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Ethan111111 Blog

Update! heres the latest on whats up with life. from Jan 12, 09 to March 09.

Well now I'm back from my lazy no blogging or updating phase time to repress memory!!!..................................rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............ darn memory loss. um well I beat fallout 3 and didn't like the ending and started another character and got the downloadable content. I also rented Call of Duty World at War and it was great. now something else besides games.

Swim season is over and I'm happy as hell. Getting a f in math and biology because there hard tests. I also lossed 20$ and its pissing me off. I hanged out with a bunch of friends. around valentines I tried setting up to ask someone out but I was too A.D.D so I stopped texting her but whatever who needs love. Well of course not you Ethan.

Ok I don't even know if Anybody reads my reviews but I think I'll start making a review on Fallout 3. Cause I just really started getting into Burnout paradise & in Call of Duty 4 I got a P90, Desert Eagle and almost all perks. well for my Big Bro COD4 is his favorite game right now and hogs it sometimes which is weird because that game was his gift to me. But if he's happy I'm happy.

I AM DONE WITH THIS COLD WEATHER!!!! I Can't wait for Spring break. FLORIDA!!!! I love that place.My plans for the future. Get CoDWaW, barrow or rent Fable 2,get more $$$, play more fallout other games.WELL sorry about this long update for you that actually read it. I don't get it I have a bunch of friends on this profile and only 3 really talk. well I appreciate that. bye!!!!

Everyone read!!! just do it!!

ok i was going to wait for heart alot to comment to make a new blog but its been long enough. its ok i understand. a little. i got guitar hero world tour for the xbox 360, its fun. i got farther into fallout 3 and got a brotherhood of steel as a assister. and i got dog meat so i have a team of killers. well.... i cant play ANY games this week or enjoy life. my mom says i have to study for midterm test even though in not exam dependent in ANY classes. i told my friends at school i will seem depressted this week. i also have alot of swim meets and practice. my life was currently only containing school, swimming, and xbox and now that theres no xbox this week i will be tired,dull and sad...:(

well... im going to.... do nothing but eat, and study for the rest of today....

hurray.. OH YEAH theres chance well get a snow day tommarrow.. i hope we do cuse then no school or swimming!!!! and xbox!!!! if theres no snow day tommarow i will stop beliving in god. well mabe. mabe... bye......:|

sorry. im back and got alot to say.

i just had a boring new years (at my cottage) but whatever i was playing battle front 2 upnorth alot too and it brings back memorys..

AAAannyway my mom let me sell my DS! yey!!!:lol: i got 97$ for it!!! and i baught fallout 3!!!!! i havent put that game down sence. we were going to get guitar hero 4 guitar set but no best buy has it!!! im a little to'd, they said they were getting a new shipment but no..

anyway break is over but what can you do and i think it would be good for me, somehow. my xbox live is running out so i might get the 12 month gold and waste all my money now rather then have to pay more along the way. i also would get a free arcade game.

our basement is all moved around and redesined so i geuss its better. a little diffent but they got my xbox to fit in and wont have cables haning around.

sorry for talking so much well lets talk.:)

good christmas, good games.

Christmas is over but the presents arnt. heres the games i got for christmas.

Burnout Paradise, CoD4 my hunch was right (big bro's presient to me) & Condemed 2.

and my little bro got lego indeana jones, and lego batman.... Im In Hell!!!!!

He's hoging xbox and in my opinion lego games anrnt that fun anymore. and well i got alot of microsoft points and just got uno.. suprisinly fun and mabye i'll get Zuma too.

im still waiting till mithic maps are out i'll bye um the day there out! Ian is also helping me buy fallout 3 because he loves it too. the rental of fallout 3 is done. sad..:cry: first im gonna play my other games before getting new ones you know.

tell me what you got for christmas too please. bye!

Well christmas is 2 days away and im on break!

im getting holiday everything thrown at me, songs, candy, presents, merryness, and of corse snow.. it is making me annoyed even as we speak im lisening to crappy holiday music in the background... anyway im done with school for the year. (new year joke.) and ready to get fat and jolly or just fat. im broke for spending my $$$ on my bros and im still happy were getting free game rentals monthly. i think my big bro got me CoD4 and little bro got me microsoft points but you never know.

my little bro is now addicted to my fallout 3 rental and he is pretty bad at RPGs. he dosent know jack about controls what happens and what points to get but im just being a nerdy jerk about fallout.. im now trying not to get bored by making this blog. so yeah, i hope tommarow will be a day full of fallout and food. bye leave comments they are much appriciated and help my boredum..

back again, also it sooo feels like christmas tommarow.

well im back to playing fallout 3 again and its a good welcome back party. im doing to first get expirence high then move to more main quests. i shoped for my brothers, and time is being so slow it feels like sunday (its saturday now) and christmas feels like tommarow and im happy!!! you know what sucks though. i still got two days of school till break, monday and tuesday... anyway. i find life is more about waiting for somthing fun then doing something fun in the begining like holidays, partys, and well mostly every thing im not trying to tell you that life sucks i just saying thats true. bye bye!

yey almost break! NOT, Read

oki just went to a lock in for my boyscout troop. it is a video game extravigansa all the greatest games you can think of! ok now my friend is letting me barrow oblivion and.. it sucks!! i am hated, i always die, and i always get caught for stealing and i just want to have fun. i might restart it to make it better. heres the line up of my most wanted games are

Fallout 3

CoD World at war

Left 4 Dead

I also just got Duke nukem arcade its fun but very difficult.

my time of the month to complain. read.

Ok you all know about the Gamerchix club thing online for 360. IT IS SO F#CKING SEXTIST, they are saying there perfect, and all men trashtalk each other, and a picture of the we can do it pic but for gamer girls, sorry but seince when have men been sextist to girls with games and did we make a club no! we dont have a Gamerguyz club. this just Screams hate in a non hate needed place. might as well give shirts that say men are stupid and mean whial we are brilliant and absoulutly not ever mean. B.S!! sorry. i hate racism, sexism and any other prejudice. i got the legendary maps for halo, its good. No one is evey online anymore, and im getting lonely. ok for the swords and monsters game for community thing online is so stupid, you would absolutly have to be a idiot to get this game. not all guys online are a$$holes this s#it is giving guys a bad name.

Life, Games and thats it. read it!!

My parents lately are being jerks for no reasond and for me no one is online and well I see that im only on the dashboard more then play actual games, Bio Shock is fun, Hard but fun. Me and my bros are doing christmas under the table this year (my idea) so we can ask for what ever we want but it has to be in the general amount of $ you give for the present of the other. anyways Talk to me people, please its getting boring in this world again...

new blog, yey! life, sports and of corse Video games!!

im now swimming varcity and i finished GOW2, yes i rented it, i tell you renting is boss! i might buy fallout 3 at black friday if there are sales. my mom will not ever let me sell my ds so i said "well if theres no point in trying to beat a unbeatible war, why try. you can have it mom." and i walked away. hopefully this showed to her what shes doing... i just ran 6.5 mph for 8 miniutes... hope you all get a good thanksgiving... boy im tired...