ok nobody has got what the TC is trying to say so i'll have a pop.
sweet someone with some common sense to get to the heart and reality of the matter!
Cows are desperate, they will lie to your face about how they think 360 will somehow fail and defying economics and crashing completely forever into a never-ending-pit-o-despairo, while Sony is ruining their franchise while they are plugged into PSN going "teh free online an pretty colorzez"
wow....never mind......
not realizing BC and other features are slowly being removed from like a rug from under their feet.Then the ****c examples of Freud's defence mechanisms comes along and posts pictures of LBP and Uncharted like it will make a lick of differences to anybody's opinion prevoking zero thought and only containing words like "PS3 owns 2008", well where has 2007 gone then? Who cares PS3 will somehow pick up the pieces next year with games that look no better than the 360 exclusives but somehow cows know the gameplay will swollow the xbox franchise whole.
wouldnt a rug from under your feet be a quick jarring motion???
Cows thought the wii was going to flop, it was the exact opposite of what sony usually copy (nintendo), and now its doing so well they have all died a little inside. I could imagine the leading board of directors behind the design of the PS3 saying "PS2 rocked, so lets come up with some ideas of our own" *a long pause of about 2 years* " I know! How about a console that comes out later than our main competitor in this market, costs a heck of a lot more, has a few exclusive titles that have been there since the PS1 era and makes out like it has best graphics but actually is outperformed by the lesser hardware because devs can't be bothered with the lameness of it!" *mildly intoxicated and rather high the board says* "OMFG!"
And i guess they were smoking the same stuff when they came up with the PSP.
wow... these are all observations that you should be embarrassed to have thunk, and ashamed to have written....
the reality is...there has been nothing but halo love from every crack, crevise and small orrifice in the gaming world and public at large. there has been no shortage of praise, no lack of stories extolling the great sales of halo3. G4TV cannot go one day without gushing about the utter mind changing masterpiece that is and always will be a halo game.all the reviews are in and it has been declared!!! god himself parted the clouds and wrought from heaven his only begotten game of choice....and it was muther fudgin HALO3!!!!
there...happy now?? i just added a weensy bit more praise onto to overinflated pile of oversatturated lipservice that game has recieved....seeing as how its essentially the same FPS it has been since the original.
when are people going to realize that ...yessss halo three was really fun and great. but it has recieved all the hype and props it will ever or deserve to get. what? does every gamer have to go out and geta master chief tattoo?
oh yah btw if halo3 was so great why did 90% of the enemies just stand right in front of me while i strafed around them unloading my clip into their face????
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