[QUOTE="Archangel3371"][QUOTE="Escobahr"] well the point i was trying to make with the hddvd player was..... they proslatized on how unecessary new gen storage mediums were.....how there was no reason to use anything other than dvd9....and then they pull a seg.
say what you want about sony...how they were more expensive....but in the long run the 360 is gonna cost way more than a ps3
for storage space,hookups and storage.
What? Seriously the HD-DVD add-on has nothing to do with games it's a movie only device so there really is no point to be made at all about it.
Um you mentioned storage twice. The 360 is only going to cost as much as the individual wants or needs out of it. Not all of these extra hookups and additions are necessary, it's all up to individual. So to say it's going to cost more in the long run is erroneous.
As for the HDMI port I hardly see that as a big deal. Other systems have come out with additions to them in the past and others will do so in the future.
Don't bother. As I understand it, the OP's original name on here was Flood. A name synonymous with "Sony fanboy of GS forums". Take everything he says with a grain of salt.Flood, if you care so much about visuals, then why not direct your attention to Sony for putting out a console a full year after the 360, at 200 dollars more, and still managing to shove so much non-gaming related things into the package that the system is seemingly incapable of outdoing the 360 visually for games.
Sony, take that extra 200 for the blu-ray player and put it into areas (like the GPU) that are actually gaming related and beneficial. But of course, the PS3 will outsell the competition without any games. All they need is to get that blu-ray player into our homes ......
I think both systems have their faults, but be a little more even-minded and not so one-sided every time you decide to post a topic. Yes there are annoying things about the 360, but I'll be damned if anyone is going to act like it's any better on the Sony side of things.
you know whats funny about these forums? the fact that if you even criticize any system at al whatsoever...your lableled a fanboy.
dont like mirosofts business model for the 360......he he well then you are obviously just a drastic fanboy of legensdary proportions....even though you own a 360 and over 50 games and play the 360 almost 4-5 days a week.
the reality is i have all next gen systems and can afford to have varied opinions. and unfortunately, right now my opinions about microsoft happen to be correct.
dont be so quick to throw around the fanboys label as well....next time i'll report you. leave the name calling at home...feel free to argue my ideas, but dont resort to cheap personal attacks.
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