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Ethan111111 Blog

im sorry ppl but republicans are idiots

with the vice pres of john McCain is freeding lies, humor and fear into the peoples eyes. and the republicans are to ignorant and stubbern to lisen to Democrats at all. they dont look at info at all. all the presidential advertizments are trying to scare ppl and settle on Obama's issues (even though all the issues are lies) and dont talk about there own canadate, old politics. im thinking " is every damn american dumb?"

demo reviews please read

ok i know only one of my friends will read this but im doing it anyways

1.burnout paradise.. wait i got to tell you somthing. this is my last day of summer and im going to 10th grade but my first time in high school if your truely intreeged about this comment. anyways burnout paradise was a great demo i really whanted to skip the cut sceanes but hey what can you do it was really fun i gave you unlimited time to do what ever you please in a limited but good layout. i hade tons of fun and the demo did its job to sadisfy my intrest in pursusting this game.

2. Grid, ok simple it SUCKED!!

3. starwars force unleased, totaly awesom, i mean it. very sort but id also did its job.

4. braid. anoter stupid rip off of supermario bros

5.prey, very interesting quiet gorey but it had some puzzley stuff in it and was like a movie, and at 5 bucks hell i'll get it if it was 7$ at best.

6.ummm.....uhhhhh fine blacksite whatever it sucked

7. sorry im having a brain fart on demos i played, oh yeah.. **** i dont know the tital..... more later people i be taking a trip to the market place..

ok everyone i got to tell you guys this, plz read!! lol

well my seabase trip was cut short but i still was in the keys it was great. ok when i whent on xbox marketplace it had soulcallabur 4 and starwars FU demos and i couldent get them. :evil:WTF i hate all this gold only **** i mean come on im not going to upgrade for demos like as soon as i upgrade it will be released for silver anyways.. and i found out that the free gold live thing was in effect just when i made a xbox live accont. that **** pissed me off:x. i cant believe that they would put on gold for me. ugh! well i cant wait till portal still alive comes out ill buy it for sure, i love portal:P.ok i have downloaded almost every demo on market place. serriously. only two i can really play over and over again.ok Xbox lovers give me your gamercard and wonce were friends make my rep good i do the same to you. bye!!:lol:

Ok everyone

I'll be going to the Florida keys soon and will be there for two weeks. leave comments, read my reviews and soak up your time left. well i will.

Hey guess what

we had gotten the 360 a month before there was a price drop on the 360. i was so pissed and well i got to live with it... still it pissed me off...