"Alright, and for only 5 dollars more I can unlock a bunch of other armor colors!? I would be stupid NOT to buy that!" - What Microsoft is hoping we all do when this comes out.
@SavoyPrime Do you seriously think that those two games are going to save Square Enix? That KH3 and FFV-XIII could sell enough to make up for the amount of trash that they have released from within their own house? Their ship is sinking and they don't care enough to try to plug the holes, instead they are simply throwing money overboard instead of doing serious development.
In this thread is a bunch of people who ACTUALLY THINK Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to happen. Here's a spoiler, it isn't. That game is not happening. Remember that FF7 Tech demo we got? Shortly after they said they were going to make 7 but maybe use the combat system from 12. Man it was SOOO GOOD. Oh wait, it wasn't. Square Enix doesn't make good games anymore, get over it. They can't even make solid titles from their own IP.
"Are you ready for another increasingly convoluted and unnecessary portable entry into the Kingdom Hearts franchise!!!???"
You keep buying those cheaply made, rushed out titles and that is EXACTLY what they are going to continue to make.
EbenOlemaun's comments