the reality, and the point i was trying to make is....the scores of 9.5-10 were in long before anyone played the game.
now i can only judge the game based on my experience with it. im not a hater, im not bashing it....quite the opposite.
i think the game was fun, the graphics were good to great, the game play was solid...
but i will say this..i found it to be no better than ratchet and clank. clearly they are two seperate platformers. but it seems to me that R&C got a very critical eye from alot of gamers and reviewers. yet its just assumed that mario should get the perfect accolades because..well its mario.
and if you think 20 years of pedigree dont effect how its reviewed...
if you dont think reviewers put on their "back in the day" glasses when they reviewed this game...
then your clearly denying some very obvious truths.
but hey flame me. flame anyone who disagrees with your small world point of view. the sad thing about nintendo they have to handled with kids gloves..."huh? what? he thought SMG had flaws? psssht off with his head"
mario is flawless so anyone who disagrees must be flawed correct? :roll:
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