well we need to remember a few things here...
first off, i never said this game was lame, or sucked ...quite the contrary..i plan on buying it. but i at least expect an honest review of a game.
if you think the reviewers of this game didnt factor in the "hype factor" of this title, then you obviously are blinded by dire loyalty to your brand.
and if you dont happen to notice all the advertisements MS pays for on alot of these sites, and if you dont think that pulls weight, talk to the guys over @ penny arcade about their close call with ubisoft after ripping Prince O Persia 2, or talk to andrew shu @ EGM who has been approached by several game companies...promised an exclusive review only, only if he guarantees a certain score for the game.
these things happen, this is what im saying.
secondly, if you think that the core operation of a game doesnt effect gameplay... then your hopelessly lost.
"The framerate in Mass Effect is as erratic as they come. This isn't something that happens occasionally. It happens incessantly."
incessant -continuing or following without interruption
lets examine what else they said about the aftual gameplay...
The game also has issues loading textures in when you enter a new environment. Flat, boring scenery gets filled in with details piece by piece for a few moments each time you load in.
Clipping through the scenery is a regular occurrence
Shepard has a displeasing tendency to get stuck in objects, sometimes in the midst of battle. It happens to NPCs as well
On occasion, the game stopped registering our button presses
Rarely, Mass Effect even went the whole nine yards and locked up. All of these bugs can be wiped away with a reset, but boy if they aren't annoying.
Applying number ratings to a game like this doesn't do it justice because there is no way you can ignore its technical flaws
these are not just a few instances that generally dont effect gameplay, these are glaring flaws, so much so that they had to actually be focused on and addressed with words like "incessant" and "regularly"
like i said, im gonna buy this game, no doubt.
but a 9.4, you have to be the one who thinks we didnt land on the moon if you think thats acceptable or legitimate!
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