first off yesterday our 14 year old tv has finnally died.. aww. but the most exciting thing is were filling in the broken tv with a HDTV flatscreen!!! COOL!! also have any of you known that Disney just bought Marvel.... that company has officially died. well after laborday i have to got school... yippie. thats it for me and my boring week so far. bye!
Ethan111111 Blog
lock in was great!
by Ethan111111 on Comments
so yesterday i had the best lock in seince 3 years! CoD5 matches, Deadspace, skate 2, and other stuff. well after staying up all night i crashed for 6 hours and mom woke me up. seince then i played more dead space. i sware its the freakeist game ever and really fun. well thats it from me.
Alrighty! New blog!
by Ethan111111 on Comments
OK! first to let you all know. i just maked a mediocre review on the best game ever. and in other news.. i bought oblivion, rented Left 4 Dead and preordered Halo 3: ODST and saved 20 $.. then got 20$ microsoft card and got splosion man and new oblivion DLC. and in more buying news im going to buy Bad Company... in life news im going to a gaming lock in tommaro and will play all night and day. been playing Nazi Zombies alot latly. im kind of sad and thrilled of school being on again... oh yea! i met a friend working at a taco bell close to my mom's school.. kind of ocquered.. but still. cool! thats it for my blabfest. so.. comment! and you yourself reading this should blog more.. YES YOU!! ok bye!!
my new look! and more.
by Ethan111111 on Comments
So. i got a new banner and profile pic. so yeah.. whoo hoo. thats all. i have a real urge to play Oblivion for some reasond. ask me if i should start reviewing games again, because if no one reads em i dont think i should waste my time. if so i will review Fallout 3 then Oblivion then so on. leave a comment and i will comment back on my blog. BYE!:)
God D@MN IT.
by Ethan111111 on Comments
so just looked back at the website and well... the whole 3 for 2 is only for xbox original games only so yeah.. insted ill only get oblivion and GoW2 and ill rent L4D if not then Batman Arkem Asilum if not then Red Faction gurella if not then Call of Horeas. so yeah that ruiend the moment.. oh yeah. my brother got back from his summer job at boundery waters and were all celebrating. well this way ill end up spending less actually.. whatever....:|
ok my list
by Ethan111111 on Comments
for gamestop ill buy GoW2 and L4D and get the bioshock/oblivion mix. they got the buy 2 get one free. and i got 10% discout card so yeah! thats all. bye!
Reunited, and it feels so goooood..
by Ethan111111 on Comments
YES! finnaly after about two and a half months im home and playing my xbox once again! Hallelujah!!!im going to go all out this week. ill replay all my games and get L4D and GoW2 because i got... geuss it.. 260 BUCK$!!!!!!!!!! i got enough to buy 4 new games and a 20$ game.... i feel so happy right now!!!!! god im going to frolic in the flowers. see ya online!!!:D
Life Update! whoo hoo...
by Ethan111111 on Comments
Well i find myself on the web incresingly over the days. looking at videos on youtube. playing farmvill on facebook. Checking on my xbox account. looking at prices on games on gamestop. foruming on here. its all so boring up here. even with a big local event going on for a week it still is very dull here. watchin inside gameing and other machinima stuff on youtube is making me go crazy! is almost rutine up here. wake up around noon, eat do work, go online, eat again watch G4 go to bed..... ive just been reading Halo: the fall of reach. did the preloge and first chapter. i dont normaly read. so im leaving for home next weekends end. thank god.
by Ethan111111 on Comments
With foruming there always going to be some A$$ hole that just bags on somthing you did because they have no life and are getting abused by there dad, so they take it out on someone else. i try putting a decient question on a left 4 dead 2 forum and the first post was just rude and ignorent. they thought i said the games racist when i said that my friends are racist for saying the black tankers were ret@rded. and they dont even get it stupid posts saying I dont think L4D2 is racist at all. and your stupid its not only in new orleans (which it is!) just so meny stupid jerks on this site. the only positive info i got was a Section 8 forum. thats it. so yeah.
Whats up! im not back. or am I??
by Ethan111111 on Comments
So this summer so far included camps, upnorth, facebook, youtube, movies, tv, and friends. but sadly... NO VIDEO GAMES!!! been nearly two months without a full day of video games. only once when we went down to go to camp. i got to play fallout 3 point lookout. and kodu, which was very dissapointing. and now i just want to stay home for a full week doing nothing but videogames... in August 27 or 28 im going to a video game lock-in, basicly a allnighter full of guitar hero, halo, Cod and pizza... oh yeah.. pretty much paridise to me. which reminds me. my list for games in the future!
Buying: Halo 3 ODST, Modern Warfare 2.
Hopefully getting for christmas if not im buying: Bioshock 2, Rock Band Beatles, Section 8 (if its good) and other old titals
Im renting and if its great, im buying: Left 4 Dead 2, Brutal Legend, Spintercell conviction.
old games im thinking of getting: Gears of War 2, Bioshock/Oblvion, Maybe Left 4 Dead.
Random Statement. Games that should be made for xbox 360: Counterstrike, Metal Gear Solid 4 ( now its possible ), Crysis, Spore, Sims 3 ( if they can ), Age of Mythology 2 (i can dream, cant i?)
Thants it. glad i got that of my chest. sometimes you just got to tell someone. you kno? so yeah ill be on and off at times so see you on facebook/youtube!
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