@mrboone01 @EbenOlemaun Absolutely. Unfortunately, Sakaguchi said he was retiring after completing The Last Story. If I remember correctly, that is why they named the game the way they did.
@senjutsu @experience_fade Just because you evolve doesn't mean you won't die. Look at the dodo. No modern counterpart. This is what we would call a desperate attempt at a cash grab. KH3 will be the biggest hit out of those titles and the rest will most likely be "meh". Then we just won't see big FF titles anymore and I will be fine with that. Better to go down with whatever tiny shreds of dignity the franchise has left than pull a Simpsons and fart in our faces for another 15 years after it went sour.
@genjuroT "Blah blah heroes heroes heroes blah blah incomprehensible terminology blah blah LOOK AT THE GRAPHICS!!!" Fabula Novella Crystalis in a nutshell.
Give me an elite university sending teenage mercenaries to warzones any day of the week over this nonsense.
@reanor2 @jhayden2000 I look at CoD like a new car. It is solidly built and fun to drive but it is almost the exact same car as last years model. Just because you change the appearance of the cupholders and make the upholstery different doesn't really make it a new car.
@TdFPsycho @bgranli @bahamut1283 Then your opinion is part of the problem. We can't get a quality game because you d-bags keep buying crap. You turned Final Fantasy into the CoD of the RPG world.
EbenOlemaun's comments