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#1 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

what if 60Minutes did an investigative report on system wars?
what do you think the general public would think of gamers?

or even better, imagine they had posters from SW on a show, some PS3 fanboys, some nintendo fanboys, some 360 fanboys...and let them debate.

how do you think that would play out to the rest of the world outside of gaming?
how would the system wars mentality shape peoples perception of gaming? of gamers?

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#2 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

the reality, and the point i was trying to make is....the scores of 9.5-10 were in long before anyone played the game.

now i can only judge the game based on my experience with it. im not a hater, im not bashing it....quite the opposite.

i think the game was fun, the graphics were good to great, the game play was solid...

but i will say this..i found it to be no better than ratchet and clank. clearly they are two seperate platformers. but it seems to me that R&C got a very critical eye from alot of gamers and reviewers. yet its just assumed that mario should get the perfect accolades because..well its mario.

and if you think 20 years of pedigree dont effect how its reviewed...
if you dont think reviewers put on their "back in the day" glasses when they reviewed this game...

then your clearly denying some very obvious truths.

but hey flame me. flame anyone who disagrees with your small world point of view. the sad thing about nintendo they have to handled with kids gloves..."huh? what? he thought SMG had flaws? psssht off with his head"

mario is flawless so anyone who disagrees must be flawed correct? :roll:

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#3 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

ill explain once more for all the trolls. i didnt rate bioshock at all...ive never even gone into my profile to rate games. i thought bioshock was great....

so please keep alluding to that if you want, but its intellectually dishonest to keep pointing that out after ive explained. a very childish maneuver.

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#4 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

well here we go.

the graphics are good.

the gameplay is alot more simplified than past mario games.
the levels are much smaller than previous level in mario games
mario 64 gave you the feeling you had a whole world to explore...this game makes you feel as if your playing one puzzle after another....

i think this game was fine. its fun. its good. if they called it super mario puzzle game..fine.

the sad part is all of you scoff that someone might not think this game is perfect. how pathetic is that?

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#5 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

well as far as the bioshock thing goes...ive never rated a game on this website ...ever im not sure why it shows bioshock as a 1.0...u got me on that one. i played bioshock alot and would have esily given it an 8. but hey way to take an obvious glitch and try to make it into a point.

you know people call 360 owners lemms and PS3 owners cows, accuse them of defending their games or consoles with a legendary wrath, but ill say this there is no more harder fanboys than nintendo owners.

i mean god forbid you think the new mario game is just good or really good. you have to think its a work of masterpiece that could never be second guessed.

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#6 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

what ever happenned to peoples critical eye?


Again, you gave Bioshock a 1.0. Critical eye? No. Fanboy? Yes.

what are you tlaking about?

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#7 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts
yah well the sad part anymore is that you cant say anything other than praise about a game, or it gets immediately locked by a mod.
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#8 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

ive played it a total of 8 hours.

the comment about ratchet and clank..:roll: you can try to turn this into system wars...but what does that acheive?

what ever happenned to peoples critical eye? what is it about mario that just makes people turn of their radar and accept what ever their told to accept. this wouldnt be the cas ewith any other game. i mean even halo3 had its detractors.

like i said its a really good game. but perfect? no

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#9 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

i recently got my hands on super mario galaxy. i was really hyped, being as i grew up with mario and played every single mario title up to mario sunshine, including the mario rpg's.


i have to say, its a good game, a solid game...but im sorry people but im not buying into the hype this game is getting. GOTY? not by far.

i mean the graphics are great, the gameplay is fun..its a definite 7-8 out of 10. but for most sites and their reviewers to keep rewarding this game perfect 10's just goes to show that either someone at nintendo is handing out some x-mas gifts early, or their drinking the kool-aid.

i think we gamers, reviewers just assume this game deserves the highest score due to its pedigree. but i ask this, if this game featured blinx or sonic or crash....would this game have enjoyed the endless adulation and praise it has gotten?

i just didnt think it was perfect. good? sure? but perfect? not close.

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#10 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

dood, ive played a bunch of the game, and have as of yet to experience any, annnny frame rate bro has the 360 version as well....and i dont see any frame loss there either. so i dont know what any reviewer who claimed framerate problems is talking about.

unless i have a magic 360&PS3! they both look equally cannot cannot i repeat cannot tell the differrence between the versions

and i do play my PS3 on a samsung 30 inch HDTV in 1080p/i