most sites these days rely on one thing...clicks! its how they get payed...the more clicks the more they can charge for advertising...or at least inusure their adverstisers stay with them.
it's in this fact that the conflict occurs...and any promised journalistic integrity is compromised.
most gaming sites like kotaku,news4gamers,gamersfeed etc.etc. would probably like to be seen as a legitimate source of gaming news. but there isnt alot of clicks in that. for example, which of these headlines do you thinlk will get more traffic?
a. "we look at a new build of warhawk"
b. " the 360 may be the new dreamcast!! least thats what a random analyst from some company somewhere says...."
the latter headline will no doubt get clicks and start an insuing flame war in the comment section....all of which serve one purpose...putting money in the wallets of the site owners.
think im crazy or just overthinking this? look at some of the headlines fromtoday.
"GTA IV delayed to make MS give in? "
and whats their source??? pfft what a great source!
"GTAIV Delay : More Conspiracy theories - Sony bribed Rockstar, Rockstar ... "
the source for this even and fair piece???
"PlayStation 3 Complications Caused GTA IV Delay - Michael Patcher "
"GTA IV delay may force another PS3 price cut "
source???....drumroll please .....360-gamer.comlol... im not kidding
"Four GTA Delay Conspiracy Theories "
"The Format Wars are Over... Blu-Ray Wins? "
more and more useless debating over a format war that we wont know the outcome for years....but hey why not pour over it until mind numbing minutia sets in right?
this is just an example of some of the lame typical headlines you find on these blogs and "news sites".
kotaku seems to be in the middle as they fluctuate between their utter love , respect, and undying devotion for everything Wii and japanese....and their usual contempt for the 360 and PS3 and their corporate juggernauts!
then theres news4gamers...i didnt realize until like day two, that almost 95% of their headlines are pulled from other sites, that are just forums posts from anon forumers on obscure fact news4gamers is basically a site that allows usres themselves to create the stories and headlines on their own. this means that if you happen to find some obscure thread that makes some outrageous claim about sony or microsoft....then you may just be able to get that tidbit out to millions and millions of gamers.
all of these sites seem to hang on the every word and opinion of micheal pachter, mark rein and any other brash corporate talking head who may slip up and release some vague quote that can be chopped and misconstrued to call the deathbell of a system or console.
go to system wars here...where do you think 95% of the fanboywrs get their ""flamewars" info from.....the blogs, the newsites.
its ridiculous....
feel free to discuss o debate.
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