The game is amazing and is truely the Unreal Tournament 2004 of this gen.
It shows what a PC built fps without any console setbacks in game design is capable of.
The game is better than Halo, CoD, Battlefield 3, and Resistance.
Truely the best fps this gen and superior to all console fps.
I'm glad you have an opinion. You should word your messages differently though. This message seriously sounds like you are overcompensating for something. Tribes: Ascend certainly looks like a good FPS. I personally am not into PC gaming. I am not wealthy enough to buy new parts for it every couple months to stay up to date with the specs and I certainly don't want to have to keep up with these specs just to play the games I would want to play. But for PC gamers who enjoy it and can afford it, more power to you to enjoy it. I just don't understand why anyone would say something is better than something else when that's purely a personal opinion.
Every few months? I haven't upgraded in a year and a half and run almost all my games at around high settings at 1080p and 60 fps.Like I said, if you are a PC gamer, more power to you. Heck back when Call of Duty was only on the PC I wanted a gaming rig. I'm so glad I waited though because the initial price, and then the price to keep up with top specs for me just isn't worth it. I'm a console gamer because I like being on the same specs as who I am playing with/against.
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