shall now link pictures of said apparel...

The Cake Is A Lie

oh yes, now when I walk past games workshop those kids will respect me dammit!

T-shirt number 2...

The Humans Are Dead!

And finally....

Terror Bot!

I like them all and will hopefully be receiving them in a week or so.

That is all.

Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated...

After a brief hiatus from Gamespot I have returned in a flurry of tea and corduroy!!! I came back from a two week block of University in Reading (as part of my apprenticeship) and I'm now thoroughly enjoying home cooked food again, the company of my girlfriend (who in an amazing, yet traditional revolution has taken up cake baking in my absence!) and of course, my trusty Xbox.

Whilst being away from home i've been limited to just my DS, but thanks to my good ol' magic cartridge I've been able to enjoy Professor Layton (it is the video game equivelent to a healthy, tasty soup; everyone who sees it goes 'hmm, i might try that' and you feel better after doing it), Pokemon Platinum (like all pokemon games I have already resorted to running around in the same patch of grass trying to level the hell out of my Fire Monkey!), GTA Chinatown (still haven't played it properly yet, i just loaded it up quick to check that it wasn't awful, it wasn't) and Broken Sword!!! Broken Sword is brilliant and takes me back to when i first played it, i remember not having a memory card for my PS1 at the time and I left the console on for about a week so i could complete it (I also did this with Discworld, another point and click adventure). If you own a DS and are scratching your chin about whether to buy the game i urge you to immediately run out and get it. I'm hoping for the sequels to follow soon. The graphics have been jazzed up and it's been padded with more puzzles, storyline and mime artists.

Now that I am back home for a month or two i've finally been able to get stuck into Resident Evil 5. Before i give you my sage like views on the game I'd like to declare how happy I am to have avoided getting the demo, especially after reading so many bad things about it. As i haven't tried the aforementioned demo I can't give a qualified comparison but as for the actual game... I like it :)

Here are a few bullet points that i wrote down whilst playing the game...

  • Chris Redfield has absurdly large arms that contain, I suspect, tumours. No one can have arms like that. His neck is also bafflingly large compared to the size of his head.
  • Thank God they didn't turn it into Gears of War.
  • Wesker=Aryan Neo (from the Matrix).
  • If Chris Redfield is a fully trained killing machine why can he only manage to carry 9 items at a time?!? As i've already mentioned, he has MASSIVE arms, surely he could carry more than 9 eggs.
  • Sheva is a good addition to the game and i like the Co-op element, she does however, annoy me a lot; why does she refuse to help to pick things up on a regular basis? And then when she does pick things up she goes crazy (who mixes two bloody green herbs together?!? especially when there are red herbs everywhere).
  • Smashing crates is fun. Even more fun than smashing vases on zelda.
  • Why does Sheva not share my love of crate smashing? Instead she will run over to one and then just look at it. (occasionally she will smash one, but i can't work out why she is so selective!)
  • Deathmatches in Resident Evil games are a bad idea, where is the fun in standing in front of someone else and repeatedly shooting each other?
  • Sheva is rubbish at operating lanterns! Rubbish I say!
  • The level in which you had to operate a mounted machine gun was very enjoyable, there is something satisfying about blowing up petrol tanks...
  • Riding around the marshlands on an airboat immediately made me feel like I was in "Flipper: The video game", I liked it.

Whilst playing the game i've been paying special attention to anything that appears racist after reading so many articles and opinions before the games release about the issue. I don't think Resi V is racist. If you set a zombie game in Africa the chances are that you are going to shoot African Zombies. If all of the zombies were white I'd be very confused, and probably more likely to accuse Capcom of being racist. If Resi V is racist for making you kill people other than caucasians then GTA San Andreas and Rockstar are the bloody Ku Klux Klan!

It worries me when people make knee jerk reactions to games that seem to go anywhere near a taboo subject, obviously those kinds of games that are trying to make a name (and a fanbase) for themselves by basing their ideas solely on being controversial (Manhunt immediately springs to mind, oh Rockstar, what were you thinking?!?) are going to be criticised and rightly so. I've been looking around on the internet and i've read that Bioshock, upon release, was criticised for allowing the gamer to choose to "kill small girls". I think that this is absurd and is taken completely out of context from what the actual game was trying to say, but if game companies rely on shock tactics to garner interest for their games then games that, in my view, should not be considered controversial, such as Bioshock and Resident Evil 5 will also be shot down by critics that view ALL games as empty, purile and lacking in social comment.

Admittedly the depiction of African culture in Resident Evil 5 does tend to stray towards Joseph Conrad-esque imagery on occasion and this can be considered to be lazy concept designing but surely Resident Evil 4 could be accused of the same, where exactly in Europe was that game set?!?

Completing games, buying more games and the watchmen.

I haven't blogged on here for a while, in my own lackadaisical way i have been quite busy. My job as an apprentice comms tech/tea maker has started to resemble something like a proper job (i've started installing the radios in ambulances), my social life has experienced a lazarus like reanimation and I've had video games to complete.

I won't talk about the job, it even bores me to think about it so i can't imagine that anyone else would want to read about it, so... on to the interesting stuff...

About 10 minutes ago i completed bioshock, it's a game that i have been threatening to complete for a few months now so i've dedicated the last couple of free nights to getting stuck into it. I was a little bit let down by the 30 second fmv ending but satisfied with the 100G achievement points for killing the boss at the end. The game (as i'd imagine you gaming connaisseurs know) is brilliant. I think that the game design, with the art deco-steam punk imagery is a stroke of genius and, alongside the Half-life series, will be the point of comparison in my mind whenever i play a new sci-fi fps. The game is by no means perfect; i think that the controls could be a little less loose and i was a little bit disappointed that Take 2 resorted to a large number of 'go fetch this item' style missions in the final quarter of the game but after completing this game i am getting very excited about the sequel coming out.

Talking of sequels.. I've recently bought Far Cry Predator and i hope to complete that before having a go at the follow up. FC2 intrigues me a little and i know that the first game has very little to do with the sequel but i am a freak and i have to play original games before getting into the newer ones (unless they are ultra rare or 20 year old, 8 bit snooze-athons). Because of this ingrained stubborn streak i have yet to play Fable 2 (bought fable 1, played it for a day, got very, very bored).

I've also completed Guitar Hero: World Tour but i would not say that Slash has got anything to worry about at the moment. Guitar Hero has scared me a little because A, I became very obsessed with it and B, I have now grown more tolerant of Bon Jovi. Tolerent being the key word. If i saw Mr Jovi on the street i would no longer feel the need to spit on him, I can now here 'Livin on a prayer' without gritting my teeth and purposefully blacking out for 4 minutes. I heard it on the radio in the garage today and immediately started thinking of GH...

I went to Blackpool over the weekend to watch Elbow (the 6th time that i've seen the miserable indie-popsters and they keep getting better!) with the missus. To test my own willpower i vowed to myself that i would not drag Dawn into an arcade (we didn't) and that I would let her drag me around Primark (fortunately we didn't!). My internet connection has been a little bit ropey of late so it has been a perfect excuse to get stuck into some story based games, I've found that since i've had Xbox Live i've always reached for COD even when i've had a stack of shiny new games to get into.

The next games on my list to play more (and beat like a ginger step-child) are:


Halo 1,


Left4Dead (still have to complete loads of campaigns and i still haven't tried the vs multiplayer yet!)

Dragon Quest IV (i'm 2/3 of the way through it but i'm on a boring story line now) and once i finish DQIV i'm gonna get started on DQV (which i'm very excited about) and after that Chrono Trigger!

So yeah, that's quite a lot of games, not even mentioning Just Cause, Far Cry, Street Fighter IV, PGR4 and the sega mega drive collection.

And then there's Resident Evil 5!

On a final note, I watched the Watchmen over the weekend. I'm not sure what to think about it. I don't really believe that it needed to be made into a film, and Snyder did action it up a bit (I never imagined Rorschach being able to do Matrix style Kung-Fu) and there was some questionable scenes involving the night owl and the silk spectre to the tune of Hallelujah... Rorshach was as awesome as i'd been hoping for though and each actor was perfectlycast, maybe with the exception of Ozymandias. Anyway, watch the film, shuffle about awkwardly during the naff sex scenes and enjoythe film; it's an interesting curiosity if you have read the series and if you haven't it is a great introduction to one of the greatest stories ever told (erm... not the bible).



I've just received in the post:

Guitar Hero World Tour

Tiger Woods 09


My reasons for buying Guitar Hero are that A, I was bored with my games collection and it was quite cheap and B, 'Operation:Make Dawn Love Video Games As Much As I Do' Is in full swing. I bought her an R4 cartridge the other day (and thus aiding terrorism if you believe the anti piracy ads) and she loves that, she also has a soft spot for a bit of rock so i thought that Guitar Hero would draw her into the murky world of gaming a little more. I'm considering buying a Wii again as part of Stage three of the operation, I'll buy Animal Crossing for her, Mario Kart for the two of us and House of the Dead for me. I think i'll wait for a while though, this is an intricate plan and i can't rush her into too much at once. mwah ha ha ha. I know when my mission has been accomplished when either A, She plays street fighter properly (and not like a button bashing girl!) and B, she no longer laughs at my obsession with gamespot.

I've also received Preacher: Alamo. Unfortunately this is the last in the series of graphic novels and i can't read it until i've read the other 4 that i ordered from (they are cheap, but retarded) and that, according to their website, will only be delivered to me in a months time. Hmph. I now know that for some reason the Preacher has lost an eye; i'm up to TPB #4 and this has not yet occurred. Damn you and damn my curiosity!