@white_wind It is supposed to be melodramatic and overly serious. Kind of a trademark of the series. Clearly you didn't grow up with the exploits of Solid Snake, as back then we had very few console games with voice acting let alone GOOD voice acting. Hayter is the man.
@Zero_Echo Uh, he is a clone with nearly identical genetic material so, yes. They would have the same voice. He got the most Big Boss genes and Liquid got Eva's.
@FireVixen Yeah, unless you have been living under a rock for years since 2 weeks after that game came out, how you never knew that was beyond me. That and it was obvious.
@USAPATRIOT21 Or that the narrative will be more gripping than an episode of CSI. This serial killer crap is boring. If anyone played through HR and didn't figure out that the fat detective was the killer almost immediately then you are an idiot. Cliche, cliche, cliche.
EbenOlemaun's comments