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#1 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

as i start to peruse sites lately ive seen a disturbing trend. it seems as if alot of reviewers and game journalist are doubting the scores for bishock.

it appears alot feel it definitely deserved a 7/10 or an 8/10 but felt giving it a perfect score was over the top.

and having now played through it, many are speaking of the flaws and the standard PFS

boring control scheme
on par A.I.
dreadful a-b missions
and over all "just another" type of game design.

so what happenned here? how is the game that everyone at launch and pre launch said was a "perfect 10" is now sounding as if it really should have been a 7-8/10?

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#2 Escobahr
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While I certainly do not condone this employee's behavior, there are some things to consider.

If he was the only one working this morning (or early afternoon), there's a good chance that he was by himself... and since Wednesdays are usually shipment days (for new games, such as Warhawk, which was to arrive today), he's got a lot on his plate. The product needs to be received, gutted, priced, and sorted for pre-orders.

Then there's the myriad of other stuff that GS has their employees do... such as scanning game SKUs for specified systems, doing random inventory counts, possibly cleaning up after the closing crew that came in, and maybe other things.

The correct thing for the employee to have done was to stop what he was doing and assist... customer service is supposed to be the prime directive for GS employees, and you were likely dealing with a member of management, if he was alone. I would recommend going back to the store and asking to speak with the manager about your experience. The only way that managers can ensure that their staff are maintaining proper customer service standards is to be notified when customers are getting ignored or de-prioritized.

Unfortunately, though, until the holidays kick off and there's more hours to give, GS employees who open and are forced to work alone for hours at a time will continue to have to struggle with priorities and heavier-than-needed workloads.


It did look like he had too many things to do, but he didn't seem to have any problem attending other cusotmers. He either didn't like me for whatever reason, or he was annoyed he had to open the box to take a Wii out from the shipment that just came. It seems you are familar with the gamestop system, so is there any reason why he would be annoyed about taking out a Wii from a shipment that just came?

did you ever consider that mabye he would like to buy a Wii, but isnt allowed to by his manager due to restrained supply?

he was prolly just sour you got to get a wii and he didnt....for god sakes he actually works in the store....why shouldnt he get one

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#4 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

wow i am so amazed at how bad this game is.

now i know why no sites were allowed review copies!! this is bar none the worst game released yet for the 360.

please people do yourself a favor ond do not buy this piece!

i actually ran out to my car to get my cell phone....scared that i wouldnt be in time to warn my friend off of buying it...thats how bad it is

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#5 Escobahr
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well the point i was trying to make with the hddvd player was..... they proslatized on how unecessary new gen storage mediums there was no reason to use anything other than dvd9....and then they pull a seg.

say what you want about they were more expensive....but in the long run the 360 is gonna cost way more than a ps3
for storage space,hookups and storage.


What? Seriously the HD-DVD add-on has nothing to do with games it's a movie only device so there really is no point to be made at all about it.

Um you mentioned storage twice. The 360 is only going to cost as much as the individual wants or needs out of it. Not all of these extra hookups and additions are necessary, it's all up to individual. So to say it's going to cost more in the long run is erroneous.

As for the HDMI port I hardly see that as a big deal. Other systems have come out with additions to them in the past and others will do so in the future.

Don't bother. As I understand it, the OP's original name on here was Flood. A name synonymous with "Sony fanboy of GS forums". Take everything he says with a grain of salt.

Flood, if you care so much about visuals, then why not direct your attention to Sony for putting out a console a full year after the 360, at 200 dollars more, and still managing to shove so much non-gaming related things into the package that the system is seemingly incapable of outdoing the 360 visually for games.

Sony, take that extra 200 for the blu-ray player and put it into areas (like the GPU) that are actually gaming related and beneficial. But of course, the PS3 will outsell the competition without any games. All they need is to get that blu-ray player into our homes ......

I think both systems have their faults, but be a little more even-minded and not so one-sided every time you decide to post a topic. Yes there are annoying things about the 360, but I'll be damned if anyone is going to act like it's any better on the Sony side of things.

you know whats funny about these forums? the fact that if you even criticize any system at al whatsoever...your lableled a fanboy.

dont like mirosofts business model for the 360......he he well then you are obviously just a drastic fanboy of legensdary proportions....even though you own a 360 and over 50 games and play the 360 almost 4-5 days a week.

the reality is i have all next gen systems and can afford to have varied opinions. and unfortunately, right now my opinions about microsoft happen to be correct.

dont be so quick to throw around the fanboys label as time i'll report you. leave the name calling at home...feel free to argue my ideas, but dont resort to cheap personal attacks.

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#6 Escobahr
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own the 20 gig
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#7 Escobahr
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well the point i was trying to make with the hddvd player was..... they proslatized on how unecessary new gen storage mediums there was no reason to use anything other than dvd9....and then they pull a seg.

say what you want about they were more expensive....but in the long run the 360 is gonna cost way more than a ps3
for storage space,hookups and storage.


What? Seriously the HD-DVD add-on has nothing to do with games it's a movie only device so there really is no point to be made at all about it.

well in my opinion game consoles quit being about "just games" after the PS2 and the Xbox. and what your really not thinking about is what if microsoft had created the 360 with the HD-DVD drive that would be used for games.....would we be seeing a new label for 360 games that says "HD required?? just glad i didnt get a core...imagine if you found out you might need a HD to play some games.....

Um you mentioned storage twice. The 360 is only going to cost as much as the individual wants or needs out of it. Not all of these extra hookups and additions are necessary, it's all up to individual. So to say it's going to cost more in the long run is erroneous.

well a HD is necesarry according to some developer and even microsoft themselves....who have created the "HD required" logo...not to mention they are ompletely phasing out the going forth all systems will have an HD.

As for the HDMI port I hardly see that as a big deal. Other systems have come out with additions to them in the past and others will do so in the future.

it's not about you telling people what they don't need...its about microsofts statements and then the obvious admission that not only are they wrong, but if you want what is considered to be the premium...your going to have to buy a whole new system from them.....kinda like hey! heres our best system.....ok now that youve bought that.....heres i best system buy this one instead.....oh and few months after youve bought that one....there'll be another one.

and just to say this....i feel that HDMI is a big picky about sue me. i still think my wants as a gamer are as valid as yours, and to be honest choosing to play your games with the root core configuration doesnt make you more or less a gamer as me...

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#8 Escobahr
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well the point i was trying to make with the hddvd player was..... they proslatized on how unecessary new gen storage mediums there was no reason to use anything other than dvd9....and then they pull a seg.

say what you want about they were more expensive....but in the long run the 360 is gonna cost way more than a ps3
for storage space,hookups and storage.

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#9 Escobahr
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It might have just become possible recently to include HDMI at no extra cost. A year or so ago they could have included HDMI but it would have increased the cost of the 360.

I didn't get a PS2 until almost 2 years after its release. Soon after progressive scan came out then the slim PS2s, this happens with just about every console nowadays. Soon, when Sony releases the rumble SIXAXIS PS3 bundles you'll see PS3 owners "having a cow" (pun intended).


the controller will most likely be sold seperately....big difference there

what irks me is how they evangelized we dont need storage space mare than dvd9.....then comes an hddvd attachment, and now rumors of a new version down the road with hddvd built in

they said there was no need this gen for HDMI...and yet here we are regretting that inclusion

at least my low end PS3 came with all i needed......

what happens to all those core owners if mirosoft introduces the HDDVD addon? and dont say they wont cause they prolly will....look at their track record.

not arguing with you, just irritated

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#10 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

as an owner i of a 360 i have to be honest with you....they are really angering me beyond words.

i bought the 360 premium less than a year ago. i have an would have been nice to get an hdmi port ...
its not like i bought it day one and i was early adopting i bought a year and some months into its life span. they kept saying how HDMI wasnt a necessary connectionand that they were going to fous soley on component hookups and that would achieve 1080p just now here we are....and they are releasing a system with the very same feature i wanted in the first they said wasnt needed....i got shafted.

i also dont get the proper cooling heatsinks...those are for new customers.....i guess ill have to wait for mine to break.

the HD size thingdoesnt bother me....but it would have been nice if they took the route sony did, and allowed me to just upgrade the 360 with my own sata drive.

i guess what im saying is that i originally bought the premium becasue i didnt wanna buy the core and think hmm i shoulda just got the best version .....but now thanks to microsoft i have been moved down to the core against my will..... by them.

thoughts? am i alone in my irritation?