According to metacritic, Gamespot, alone, gave it the highest score. This guy must seriously love rail-shooters because, even for a rail-shooter, this game is bad. There is so much bias in this review you'd think he worked on the game itself.
@EarthBounder89 Is there a Wii U version? And, Microsoft barred anyone from making videos with Xbone games until its release, I believe. That's why all the reviews coming in for next-gen multi-platform games are for PS4.
@DVONvX @Ehggsz Point is, at present, you have to "allow" them to sell your data. Eventually you'll have to "disallow" them to sell it. Won't happen on the Xbox One, I'm sure, but on the generation after, probably.
@DVONvX @Ehggsz You have to think about the future. If enough people give their OK and this turns into a huge business opportunity, we could see this gradually pushed onto us more and more.
Ehggsz's comments