Yes, true. Experience>qualifications any day. That said, some people learn better at school, so to each his own. I've personally learnt a lot from tutorials on YouTube but I lack the support and creative energy from friends. I think being surrounded by people who help augment your skills and consistently get your creative juices flowing is an important aspect as well.
Yeah, it looks like a cartoonishly drawn evil cat. Although I'm still going insist that to me it also looks like a turian with big eyes. Focus on the nose of a turian and the upper section of their mouth.
@jamesbigmac @Emerald_Scott Yes, that would be very interesting. I'd love to see strong RPG elements in FPSs. And for once, I want to care about the story and the Helghast cause. It would incredible to find out that the Vektans have always been the bad guys all along. And that the Helghast were the original occupants of Vekta, driven out for corporate gain and taken to a hellish but habitable planet to rot and die, since perhaps Vektans wouldn't condone just killing them outright. What's more, that the Vektan media had fabricated the whole story to manipulate its citizens.
Furthermore, after the Helghast survive in the hellish planet (a description from which it might have gained its name 'Helghan'), they fully militarise it and condition the people to feel nothing but hatred and no remorse, and take back what was originally theirs.
So far, we might have only been seeing one side to the story -- Helghast seemingly looking like terrorists -- but maybe in Shadow Fall, we'll get to see the other. I mean, it's implied in the trailer that the Vektans are bad.
Oh, I wish it's kinda like that. Stories these days need to be grey. As much as I'd want to sympathise with the Helghast, I would also want to see the horrible and unforgivable acts they've committed. The same goes for the Vektans.
@jd7904 @Emerald_Scott I don't think I was referring to Garrus or trying to insult him. I was simply pointing out what the infiltrator's helmet's face looks like to me, which it doesn't have to look like anything to you. But perhaps someone else might think the same thing as me, which is why I posted that comment.
I hope Shadow Fall will have a great story -- that's what I care about the most. KZ3's story was disastrous and all over the place. I mean, how hard is it to write a good story? I mean, there's a lot of excellent fan fiction out there, which means these days there shouldn't be an excuse for games with bad stories. The same goes for films.
@LilRoss2k3 I find it hard to believe that. At least it's something worth looking forward to and at the moment is better than anything on offer from the Xbox One. I'm personally excited about all games (except sports games) that will be revealed at E3.
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