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#1 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

"Following the $99 HD DVD player sale at Wal-Mart and Best Buy (among others,) rampant flame wars between Blu-ray and HD DVD fanboys turned nasty into personal attacks and physical threats in the AVS forum - probably the largest online forum for audio/visual discussion. Which led AVS moderators to completely shut down the HD DVD and Blu-ray forums until the weekend."

for god sake!!! are you kidding me? has it really come to this?

ive said it before and ill say it again...the internet has changed the face of gaming politics.


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#2 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

lets inject some common sense into this discussion.

first off, all we know is that a website of less than credible origin claims astore (no idea as to what store or retail chain) some where in belgium (location unkown) is having 40 gig ps3's returned, somewhere in the neighborhood of 40%.

lets run this down

non verifiable website
unknown store
unknown region of belgium
no actual confirmation that any of this has actually happenned
the only one that says it has happened is a personal site with a .tm address

so what we really know is that once again the internet + fanboys = must ruin gaming!!

the reality is that in general, with all we actually know for fact, the PS3 enjoys a very low failure rate. not becasue they are known for a history of such (the PS2 had its large share of defects) but because they have learned from past mistakes.

facts are facts.

so please people. as gamers we can either add to the community and rise above all this nonsense and ignore clear and blatant attempts at systemwar faboyisms....or we can roll around in the mud and pretty much act like the children the rest of society thinks we are.

your choice


Umm it listed the store, Game Mania. Just becuase YOU don't know of it, doesn't make it fake. I suppose you know of every company in every country?

no. i dont obviously know that.....but what would it take from someone to completely fabricate such a story? for isntance...

"a representative from monsanto corp. in st louis mo claims that over 55% of their weedkiller has aids in it"

now clearly i could spend another half hour posting this on a blog or a lame 5 dollar a month website. does that add any validity to it? should we have to discuss it simply because there may be a miniscule chance it could be true? does everything that gets posted on the internets need to be discussed as if it may be true?

Not saying this is true, but sometimes news is broken by the little guys before the big guys catch on.

Also, company's that have problems, don't like to confirm things until the facts are thrown in their faces and they are forced to play ball.

What conclusion should be drawn is that is too early to draw any real concrete conclusions. So in the words of the cows...just wait.

so do you mean wait as in wait and see? or do you mean wait as in post threads spreading this information throughout the internets?

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#3 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

lets inject some common sense into this discussion.

first off, all we know is that a website of less than credible origin claims astore (no idea as to what store or retail chain) some where in belgium (location unkown) is having 40 gig ps3's returned, somewhere in the neighborhood of 40%.

lets run this down

non verifiable website
unknown store
unknown region of belgium
no actual confirmation that any of this has actually happenned
the only one that says it has happened is a personal site with a .tm address

so what we really know is that once again the internet + fanboys = must ruin gaming!!

the reality is that in general, with all we actually know for fact, the PS3 enjoys a very low failure rate. not becasue they are known for a history of such (the PS2 had its large share of defects) but because they have learned from past mistakes.

facts are facts.

so please people. as gamers we can either add to the community and rise above all this nonsense and ignore clear and blatant attempts at systemwar faboyisms....or we can roll around in the mud and pretty much act like the children the rest of society thinks we are.

your choice


Most people posting here see throuh TC's article. The hypocrisy is cows accepting similar ludicrious claims by an australian GS manager and then calling this unreliable...

well to be fair there seems to be a bit more information to the "rrrod" story than one managers testimonial.

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#4 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

lets inject some common sense into this discussion.

first off, all we know is that a website of less than credible origin claims astore (no idea as to what store or retail chain) some where in belgium (location unkown) is having 40 gig ps3's returned, somewhere in the neighborhood of 40%.

lets run this down

non verifiable website
unknown store
unknown region of belgium
no actual confirmation that any of this has actually happenned
the only one that says it has happened is a personal site with a .tm address

so what we really know is that once again the internet + fanboys = must ruin gaming!!

the reality is that in general, with all we actually know for fact, the PS3 enjoys a very low failure rate. not becasue they are known for a history of such (the PS2 had its large share of defects) but because they have learned from past mistakes.

facts are facts.

so please people. as gamers we can either add to the community and rise above all this nonsense and ignore clear and blatant attempts at systemwar faboyisms....or we can roll around in the mud and pretty much act like the children the rest of society thinks we are.

your choice

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#5 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

well i dont want reviewers to be overly positive and hopeful....but i also dont want someone reviewing a game with an agenda not to be too positive either.

ive read the review...and to be honest they have hit ratchet n clank for being to easy.....yet i beat halo3 in six what is that? isnt that a bit easy? i died like twice. halo3 got a 9.5

it seems to me that the reviewer wasnt very excited to review this game. it was obviously a mistake to let him review the title, and this was gamespots mistake.

to knock off almost three points becasue the story didnt advance in a way you felt it should.....that seems to be a bit overdone.

ive watchedas theyve sat on that couch on "on the spot" in visible horror on the edge of laughter, theyve played horrible wii games with elementary level controls and then turned around and gave it a better review than it deserved. i mean i guess it all comes down to, its just this guys opinion and its what he thought.....but im just tired of now having to wonder with each GS review...of whehter they do have a stake in the system wars battle....never thought id say this but...

i can certainly say without a doubt....wont be renewing my subscription.

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#6 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

ok nobody has got what the TC is trying to say so i'll have a pop.

sweet someone with some common sense to get to the heart and reality of the matter!

Cows are desperate, they will lie to your face about how they think 360 will somehow fail and defying economics and crashing completely forever into a never-ending-pit-o-despairo, while Sony is ruining their franchise while they are plugged into PSN going "teh free online an pretty colorzez"
wow....never mind......

not realizing BC and other features are slowly being removed from like a rug from under their feet.Then the ****c examples of Freud's defence mechanisms comes along and posts pictures of LBP and Uncharted like it will make a lick of differences to anybody's opinion prevoking zero thought and only containing words like "PS3 owns 2008", well where has 2007 gone then? Who cares PS3 will somehow pick up the pieces next year with games that look no better than the 360 exclusives but somehow cows know the gameplay will swollow the xbox franchise whole.

wouldnt a rug from under your feet be a quick jarring motion???

Cows thought the wii was going to flop, it was the exact opposite of what sony usually copy (nintendo), and now its doing so well they have all died a little inside. I could imagine the leading board of directors behind the design of the PS3 saying "PS2 rocked, so lets come up with some ideas of our own" *a long pause of about 2 years* " I know! How about a console that comes out later than our main competitor in this market, costs a heck of a lot more, has a few exclusive titles that have been there since the PS1 era and makes out like it has best graphics but actually is outperformed by the lesser hardware because devs can't be bothered with the lameness of it!" *mildly intoxicated and rather high the board says* "OMFG!"

And i guess they were smoking the same stuff when they came up with the PSP.

wow... these are all observations that you should be embarrassed to have thunk, and ashamed to have written....

the reality is...there has been nothing but halo love from every crack, crevise and small orrifice in the gaming world and public at large. there has been no shortage of praise, no lack of stories extolling the great sales of halo3. G4TV cannot go one day without gushing about the utter mind changing masterpiece that is and always will be a halo game.all the reviews are in and it has been declared!!! god himself parted the clouds and wrought from heaven his only begotten game of choice....and it was muther fudgin HALO3!!!!

there...happy now?? i just added a weensy bit more praise onto to overinflated pile of oversatturated lipservice that game has recieved....seeing as how its essentially the same FPS it has been since the original.

when are people going to realize that ...yessss halo three was really fun and great. but it has recieved all the hype and props it will ever or deserve to get. what? does every gamer have to go out and geta master chief tattoo?

oh yah btw if halo3 was so great why did 90% of the enemies just stand right in front of me while i strafed around them unloading my clip into their face????


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#7 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

"Seems PS3Tag is affiliated with, and were tired of getting associated with the SDF. As it turns out Narutoboy of the SPG was emailed by one Rob Foor of the Sony Defense Force regarding a link exchange. Now if you check the WHOIS info on, Foor's name shows up as the registrant of that domain."

more evidence

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#8 Escobahr
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not to the same IP though.

and for the record it is very very very unlikely that two completely seperate companies share the same server with same hosting company. much less competing sites in the fanboy war!!

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#9 Escobahr
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man those fanboys at the sony defense force really make PS3 owners look immature and lame....right?

where heres a bitta light to shed on the matter

" has posted an article which exposes the SonyDefenseForce website. In the article, they provide irrefutable proof that is actually owned and operated by " for sonydefenseforce)and are on the SAME IP address. At one point also came out of the same IP address

its sad and pathetic what the internet has done to gaming

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#10 Escobahr
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heres the real question......

how long until the casuals give up and put their wiis in the closet...leaving the nintendo diehards with yet another niche/undersupported/console that is utterly overstocked with mary kate n ashley and barbie horse games???

the real reason you see all these threads is because nintendophiles are boned up history if nothing else, and they know the inevitable bubble will burst....and its coming some time next year. all the same magazines that had the cover story of " the wii success!" will quickly change their stripes to " how the wii went wrong"

me personally.....why do i think the wii is going to fail? i dont see how i can go out and buy rockstar tennis for the wii....and not be able to control the characters.......and pretty much play a tennis game on rails....and call that revolutionary gameplay.

so far all nintendophiles are doing is gloating becasue the non gamer masses are buying into the hype....but son the hype will fade....and i hope the hype is fun to play while the PS3/360 gamers get next gen goodness!