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Ethan111111 Blog

Yo guys, i need some ideas.

ok my birthdays coming in april and my little bro's is in may. but i dont know what to get him. he loves Borderlands, L4D2 and Fallout 3. any ideas on what other games and or DLC i should get him?

The rising of elder vigilantes! Read ON!!

movies like Taken and Grand turino have a older man beating the crap out of the criminals. for there reasons they do this but still none of the less they are vigilantes. now that ive seen a trailer for a movie called Harry Brown

, i wonder if this is a new era of action movies. its surtanly entertaining and really awesome to see a 80 year old beat the crap out of a 20 year old wannabe gangster. lol!!

Top 10 "Demanded Sequal" why must you hurt me so, gaming companys!

you know those games were your done playing it and are hungry for a sequal and three years pass and you really really want a sequal. another 3 years pass and you Demand a sequal! heres my top 10 most wanted, or even needed sequals that havent been announced yet.

10.Saints Row 3. who dosent want another game were you can do anything.

9.Eternal darkness 2. I want to freakout and question my console in Amazing graphics!

8.Prey 2. yes the first one had flause, but they can totally make a sweet sequal.

7.A Call of Duty game made by Treyarch. not another WW2 game, but whatever it is, it should definitly have zombies

6.Doom 4. they should try again and make it even scarier. oh and less crappy to play.

5.BattleFront 3. They dont even have to make a new story. just better graphics and gameplay.

4.Age of Mythology 2. This was one of the best RTS out there! i demand a new one. with a 2 on the end.

3.Kingdom hearts 3. stop making crappy portible games and make number 3. yes make it for xbox as well.

2.Half life 2, Episode 3. dont leave us with such a cliffhanger and just wait to make the last one. darn you L4D!!

1.Elder Scrolls 5. Right now Bethisda is all about fallout now. but come on!!! Oblivion was Fantastic and i want another huge quality game beside fallout. yet im still buying Fallout: NV.

Agree, yes. if you have any games that your waiting to be annouched, leave it below. now i bid you farwell. PEACE 8)

Top 10 OMG! moments in gaming!

to let you know these are the ones i've played. any other games that left you gauking please tell me!

(Warning Major Spoilers!!!)

10. Fable 2- The Whole Ending. lots happend, and you are left with 3 Huge choices!

9. Gears of War 2- Riding a Brumak! just awesome!

8. Bioshock- Killing Andrew Ryan. i know that this also should be involved with # 1 but its seperate, because.

7. Fallout 3- Power of Atom! this really shows how much you can effect your game. to blow up, or to not?

6. Call of Duty MW2- Betrayed! by the General. Awww SHNAP!

5. Portal- Betrayed! yeah Glados had somthing odd about her somthing had to happen

4. Half life 2 episode 2- Endind. Sad and will leave you Furious!

3. Mass Effect 2- Suicide mission. that whole time you will be frantic and will panic.. he he. ryhmes!

2. Call of Duty 4- NUKE!!!! yeah. the first time blows you away... really.

1. Bioshock- PLOT TWIST! you are a mind controled test tube baby. dont forget that Atlas is made up.. yeah best twist Evar!! period.

So yeah!! That was the top 10 OMG! moments in gaming. if i have revealed any spoilers, its your fault. BYE!!

Yep it has happened! and it can happen to you.

im at a loss of saying what the GoTY is. Because Bad Company 2 is AMAZING!! and dare i say it, better then Modern warfare 2! the first muinets of the campaighn Blew my mind! and when you get back to the squad its 50x More Epic, Violent, and Funny! i probably lol in this game then any other game ive played! so yeah sucks for all those that didnt preorder the limited edition because you get A CRAPLOAD of content! including free map packs. but yea 60+ $ well spent.

Wooo! over 20,000 gamerscore!!

Now ive got only two other guys higher then me, one with 29,632 GS. and the other.... ( gulp )... with over 50,000 GS... at least i can say i still have a life. Yikes!!! 0_o

GOTY? Bioshock 2!!

I loved this game start to finish. but i tell ya, the last hour of bioshock is deep and absoulutly amazing. but i warn you, this game might seem like a shootemup game, but it has the most deep and sophisticated story in any videogame to date. this is a must have! dont let that stupid 8.5 rating this stupid site gave it. it was a masterpiece! they mat not have gotten the ending. to hard for their heads. yep i give it a 10.5 out of 10!!! and im not sugar coating it. Its very underrated and you should know that its great.